Friday, February 29, 2008

First off, let me explain about the comments that have been "deleted by administrator". I never delete comments written by real people. But more and more the spam comments are showing up and I don't want to subject any one else to them. So I delete them. I wouldn't delete comments that disagreed with me or thought I was a twit. Hey, you're allowed an opinion. I will, however, delete spambots. Nuff said.

I spent the last three days home with a strange virus. No fever, or low grade fever, sinus pressure and congestion, sore throat and overall exhaustion and fuzziness. I felt silly staying home when I don't have real fever but I was so unable to focus on anything that it would have been a waste. I tried to knit but had to rip out whatever I knitted. I can't count to 2 or 5. It's a ribbed sock for goodness sake! But I had trouble wrapping the fuzz in my brain around the complicated concept of 2/5 ribbing.
Until last night. The fog lifted and I was able to finish the lace edging of the shawl. And a great cheering was heard across the land (well, from Royersford, after I texted Emily that I was casting off 607 stitches). Then I had to rip out the original white textured part because I messed up the counting and the center back was crooked. I wasn't sure it would show but it did so out it came. I have the center back clearly marked and am making sure to keep it straight as I re knit several rows. Then I just have to knit on the top border (and try to knit in all the ends) and block it. I think I will forgo the crocheted edging because I don't really like it. Maybe once it's blocked I'll change my mind. You can see how now I have to reknit the middle part of the back. Each row has a couple of k3tog in the middle of the row to shorten the rows until there are no more stitches left. I am so excited. I have never blocked anything before and PK wants to build a blocking frame. I told him I would use the mattress on the spare bed and pins but he found a frame online and is determined that he can "make my life easier". So, this weekend he is buying the wood and hammering lots of brads into it. If you've never seen a blocking frame, knitpicks has information about one on their website. I'm a lucky woman.
And now I am going to go to the drugstore and pick up my prescriptions and go to the Mac machine for some money and maybe treat myself to something unhealthy for lunch. I hope you are all in good health and the weekend is fine. (Once again we are in for some "wintry mix"). Spring can't get here fast enough.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

I was at work yesterday when I started to feel really cold and shivery. Then I was hot. Then cold. I got all shaky and had a hard time focusing on things. My first thought was "Oh shit, I made fun of the flu shot and now I've got the flu". I left early and went home to put on some warm pajamas and sleep. I woke up feeling less fuzzy and was soaked so I guess I broke the low grade fever I was running all yesterday. That would explain the headache and fuzzy feeling. Today, I sat around in my pj's and dozed off and on. I did some knitting but not much. Not enough brain power. I am planning to go back to work tomorrow. We'll see how the morning goes.

I did work some on PK's Spey valley sock. I opted to only do 3 pattern repeats of the design. I am now into the ribbing down the foot. The yarn is so soft and fuzzy that the pattern doesn't show up very well and I thought it was enough. I like the way they feel. Soft and comfortable.

I also snuck outside to snap a photo of one of my favorite signs of spring. This is a crocus in the bed in my front yard. There are a lot of bulbs in the bed and if the squirrels didn't eat them all, we should have some daffodils soon. I love daffodils. They are so happy looking. The bed under the windows still looks like this. Those are mums. Some are yellow, some are purple and some are deep maroon. They look dead at this point. But if you dig under the leaves, there are some green shoots there. When it really starts to warm up, the end of March, we'll rake the leaves off and cut back all the dead parts to make room for the new growth. There are some bulbs in the front of the bed but they were some we found in the garage and we're not quite sure what they are or how old they are. We'll just wait and see what comes up.

For now, we still have trees and skies that look like this. I feel like there hasn't been much sun this winter. There have been a lot of cold rainy days and a lot of grey days. Today the sun came out for a little while and I could feel my spirit lift. Then it was gone. And the clouds came back. Sigh. I am ready for spring.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Just a quick link to Kniting Gal who is having a contest celebrating 1,000 hits on her blog. Go check it out.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Today ends the second three day weekend we've had lately. This week is going to seem soooo long. And I have a dentist appointment on Wednesday. Happy times.

I finished Elanor's Go with the Flow socks and they are great. Despite my best efforts, they striped a little at the end. El doesn't care. She loves them. I really like the pattern. It moves quickly and is easily memorized. It's in IK's 26 Favorite Socks.

Kate and I went to a yarn store in Mt. Holly yesterday. I was looking for some brown sock yarn for PK's socks. He wants some plain brown socks. We drove to Woolbearers and were really pleased with the service and the selection. It's a small store (they all are small around here) but they sell supplies for knitters, spinners and weavers. The staff is knowledgeable and really nice. I got some of this for PK's socks. It's really more brown than the photo shows . It's a little heavier than fingering weight and should make some nice socks for my honey's feet. I am using the Spey Valley pattern from Knitting on the Road. I wanted something other than a plain ribbed sock and PK is picky about not having anything "too girly". I think this one is manly enough for him. My hands are feeling better so hopefully I'll be able to pick up the shawl again this week.
I made the angel food cake today and filled it with raspberry filling and iced it with whipped cream. It was delicious. Kate and I are going to make some bread pudding later in the week and use up the egg yolks. I love bread pudding. My mother hated to cook but that was one thing she made really well. PK says thanks for all the birthday wishes and he is still not really 50 despite what his birth certificate says. There's that river in Egypt again.
I hope everyone had a good weekend. Our snow is quickly melting away and since we are due for a lot of rain on Tuesday, I imagine it will all fade away. Now I am off to fold some clothes and watch a movie and start the new socks for my dearest. Oh, and go to bed. I've got to go to work tomorrow.
You Are From the Moon
You can vibe with the steady rhythms of the Moon.
You're in touch with your emotions and intuition.
You possess a great, unmatched imagination - and an infinite memory.
Ultra-sensitive, you feel at home anywhere (or with anyone).
A total healer, you light the way in the dark for many.">What Planet Are You From?

So, I am from the moon? I don't know about the ultra-sensitive part but folks do look to me often for comfort or to vent. I guess that's healing.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Yay! It snowed, it snowed, it snowed!!!! Well, it snowed last night and there are about 2 inches of the lovely white stuff all around. When the alarm went off at 6 this morning, I looked outside and it was really coming down (with freezing rain predicted this afternoon) so I decided to use my "tentative" vacation day. So, now I am sitting on my bed after having eaten some delicious cinnamon sugar toast, (why do I always forget how much I love that stuff?), drinking hot chocolate and getting ready to watch The Women. If you've never seen this movie, it's the ultimate chick flick. There are no men in the movie. It was made in the 40's so the hair and makeup are wonderful. They talk very fast and the dialogue is witty and very, very catty. These are women with claws and they know how to use them.

Peter Kevin is having a stress test today. It takes 2-4 hours. When he gets home, we're going to go to my aunt's house to see if he can fix my cousin's computer. Being an IT guy has its benefits for me and he generously gives his time to friends and family with computer problems. More times than not, he can fix the problem and never charges them. He wouldn't turn down some Guiness but it's not a requirement.

There will be some knitting here today. I have arthritis in my hands and some days it hurts. Today the pain is lessened. I take glucosamine and it really makes a difference. I hate to think what they'd feel like without it.

I hope you are all safe and warm. Tomorrow is Peter Kevin's 50th birthday. He's going to a concert with a friend. We'll have family cake and ice cream on Sunday. He wants an angel food cake. I usually buy a mix because I hate to waste a dozen egg yolks but the grocery store stopped carrying them. The cake will be made from scratch. It's been a while but I remember how. I'm going to look up whether egg yolks can be frozen. I can use them for baking bread but I don't want to bake all that bread tomorrow. ( I looked it up. You can freeze egg yolks but they become very gelatinous and difficult to use. So, they recommend that you add a bit of salt or sugar -it depends on how you will use them later-to the yolks before they're frozen. It's supposed to help keep them useable)

Happy Friday everyone! And RoseRed, girl scout cookies cost 3.50 USD per box. The girl scout troop gets a small percentage of the profit for each box. They have to sell a lot of cookies to make any money. Personally, I have done my part and purchased many boxes.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Because I have been tagged twice (Emily and Bells) to come up with seven interesting things about myself, I will try. I keep telling you, I'm just not that interesting!

1. Once you are tagged, link back to the person who tagged you.
2. Post THE RULES on your blog.
3. Post 7 weird or random facts about yourself on your blog.
4. Tag 7 people and link to them.
5. Comment on their blog to let them know they have been tagged.

I am totally breaking the rules because I can't think of 7 more folks to tag but I'll try.

1. I was a girl scout for 11 years. I loved it. I stayed in until I had a run in with a leader who was all about control and power and I wasn't having any fun any longer. When I sold girl scout cookies, they were 35 cents a box. (yes, i'm old)

2. I can still twirl a baton after 3 years in marching band and also can step 8 to 5 (8 steps for every 5 yards on a football field). It's been over 30 years and the arthritis in my fingers makes it a little less fluid than before but I can still twirl.

3. I am a completely self taught knitter. There is no one around to ask so I depend on the internet and books for help. Sometimes because I have taught myself, there is a small, niggling doubt that what I do is any good. But as long as the socks fit and the wearer is happy, I'm good with that.

4. I was an exchange student in high school and spent 6 months living with a family in Wisconsin. I wanted to be a foreign exchange student but they picked my best friend and offered me the chance to go to another state in a "domestic exchange". I still keep in touch with the family.

5. I love wind up toys. I have quite a little collection on my desk at work and I wind them up when I am frustrated or waiting on hold on the phone. I find them oddly entertaining and good for mood lifting. My own mechanical anti-depressants.

6. I have very rounded feet. When I make socks and the pattern calls for more pointed toes, I have to alter it to fit my round toes. My toes are almost all the same length.

7. I haved a belly button piercing which I got with my piercing/tattoo buddy Emily. I got it when I was 46 years old. I was a "good girl" and would have never had the nerve to do it when I was young but as a 'woman of a certain age' I have a freedom that I didn't have as a young woman. I also have three earrings in each ear. I think I would like to pierce my eyebrow but my husband has politely requested that I refrain from any further piercing/tattooing behaviors.

There. 7 things. It's hard to think of things that are different. I am always amazed at the interesting things people come up with in these lists.

I am sitting here watching out the window for signs of snowflakes. We are going to get a "winter storm" sometime tonight into Saturday. To hear the weather folks, we could get snow, sleet, freezing rain, rain or a mixture of all of the above. I am holding my breath for some snow. We are running out of winter and I would dearly love just one snow storm. I even took a "tentative" vacation day tomorrow in case the weather is yucky. That way it won't count against me. If the weather is clear, I'll just go to work. Sigh. I'm probably going to work.

The photos are from a brief flurry early in December that set my heart a quiver.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008


I found this on Teabird's blog. I guess I have to go and re read my zombie survival guide. I think I scored low because I wouldn't shoot my loved ones in the head if they became zombies. Such a softy.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Ingredients for a peaceful Sunday. In my mind, at least today, they include the Sunday paper spread all over, a cat sleeping peacefully on my bed (that is Hobbes) some hot tea with cranberry honey and a pile of knitting that is challenging but not frustratingly impossible. This is my shawl. I have finished the beige rows and now have only the medium brown and then the dark brown rows and the edge will be finished. Then I will pull out as much as I have to of the middle to fix the error. It is satisfying to watch it steadily grow.
Here is an artsy fartsy photo of the gusset of Elanor's socks. This one had the best and most true colors. Sock number two looks different. For some reason, the colors are more stripey and less just there. I have only just started it and maybe it will settle down. I love this color.

Bells read a comment I left on Amy's blog in which I recounted how I do not own a television. That is not strictly true as I do own one but I am waiting for Emily to come and take it away. We got rid of our cable well over a year ago because no one watched the television and I got tired of paying the gouging rates the local company (the ONLY local company) charges for a service we were not using. I have to say, I don't miss it. We had stopped watching when we realized we were just sitting there flipping through channels with no clear destination. We watch movies on the computer monitor in our room and read the daily newspaper for news. I also listen to quite a bit of npr on the radio. When I knit I listen to recorded books or watch a movie. I can access news and information through the computer. We have only ever had one television and it was downstairs in the rec room. There is not one in the kitchen or in the bedroom or anywhere else. I find them annoying in waiting rooms. I do not think of myself as intellectually superior nor do I think badly of folks who watch television. I just choose not to.

We are having another weird swing in the weather. Yesterday it was a brilliant sunny day. PK and I went to the farmer's market to check out the flea market. There were not many vendors as it is the middle of winter and despite the sun, was only 30 degrees and windy. He did manage to find some hand tools. He tells me that the folks who use hand tools call themselves galoots. When I looked up the word it means " a clumsy man, a raw recruit, someone who is oafish". The Wikipedia article says a little differently.
Today is meh. Not really sunny but not quite cloudy either and we are awaiting the arrival of yet another rain storm. I guess I shouldn't complain because I know other parts of the country would love some of this rain. I am going to get up off my lazy butt and bake an apple pie for dinner. We are having chicken with tomatillos and poblanos ( a recipe I haven't tried before but I want to use up some tomatillos that Peter Kevin bought) and I have the urge to bake a pie. The Granny Smiths are waiting in all their greeness for me to come down and whip them into a crusty delight.

And the best thing about this lazy, peaceful Sunday? I took tomorrow off so I still have a day. Tomorrow is President's Day here in the US. Originally we had Washington's Birthday on the 22nd and Lincoln's birthday on the 12th but years ago, someone turned them into one big federal holiday. PK works for a company that gives it's employees federal holidays off but my employer, being a health care provider (and worried about that billable thing) does not. I don't usually take Mondays off because I have two medication clinics but I did this time and I am so glad.

By the way, the lunch on Friday was wonderful. The food was excellent and the company was exceptional. Out of all the people I know, my husband is the one I most enjoy spending time with. He can make me laugh and still talk about serious topics. It was a much needed indulgence.

Enjoy the rest of your Sunday.

Friday, February 15, 2008

I have a date for lunch today with my boyfriend. He passed this restaurant on his way to work and said "I want to take you to lunch there". An actual date! I can't wait. The sun is actually shining and for once I can walk out of the building and not need the unbrella. So, in an hour and a half, I am leaving this place of frustration (work) and walking from 8th Street to 13th street and meet the love of my life for a lovely lunch.

At yesterday's staff meeting we had our "productivity reports". We are all supposed to log at least 100 hours a month on paper. I only logged 67.5. So I am 32.5 hours short. Now, none of this is 'billable time'. Case Management services are not billable in any form (unless I am performing services for my clients who have mental retardation. That time is billable) The part that frosts my cookie is that I volunteer for committees (time doesn't count), I volunteered to help train folks on the computer (doesn't count) and did countless hours of crisis management training (once again does not count). Now my supervisor says she recognizes that I do all these other things but there is no record of the time. When it comes time for my annual evaluation, those numbers can make a difference. It is demoralizing to know that I work hard to help my clients get what they need and all of my work is done in a timely manner and to see this on paper. It's a weight in my chest. In a few days, I'll have gotten over the initial anger and I'll just try to "capture more time" on paper. I just don't want to feel like a fraud and I don't want to stop being involved in the things around me. And so what did I do this morning? Help someone decorate the multi purpose room for a client talent show we are having today. Of course, that doesn't count either.

So, today's lunch date is really welcome and needed. I knit for a few hours on the shawl last night. The border is really beautiful but it is an awful lot of stitches so it is taking a while to finish each row. I finished Go with the Flow sock number 1 and cast on for number 2. It is such a beautiful sock. Photos over the weekend.

Happy Friday everyone.

Happiness is not something ready made. It comes from your own actions.

~Tenzin Gyatso

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Just a quick post to let you all know that Nancy over at Days go By is having a contest to celebrate her 300th post. She is looking for tips that you have learned that make your knitting life easier. Check it out.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Well, we were supposed to get some snow today. Emphasis on the supposed to get. I know snow makes it hard for people to get around and I never wish for ice or freezing rain. Which is what we are having right now. There is sleet and cold, cold water falling from the sky and freezing on whatever surface it hits. The weather forcast for overnight is for rising temperatures and for the ice to go away. We'll see. I don't think I would mind a "snow day" even if there is no snow.

I wanted to share some photos of the craft project that I have been working on for over 10 years and still have not half completed. It is an embroidered Christmas table cover. The joke in our house is which grandchild will get to inherit it and finish it because I don't think anyone thinks I will ever finish it. I will finish it one day. It's just that I can't work on it for a long time. I seem to work on it in chunks of time. And this past Sunday, there occurred one such chunk. The cloth has an angel on each corner. I have finished two and am about one third of the way through the third. There is a design around the middle of the table which I haven't even started. It's evergreens and ribbons and musical instruments. Nothing too complicated. I love the angels. I enjoy embroidery and don't know why don't do it more often. I used to but that was before I began to Knit. As I worked on the tablecloth, I realized that I am just as picky about the finished work as I am when I am knitting something. Which brings me to my lovely shawl. I think the center line is off, no, if we're being honest here, I know the center line is off. I think once I finish the lace edging, I will take out the center and do it again. Kate tells me when it's blocked no one will know but I will know and I think it will bother me. Since this is a gift for myself I think I deserve my best work. The same way I would make sure that a gift I gave someone else was my best work. Fortunately, the way it's constructed, I can finish the part I am currently working on and then take out the offending part and re-knit it.
So, the thing I like about myself (no. 6) is that I can be meticulous when it counts. I am trying to live up to the Four Agreements (Be meticulous with your word, Never take anything personally, Always do your best, Never make assumptions) so only my best work will do. It's hard because the tendency is to do something quickly just to get it done. I am a work in progress and sometimes I have to sit myself down and remind myself that shoddy work is not acceptable.
If you've never read The Four Agreements, I recommend it. I am not one for 'self help' books. Most of the time I think we have what we need inside of us (there's that potential thing) and just need reminding. This book reminds me of some fundamental things that are easily forgotten in the rush to get through the day. I have posted the agreements in front of my face at work to help me remember.
Well, I'm off to read some more Stephen King. I am enjoying this one. (Duma Key) No monsters, just weird stuff. Good stuff for when the sleet is hitting the windows and the branches are hitting the side of the house.....and it's dark. Very dark.

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Do you remember the Desiderata? It was very popular in the 70's. It said something like this "You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars. You have a right to be here" For some reason I have been hearing that in my head all day. Maybe it's because I have been comtemplating things I like about myself and it has been instructive, a real learning process.

Today we come halfway to number 5. I like that I am smart. I think I could learn almost anything I put my mind to (excluding geometry which is the only subject I ever technically failed in high school but thanks to a compassionate teacher, I passed with a C). I am a self taught knitter and crocheter. I learned to sew in school at a time when all young women had to take home ec and sewing and cooking. ( Makes me sound so old! ) I like to sew and I embroider beautifully but when I wanted to learn to knit a few years ago, I had to find resources to teach myself. Thankfully, the internet is filled with information and all I had to do was follow the directions. I found knitting blogs and saw how others solved problems and learned that if I made a mistake, I could rip it out and start again. Knitting is such a forgiving art. I have had some successes with the knitting but often feel that somehow, sometime, somewhere , someone will come up to me and say" No, that's wrong." I know, I know. I have learned to knit well and am willing to try new things to learn new skills. Somehow in my mind, if I taught myself, then I must be doing something wrong. I am working to overcome this.

In an interesting serendipity, this is today's inspiration:
The underlying principle of this teaching is the universal principle of causality. What becomes important in the understanding of this basic teaching is a genuine awareness of one´s own potentials and the need to utilize them to their fullest. Seen in this light, every human action becomes significant. - Tenzin Gayatso

A genuine awareness of one's own potential. That is such a powerful concept. We are all filled with potential and we don't realize it or recognize it as such. So here's a challenge. Look inside yourself and try to see your own potential. What are you capable of? I'll bet it's a whole lot more than you think.

And now some knitting photos. Here are Elanor's Go with the Flow socks. I am onto the foot of the first one. They are really pretty. Here is a close up of the pattern. The color is pretty true to life. El loves them and that's what matters to me.

These are my train knitting and at home after dinner I work on my shawl. After I finish these rows of white, the last few rows are shades of browns. The colors of this shawl are all neutrals based on colors of Icelandic wool. The stripes that tie them all together have both grey and brown/beige in it and it is so soft and wonderful to work with. I have finished the main body and am putting on the lace border.
I took these photos yesterday when we actually had some sun. It's promising to be a gloomy and wet weekend. So once I finish the laundry, I will grab a blanket and either read Stephen King's new book (it's such a good read even if it's brain candy) or knit and listen to some mystery I have downloaded.
And before I go, I want to share a favorite family recipe. I found it years ago in an issue of Bon Appetit magazine in an article on France. It's called Chicken of the Good Woman. If nothing else, I love the title. This is so simple and I haven't found anyone who doesn't like it.
Chicken (I use boneless skinless thighs. You need 2 pieces for each person)
One potato for each person
One or two onions chopped
About 1 cup chicken broth
1 pound of bacon
salt,pepper, thyme, to taste
Partially cook the potatoes in the microwave. About 5-8 minutes on high. Or par boil them.
Cook the bacon in a large frying pan. Drain off fat.
Brown chicken in same frying pan, using a little bacon fat to keep it from sticking.
Leave chicken in pan, put onions on top of chicken.
Chop potatoes and place them on top of onions and chicken.
Pour broth over the whole thing and add seasonings to taste.
Put on a lid and simmer for about 30 minutes.
Crumble bacon and put on top and serve from pan.
This is out of this world delicious. It only uses one pan and who knew chicken and bacon would taste so good together? Add a salad and you have a good meal. If you use turkey bacon, you can cut some of the fat. I just use less pork bacon and drain it well.
This is what we are having for dinner tonight. Soon the house will have that good smell of bacon that always makes me hungry. The hard part is not eating the bacon before the chicken and potatoes are done cooking.
I hope you all are having tasty, peaceful weekends. And remember, you are filled with potential!

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Things I like about myself number three. As I was discussing this with Peter Kevin, he keeps asking me if I mentioned my ass yet. As in "don't forget to mention that you have a great ass". There, hon, I mentioned it. Now, back to things that I like. I am a nice person. I tried to raise my children to believe that "nice matters". I think that the word Nice has gotten a bad rep in the last several years. If you want to say something about someone but not praise them too highly, you say "they're nice". I think that being nice is important. And I am a nice person.

I had my annual gyn appt last night. As usual it was more fun than you can shake a stick at. The doctor asked me if I had any "post menopausal" bleeding. Then she looked at the chart and said "oh, you still get a period. Huh, every month?" I said yeah and I wouldn't be sorry if that changed. She reminded me that I am not a candidate for HRT because of my mother's having had breast cancer so the longer I keep my own hormones flowing the better. "hormones keep you young!" Then she did the exam and kept frowning. Now, in my mind, frowns are not what you want to see on your doctor's face as she is examining your female parts. She thinks she felt a lump, ("it's probably a fibroid") outside the uterus. Oh goodie. Now not only do I get to go and have my breasts squished but I can have a pelvic ultra sound as well. Sigh. Getting old is not for the faint of heart. So last night I had trouble sleeping. I KNOW it's probably nothing but still the brain is too full of horror stories. I am taking a mental health day today and Peter Kevin and I are going to the movies. Tomorrow I have to try to schedule the tests.
I am working away on the shawl. Thank goodness for books on tape. The rows are long and getting longer. It's once again a pile of yarn on a circular needle. Not terribly attractive. I've left the ends to be knitted into the border at the top when the lace border is done.
Elanor's socks are moving right along. If you've never tried the Go with the Flow pattern in 25 Favorite Socks (IK) it's as easy as the Lacey mock cable and moves along just as fast. It is really pretty. When I finish her socks I am going to make a pair for me.

Thing I like about myself number four: I am a good editor. I have a good ear for what sounds good and natural in writing. I have edited reports and papers for everyone I know. I am a good speller and can word things so that they are clear and easily understood.

There, Roxie. Four down, six to go. I'm getting there.

I have no knitting photos to share today so I'm sharing a photo of a quilt that is hung at Batsto. It is huge and completely done by hand. No machine sewing. I wish you could see how tiny and perfect the stitches are. But the best part? Her husband cut the pieces for her as she stitched. Here's the info plaque that accompanies the quilt. How cool is that?

I hope you all are having a good day. We missed the torrential downpour we were supposed to get last night. It was the remnant of the storms that ravaged the southeast with tornados and thunderstorms. So, we lucked out. Today the temperature is not quite as high as yesterday but still unseasonably warm. We shouldn't have the windows open in February. Something wrong with that.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

First off, let me say Thank You. Thank you for the positive comments. I don't think I've ever received such positive reinforcement outside my husband and children. It made me smile here at work (my computer at home is having software issues, something with the firewall and Explore and now it doesn't work. This is where living with a confirmed computer geek is really handy. Repairs or rebuilding will happen soon) on this grey, warm , grey morning. (did I mention it's grey?) I have a monster headache from the low barometric pressure and I have a gyn appointment this afternoon. Talk about your bright happy days! Anyway, the comments were wonderful.

So, in keeping with the ten things: I like that I have a sense of humor and tend to see the good things around me. I like to laugh and I like to make others laugh. I try hard to see something positive even in the seemingly worst situations. I always ask myself, "what's the worst that can happen?". That helps me realize that even if the worst does happen, I can handle it.

I have picked up the stitches for the lace border on the shawl. It starts with 329 stitches or so and ends with 641. I have never knit a row that long and I must say, it's a challenge. I have a feeling that this part will take a little (ok, probably a long) while.

And in the aftermath of Super Tuesday comes a candidate we can all support. Yes, Dolores the Sheep is running for POTUS! Check it out on Franklin's blog where she made her announcement. I feel relieved that there is a candidate whose platform I can whole heartedly support.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Today is our local high school's ROTC Winter Ball. It is the ceremony where they change the officers for next year. Usually, it is a little later in the year and it seems more reasonable for young women to wear dresses that are not terribly warm. Here are Kate and Gio ready to leave.
Kate hates to get dressed up. You'll notice there is no jewelry in this photo. There is no makeup and there are no hair products. She is wearing a dress that I made for Emily's junior prom. It's a lovely dress. Kate was ironing it when Gio arrived and then sat down to cut her toenails (after all, she is wearing strappy sandals!). I offered to take her to the nail salon yesterday but she declined. Kate looks lovely no matter what she is wearing but she is most comfortable in her jeans and sneakers, on her bike, fishing pole in hand, heading toward the local lake. I can't wait until she gets married one day. I can see it now, jean shorts and tank tops in the back yard.

Look! My shawl is starting to show some shape. That is Hobbes inspecting it. Actually, he just wanted me to get out of his way. That is his favorite spot on the couch, right in front of the window so he can watch what's going on from the safety of the living room. I am working on the top now and the rows are getting shorter more quickly. It is so heartening after the long rows in the beginning. Once I finish the top edge I get to pick up the 329 stitches around the edge and put the lace border on. I am really thrilled with it.

I finished the fools rush socks . Here they are on top of a pile of socks to be washed.

I like the pattern but it is hard to see in this yarn. I started a new pair for train knitting. I was using the Black Orchid yarn from the club but even after rewinding it and trying a different pattern, it still pooled in an unattractive manner. I put it aside for now and Elanor chose this yarn for her socks. The pattern is Go with the Flow from Favorite Socks. It is the easiest pattern to memorize and so perfect for train knitting. The yarn is superwash/nylon from castleman fibers sock yarn club. I can't remember if this one has a name but it is a little darker than this photo shows.
I am still thinking on the ten things I like about myself from Roxie It is harder than I thought. In my family growing up, there were few compliments and little encouragement to think of yourself as special in any way. I remember asking if I looked ok and my parents saying "yes, you look ok". No one, until my husband told me I was beautiful or special. Now, I am not saying this so that everyone can feel sorry for me. I know people grow up with way worse things happening to them. But it helps explain why I find it so difficult to acknowledge that I am special and I do like things about myself. And it is one of the reasons that I tried to shower my children with praise for their beauty and for their specialness. I don't want them to hesitate when someone asks them what they like about themselves.
As for me, I'm still working on it. I get nervous everytime I think of writing "I like that I ....." because I am afraid that someone will yell "FRAUD! You aren't like that at all" But I am slowly working up the courage. Today I like that I am compassionate and empathetic. It's what makes me good at my job (social worker in a community mental health center). It must show somewhere on my person because complete strangers ask me for help and tell me their troubles. Anywhere. In grocery lines, doctor's offices, banks. You name it and I have heard someone's life story there. I like that I listen and don't immediately jump in with offers of help but try to help individuals find their own answers.
Ok, that wasn't so hard. Coming soon, numbers 2 through 10. Until then, have a good, peace full Sunday.
PS Sorry about the spacing. I keep trying to fix it but blogger won't let me. I know it's hard to read long paragraphs.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Welcome to my contribution to the Third Annual Brigid in Cyberspace Silent Poetry Reading . Read about it here

i carry your heart with me(i carry it in
my heart)i am never without it(anywhere
i go you go, my dear;and whatever is done
by only me is your doing, my darling)
i fear
no fate(for you are my fate, my sweet)i want
no world(for beautiful you are my world,my true)
and it's you are whatever a moon has always meant
and whatever a sun will always sing is you

here is the deepest secret nobody knows
(here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud
and the sky of the sky of a tree called life which grows
higher than soul can hope or mind can hide)
and this is the wonder that's keeping the stars apart

i carry your heart(i carry it in my heart)

e e cummings


Good morning and welcome to my January.  I’m not sure quite where to start so I’ll start with the thought that brought me back here today. ...