Sunday, June 26, 2011

Did you ever get so tired that you just about fell apart?  I felt that way yesterday afternoon.  But let me back up and start with Friday.

Friday was one of our Handle with Care trainings.  I've provided the link so you can get a better idea of exactly what I mean when I say that.  I take Trainer trainings each year and then I train my coworkers.  ALL of my coworkers.  There were 4 of us but we're now down to 3 and sometimes it gets tough to schedule all 300 employees. 

This week, I was doing training with Clarence.  He's taller and bigger than I am so it's very effective when people see him grab my arms and I am able to break away without hurting either one of us.  That's the whole premise of Handle with Care-no one gets hurt.  I usually end up with bruises but I'm ok with that.

It's also effective when they see me put this guy down on the floor using a restraint technique that results with him in a 'face plant' and me on top if it's done correctly.  We did a good job and I think the whole day went well.  It was a small class and no one was new so we didn't have to repeat much.  We kept working into the lunch hour so we'd be done a little earlier. 

It's hard on the body.  I'm usually a bit sore after one of these but nothing a few ibuprofen and some rest won't take care of.  Except this Friday was our scheduled trip to Atlantic City for dinner with my brother and his family so rest was not readily available.  Pk and I and Elanor took the train down (it was so easy, we may never drive again) and met up with them at around 5:30.  We wandered Ocean One, the mall off the boardwalk and stopped to watch the Dancing Fountain.  There's something absolutely fascinating about moving water.

Em and Jim had some trouble getting to NJ to pick up Kate and Patrick.  Coming east on summer Friday nights requires a great deal of patience.  There's so much traffic.  We didn't wait for them to eat dinner but went to a buffet.  It was ok but we'd probably not go back.  The food just wasn't that good for what they charged. 

We walked around until they got to AC and then we sat with them while they ate. (their food looked and smelled much better than ours).  The boardwalk wasn't very crowded considering the nice weather.  The casinos must have been doing a good business and Dave Matthews was in town so a lot of folks were at the old air field for the weekend long show.

There we are posed in front of one of the dunes.  It had been a stormy week on and off but Friday night stayed clear.  Very humid but clear.

We walked the boardwalk and just generally enjoyed our children't company until it was time for Pk, El and I to go back to the station and catch our train.  The ride was uneventful and we made it home by 11:30.

After a bit of decompression time, we went to bed and then got up early Saturday morning to go to a fund raiser for a scholarship in my niece's name.  Miles for Mandy.  We each paid money for a t-shirt and walked 2 miles around the track (I only did one mile) and took part in raffles.  There was a good sized crowd and I think the event was a success.  Pk and I took our girls and their boys to lunch and then everyone scattered to their regularly scheduled weekend activities.  Pk and I laid down on the bed for a brief rest.  I was feeling agitated and anxious and my body was exhausted.  I slept for 2 hours and woke up feeling a bit better. 

I felt the need for some down time, some quiet-leave-me-alone time.  So, we ditched the chores and sat around just being inside our quiet bubble.  I did some knitting and listened to some favorite music.  Just what I needed.

I did discover that I had made a mistake in the cuffed anklet sock.  A mistake that makes a big difference so I am doing the second one correctly and then I'll pull the other one out and redo the foot.  I didn't follow the directions to do 30 rows of k1p1 ribbing under the cuff  before working toward the heel/sole.  It pulls the sock in somewhat and allows the cuff to sit nicer.  Totally worth reworking the first sock.  What I don't know is how I missed that in the directions.  I even highlighted it! 

Greetings from Atlantic City, New Jersey!
 Today, we are slowly making our way through the maintenance chores like laundry and vacuuming.  I cleaned the bathroom and am washing the clothes.  Pk dusted and swept and now we can just relax.  We have only two work days this week and then a long weekend.  One day we'll go to the lake and one day we'll spend in the woods and we'll spend lots of time just enjoying each other's company. 

Next weekend is Fourth of July weekend and so there'll be fireworks on the 3rd (for some reason, our town always does them on the 3rd).  We usually pack up some sandwiches and drinks and go early and stake out our favorite spot.  We don't go into the stadium area but sit outside where the kids can run around and we can see the fireworks well without being in the middle of the crowd sitting on the metal bleachers.  We have learned to use the rolling cooler and carry chairs and walk.  One year we drove and it took an hour and a half to go the half mile to our house.  Never again. 

What I learned (or relearned) this weekend is that I require some downtime.  Some time with quiet to just relax.  I can't just keep going and going like I did when I was 18.  I am by no means old but my brain and body need me to remember that they get overloaded and need to rest sometimes.  Life gets loud and busy  and I have a job which requires me to interact with people all day every day.  Being able to sit in the quiet is such a gift and if I'm going to be able to go to work and interact in a positive way, I need to recharge both body and mind.  I have a tendency to forget that.

Tonight I'm going to cook a roast and we'll have some sandwiches for dinner and it will be slow and easy. 

And that's just about perfect.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Today at 1:36 pm, it officially becomes Summer here in NJ.  We are supposed to have 15+ hours of sunlight but since the forecast calls for rain, that may not be quite true.  In fact. although it's light outside, it's cloudy and it was sprinkling as I walked into work an hour ago.  I made sure to get here early since I promised to help set up the computer/projector for a guest speaker this morning.  It went well and she is now speaking on Chronic Pain.  I had a momentary thought that I might like to attend but passed.

We had a nice picnic for Father's Day on Sunday.  Pk got to spend the afternoon with his girls.  He played chess with Jim on his ipad (which he absolutely loves) and laughed as we had some fond remembrances of the girls and their antics growing up.

Kate and I brought our wheels and I spun some roving called Hydrangea and the name suits it well.  It's green and purple.  (looks better spun up than it does as a roving).  As usual, it drew notice from others in the park.  I don't mind, especially when children ask.  A few women came up and asked questions and we had come conversation.  But then a group of men came up.  They didn't speak English but stood around me speaking a language I didn't understand and I was vaguely uncomfortable.  I wasn't sure if they were talking about me or just making conversation amongst themselves.  It was odd. 

I am getting myself caught up on doctors appointments which I let slide during all of the many funerals and such we have had in the last 2 years.  I saw the dentist (and got a tooth filled, funfunfun) and of course I see my primary care for my blood pressure control.  Last night I saw the gyn for the first time in 2 years.  I don't usually play around with this because I don't want any troubles.  I had some questions about perimenopause and wanted reassurance that I wasn't going to be the oldest living woman who still gets a period every month.

And now for a bit of TMI.

She assured me that I'm still in the normal range and ordered some blood tests to check on hormone levels to see if my body is indeed going toward menopause.  And then we talked about the fact that my last period was so heavy for 3 days that I really felt tired from blood loss.  There's a condition called hyperplasia which happens to women in my age group who are overweight.  It has to do with the thickness of the buildup in the uterus and it not shedding properly.  She then said the part that was very sobering.  She said the C word (as in "this condition if left untreated can lead to uterine cancer") and that the treatment involves hormones.  I will be having an ultrasound to check the state of the  uterine tissue and then we move onto biopsy and "discuss other options" if necessary. 

A lot depends on what next month's period is like.  I have generally light periods which is good but not good if things are not doing what they're supposed to do.  I want to run out and get the blood test done and schedule the ultrasound but I have to wait on my body.  I'm not good at waiting. 

You know, we all have self images that are based on our experiences of life inside our bodies.  My body has been good to me.  I don't treat it as well as I should.  I have let it get too fat and I'm working on being better to it.  (today is a gym day).  My self image is a little shaken today, that's all.  It's a bit disconcerting to discover that things are not necessarily what you thought they were.  I have strong feelings that everything will come out fine and I'll be fine but it's disconcerting nonetheless.  I'm feeling a bit cloudy headed today and hopefully the feeling will pass soon.

In other news,  the knitting group may not be overflowing but I have been spreading the crafting joy among my regular clients.  I gave a bag of cotton yarn and a pattern for a market bag to a woman who would like to sell them at craft fairs.  I wanted her to see how easy/difficult it would be to make so she could decide if it was worth it to her.  She likes to crochet and if she is doing it anyway in her spare time, she could make bags and sell them for enough to buy more yarn. 

We're planning to go to Atlantic City for dinner on Friday.  The weather is supposed to be iffy.  We all enjoy a good buffet and like to walk the boardwalk.  Kate remarked that we're all finally old enough to gamble.  I think with our collective luck with money, we'd be broke within a half hour.  I like the smell of the ocean and the feel of the salty air.  I'm looking forward to it.  A family outing where all of the family shows up is a rare thing and always full of laughter. 

I hope you are all having a good week.  We're in for real summer weather, chances of thunderstorms and sunshine and humidity.  Gotta love summer.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

And now for the third try.*

Baltimore.  This is downtown as you drive into the city.  It was a steamy day as you can see.  It's a pretty city down by the Inner Harbor.  There are lots of shops and attractions.

We got into town early enough to go to the Baltimore Museum of Art.  It's small but houses some nice stuff.  There were enough wood things to keep Pk's interest and lots of fibery bits for me and enough paintings and sculptures for both of us. 

Like this cool basket and this backboard for a baby.  It was really interesting from far away and then I got up close and saw that it was covered in seed beads.  Thousands and thousands of seed beads.  The amount of work that went into this "useful object" floored me. 

beaded backboard

We had a good time wandering the museum.  They had a hallway filled with window boxes of miniature rooms.  I thought of Olivia and her miniature pears and smiled.  This whole room was about 12 inches tall.  I didn't think to put my hand in the photo for scale.  The details were so cool.  The lighting made it difficult to capture but you can see some of the bits if you enlarge the photo.

I think one of my favorite pieces was this bowl made of a hollowed out agate.

It was translucent and so fragile and beautiful.  It's a good thing it's behind glass.  I find museums to be some of the most frustrating places.  I like to touch things.  And of course, you're not allowed.  Don't you just want to put your fingertips on the smooth surface of this?  I wanted to touch the basket and see if it was rough or smooth and examine up close how it was woven and touch the fibers it was made of. 

The guards would have frowned.

We spent a few short hours here (the museum is free all day every day which is cool) and were going to get some lunch but their restaurant was closed so we left to find our hotel and some lunch. 

This place was directly across the street from the hotel and we figured we could get a burger or something since it was after 3 in the afternoon and the wedding was at 6.   It was what I imagine all Irish style pubs are like, at least all the ones here in the states.  It was full of dark panelling and televisions with soccer games.  We had some delicious burgers and then went to get washed up and dressed for the wedding.

And here I am in my flowered dress and my shawl ready to leave.  It was so hot I was glad not to have to wear pants and a jacket with a long sleeved shirt.  Poor Pk.  He was very warm.  We had to walk about 4 blocks from our hotel to the wedding venue.  It wasn't a bad walk and my shoes were comfortable.  The wedding was lovely.  There was a chuppa made by the bride's mother and the bride and groom smashed a glass and everyone said Mazel Tov and it was beautiful.

Peter Kevin got the chance to visit with his sisters and brothers in law and we had a good time.  It was a good crowd and there was much laughter and talk until the music got too loud.

We got back to the room sometime around 11 and turned on the television to just relax.  I saw an episode of Grey's Anatomy and am now hooked.  I've watched all of season 1 and am working my way through the rest.  I have an addictive personality.  I knew of the show but had never seen it.  It's absorbing and I have to limit myself to just an hour and a half at night or I'll sit up till all hours and then fall asleep at my desk at work the next day.

We had brunch with Pk's family on Sunday morning and then headed home.  The ride was uneventful and took about 2 hours, not bad at all.  That drive can be murder on warm Sundays if you wait too late in the day.  People coming home from the Maryland shore.  Lots and lots of people.  We got lucky. 

This week has gone by fairly quickly.  The weather has been more moderate and much more bearable.  For Father's Day this weekend, I'm taking Pk on a picnic.  The girls will be there and it will be a day to be grateful for the wonderful dad he's always been and continues to be.

Oh, and one more museum photo.  Isn't this the cutest rocking chair?  Pk doesn't like painted wood objects but I love them.  I love the shoes and socks and the watermelon.  And it has bells on the seat so it would make noise as you rocked.  How cool is that?

So, we had a good time and are thinking of going back to Baltimore in the fall for our anniversary in October (our 30th!).  There's so much there to see. 

And thankfully tomorrow is Friday.  After work we'll go to get Pk's Father's Day gift.  He's been waiting for an iphone 5 but Apple says not until next year. Instead he would like an ipad so we're getting together and giving him one.  I think he'll enjoy it.  It's technology, who am I kidding, he'll LOVE it.

So, have a good weekend.  I'm looking forward to having some family time and some good food and some laughs.  What more do you need?

*I tried twice before to post this but for some reason the photos wouldn't show up correctly and I had a terrible time.  I got frustrated and shut the computer off.  I figured I'd try again and Voila, it worked.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

I wasn't planning on getting up this early today but our power went out at 6:30 and the lack of the sound of the window fan woke me.  It's funny how quiet the house is when the power goes out.  Our house is generally quiet with just the three of us but all of the appliances make a background hum that you don't notice until it's gone.

Here's my cuffed sock.  I'm a little further down the foot at this point but I wanted to show you the color of my yarn.  I love this.  When it first came, I thought it was brown but in the light, there are so many other colors in there.  The pattern says to do 15 rows of stitches before the heel after turning the cuff but it made it way too short.  I think I doubled it.  I kept trying it on to make sure it would fit and now it's about perfect.  It's such a cute pattern.

We've obviously gotten power back which is a good thing for a lot of reasons but today it's a good thing because we are heading out to Baltimore for our nephew Keith's wedding.  I wouldn't want to leave while the power was still out. 

We have a reservation at a nice downtown hotel and are planning to go to the Baltimore Museum of Art before we check in this afternoon.  The wedding is at 6 so if we go down this morning, we'll have a few hours to wander and be inspired and awed by the art.  Pk wanted to go to the Baltimore Aquarium but we learned that it gets very crowded and the tickets are timed.  Since we're working with a limited amount of time today, we'll stick with the museum. 

And speaking of Art, we are going to a benefit show for Mikey Wild next weekend.  His family and friends are having a musical tribute and sale of his art.  One of Pk's friends and his wife is coming down to have dinner with us and will meet us at the gallery.  She's getting her phD in psychology so I think she might find Michael's art interesting.  I just want to see some of his other stuff and maybe pick up another piece.  The proceeds will help defray funeral costs so it's a good cause.

The mural at work is finished and I thought I'd end here (I want to strip the bed and wash the sheets and towels today.  I'll finish the laundry tomorrow when we get home.  And I still need a shower) by showing you my favorite bits.  Have a good weekend.  (I promise to have Pk take a photo of me in my summer time dressy outfit)
the rose hedge

the daffodils

the tree and streams

and we have a beach scene

This one is one of my very favorite parts because it's almost just a suggestion of a painted wall.  It's like you catch a glimpse out of the corner of your eye. It's soft and subtle.  The hint of a mountain stream pouring down. 

Time's a wastin' so I'm off.  Enjoy your day.  I think we're in for a stormy day.  Cloudy, humd and very still.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

The computer at work will let me download one image per session.  It's weird but they've upgraded our security and now there's no youtube available, no games (well, solitaire, hearts and minesweeper are still there), no social networks.  I was relieved to find that ravelry flies under their radar since I catch up on blogs through there while I settle in in the morning.

This morning, one of my friends at work sent this link

This is a fun test.  Enjoy.

Monday, June 6, 2011

It's been almost a week since I posted.  Nothing is wrong.   In fact, things are moving along in a fairly peaceful way.  It was just an emotional week and by Friday I was exhausted. 

One of my favorite coworkers has moved on to another job.  He's going to be a parole officer (I know, frying pan into the fire, right?) and his last day here was Friday.  I missed his party on Thursday since I promised a client I would be available to give her some help with the messy bundle of yarn and needles that she showed me on Wednesday telling me it was her sweater and that she needed some help. 

I told her of course and I sat at my desk and waited.  And waited.  And waited some more.  And she didn't show.  I missed the farewell of one of my favorite people because I wanted to keep my word.  We are going to have some words this morning about making and keeping commitments.

I did get to say goodbye.  He started the Aggressive Patient management program with me and helped design the course we currently teach.  The other two young men that do the training are wonderful but I'll feel the loss for a while.

We had an early Friday night and were probably asleep by 10.  Saturday passed in a whirlwhind of regular chores.  Pk planted the impatiens out front.  They're assorted colors and will be a bright spot of color in a short time. Sunday we got up, had breakfast, took a nap, sat around and had dinner and then sat around a bit more and went to bed.  Slugs.  We are slugs.

Not my photo.  Pattern photo from Ravelry
 I am making a pair of anklet socks with a turned down cuff.  Aren't they cute?  They're called Girlie Anklet socks.  I finished the cuff on one and have started down the foot.  I am making them for me.  They appeal to my girlie side.  I'm using some yarn called Rohirrim from the LOTR yarn Em gave me earlier this year.  I am in love with it.  I will wear these with a skirt and show them off.

Pk and I are going to a wedding this upcoming weekend.  Since there is no way on God's Green Earth I could finish my kal shawl, I washed and reblocked the North Sea Shawl I made (from Folk Shawls) and I'll wear that.  Pk was suggesting I buy a new dress but I have a dress that I love and don't feel the need for a new one.  And with my blue shawl, I'll look smashing.  I forgot how beautiful it is.  It's been in the closet for over 2 years.  The blue matches the flowers on my dress just right.  And I'll get to show off some of my knitting.  I do need a new pair of khaki pants.  I noticed (on the train when I couldn't change them) that there's a tear in the back of the leg of the pants I am wearing.  No one will probably notice it but I know it's there and will be conscious of it all day.

I woke up this morning with some of the worst cramps I have ever experienced.  I keep hoping that this month will be the one that will start the process of ending this but it seems not to be so.  I wonder how many 80 year old women still get periods?  I have never called out of work for cramping before but today might have been the day if I didn't have so much work this morning.  Once the new doctor becomes more familiar with our population, I won't feel the pressure to be here.

Well, that's the news from Somerdale.  We're in for some hot weather again this week with temps well above normal.  I think we'll put the a/c in the window today.  When it's 100 degrees outside, you need a cool place to retreat.  It's about a month early for us and I think it does not bode well for the comfort level this summer!


Good morning and welcome to my January.  I’m not sure quite where to start so I’ll start with the thought that brought me back here today. ...