Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Look at all the roses!  I knew these were supposed to be prolific bloomers but I wasn't expecting them so early.
Peter Kevin trimmed them back by 1/3 (as we were instructed) in March and they are filling the bed with flowery gorgeousness.  There are still bits of tulips in the garden but they'll be gone soon.  We also left the stars up.  I couldn't stand taking them down.  I love watching them change color at night.

In other gardening news, we have acquired a fig tree.  My brother dug one up on his property and asked if we wanted it.  Pete loves figs so he jumped at it.  He and El dug the hole and we are now anxiously awaiting any evidence that is survived the transfer.

A random photo from uptown.  Penn Medicine is everywhere!  My Handle with Care partners and I were heading up to a school to demonstrate HwC to the staff.  We passed this building on Penn's campus and I was reminded how ubiquitous the Penn logo is.  It was a gorgeous day and the building reflected the sky perfectly.

We are sprinting toward summer here.  The temps have been very warm and the hymidity has been n the 95% range for a few days.  We are unprepared for this in May.  Memorial Day is next Monday, which makes this weekend Memorial Day Weekend-the unofficial start of the summer season here.  The beaches will be swarming with people this weekend no matter what the weather.  Pasty people who have been inside for months.  

I pulled out our summer clothes on Saturday but I am reluctant to wear a skirt to work just yet.  I am not quite ready to blind people with my fluorescent legs!  I am a very pale person and I do not allow myself to tan any more so I stay pale all year long.  I get used to seeing my very white legs after a while but the first time is usually a shock.

We have plans to take dinner to the park by the river on Saturday.  Sunday is the "all the teams play at once" soccer thing in England and Pk is looking forward to it. And then there are MLS games so he should be set.  He took Friday off and I took a half day.  He's coming over to have lunch with me and a few friends before we start our holiday weekend.
What am I knitting?  Well, some socks from some Madeline Tosh sock yarn that Kylie got in NYC.  It's a limited edition color and only available in the city.  I didn't expect it to stripe and was pleasantly surprised.  It feels like it will wear like iron.  I am spnning when it's not too humid and sewing.  I promised Pk a shop apron and have all the denim I need to make it but denim is hard to work with so I keep putting it off.  Maybe this weekend.....(I keep adding things to the list for the weekend!)

Today is our annual PPD tests for tuberculosis.  They inject serum under the skin and wait to see if you react.  Being a health care institution, we are subjected to these things, along with flu shots every year and a requirement to keep your immunzations current. While I understand it, I feel a bit of resentment that I have to allow them to inject substances into my body.

But enough.  I am looking forward to a long weekend to spend with my honey.  Happy Memorial Day!  or have a good week and a lovely restful weekend!

Monday, May 11, 2015

I have a random assortment of interesting photos I've taken over the last week or so but I'm at work and can't access them.  My phone still won't share its photos.  Selfish thing.

We had a lovely, warm weekend.  The sun came out and the temps were in the 80's, a bit high for early May but welcome none the less.  Pk made sure I had a mostly work-free weekend and it was wonderful and restorative.

Well, mostly.  I managed to break a tooth on Saturday morning eating a waffle.  No, the waffle wasn't burnt all crispy.  It's a back molar that had a filling and has been "problematic" (the dentist's word).  I think it has had 2 fillings.  The back quarter of the tooth broke off (it must have been cracked).  I called and left a message because it didn't seem like a true dental emergency.  There is no pain involved and the tooth surface is just a little sharp.  I'm waiting for the office to call me with an appointment.  I am hoping we can just cap it and it won't involve the dreaded root canal.

I also had a hematologist appointment last week. My platelet count is quite high and there is no obvious reason for it.  So, a visit to the blood doctor and a donation of many vials of blood.  They are running tests to see if they can find a reason for the high count.  If not, they call it Essential Thrombocytosis.  It means that I have enthusiastic bone marrow that doesn't know when to stop.  I'm not sure what it means on a daily basis, other than that the platelets may not perform as well as they're supposed to and that blood clots are more of a concern.  I hate waiting.

It was Mother's Day here yesterday.  The girls came for dinner and gave me a photo frame with a photo of each of them on their wedding day holding hands with me.  I have the same photo of me and my mother on my wedding day.  It's beautiful.  I just need a photo of Elanor and I and it will be perfect. 

Peter Kevin made me a back scratcher.  Now before you laugh, I love it.  It's hell to have an itch in the middle of your back and be unable to reach it.  This is a beautiful piece of wood, all smooth and silky with just enough bend to be effective.

We had spaghetti and meatballs and sausage with garlic bread and salad.  It was delicious.  Em brought strawberries and angel food cake and whipped cream for desert. 

And it's Monday morning already.  We are talking about Memorial Day and before you know it, we'll be planning for Labor Day.  Time flies by so quickly.  My mother used to tell me it just got worse the older you get.  I believe her.


Good morning and welcome to my January.  I’m not sure quite where to start so I’ll start with the thought that brought me back here today. ...