Monday, October 31, 2016

Image result for clipart halloweenToday is Hallowe'en, one of my favorite holidays.  And not just because of the chocolate....

I always loved indulging my girls in whatever they wanted to be for Hallowe'en.  When I was a kid, my mother wouldn't let us be princesses.  "Hallowe'en is not for princesses.  Be a witch".  I always wanted to be a princess (I think it was the dress)

So I let the girls choose whatever they wanted, as long as we could make it.  Elanor was a shark one year but we couldn't convince Emily to be a bloody water skier.  She was a princess and won a prize in a contest.  Kate was a Dark Angel, a Pink Power Ranger and everyone was a butterfly at one point.

Image result for clipart halloweenThere was one year when El wanted to be an Indian Princess so we made the costume.  She was beautiful but she would not be allowed to wear that in school if she were young this year.  Cultural Appropriation.  I understand it academically but I don't understand it emotionally.

For instance, we were walking at the farmer's market on Saturday and there was a shop selling moccasins.  I've always wanted a pair because they look so comfortable.  But there was this niggling feeling in my head telling me it wasn't right.  And I felt sad.  I wouldn't be wearing the shoes to appropriate the culture of someone else, just to be comfortable.  But I left them there.  I couldn't bring myself to buy something that might offend someone else, however unintentionally. 

Image result for clipart halloweenWe are staying home this year for the first time in a long time.  I am looking forward to giving out candy and seeing the kids.  We've been at my aunt's house or my brother's house for years so we've bought candy and didn't give it away (not so good for the waistline)

I'm leaving work early and going to the fabric store to find some Mead Felt (a fabric store owner told me that's what felt that is made with a good percentage of real wool is called).  I want to make ipad cases for Pk and I.  We got new ipad pros and I want something to protect it.  (for the record, the thing is huge and I am still getting used to it but overall, I love it).  I don't want craft felt which will be too thin and is not often washable.  I could order it online but some things I like to touch with my hands first. 

However you celebrate, have a Happy Hallowe'en.  And if you observe it, Joyous Samhain. 

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

I can tell Hallowe'en is coming.  There are skeletons on our front door (these are George and Charlie), 
And there are more hearty meals for dinner, such as stew baked in a yorkshire pudding.
This is one of Peter Kevin's favorite ways to eat stew but it's not for the warm weather.  It is delicious.  But this week it's too warm.  When I left work today it was nearly 86 degrees.  In October.  I've already put away the summer clothes.  We always leave out short sleeved shirts because it often turns around and gets warm after it's been downright chilly for a few weeks.  I love a bit of surprise warmth but it's been a bit uncomfortable when my body has decided that IT should be the warmest thing in the room.  Gotta love the menopause.......

I have taught myself a new skill using youtube (what did we do before youtube?  Oh right, we talked to each other).  I have learned to knit a pair of socks on two circular needles.  I have a friend who wants to learn to knit socks but can't use the dpns.  I found some short circs and some bright stripey yarn (so she won''t get bored and throw it across the room) and started the sock.  It's surprisingly easy but still a little fiddly.  She can't figure out what to do so I'll show her tomorrow.  

We had our health fair last week and a lot of people asked if we were going to have the knitting group again.  I've gotten permission from my supervisor to take the time and I'm going to try for the third time.  I hope that if I set it up for a 2 hour time frame that more people will want to come.  I think that they were reluctant to travel for an hour.  I am hoping that there will be a mix of people who know what they're doing and people who don't.  I'd like to be able to sometimes just sit and knit and talk.  I've had  clients tell me how helpful they've found crocheting or knitting can be when they are feeling anxious.  It can be calming and centering.  Well, it can if you're not knitting double sided lace with complicated charts....

My favorite part of the autumn weather is being able to bake bread again.  I made this herbed loaf to accompany some escarole soup last weekend.  Before it was summer redux.  

We had a discussion in our poetry group about the difference between sports and games.  We couldn't come up with a satisfying definition between the difference.  We decided to ask people around us what they thought and come back together and talk about it.  Any thoughts?

Friday, October 7, 2016

I hadn't intended for it to be a month between posts but you know how it is, "the best laid plans".  There have been some good things, like that beautiful rose.   It's called an Evelyn rose.  We planted the bush in July and were prepared not to see any blooms till next year (you're supposed to cut off the buds on the first year to encourage root growth.

One morning, Pk was out back communing with the wildlife (talking to the birds and threatening the squirrels) and he came in to show me a photo of a rosebud.  We were so pleased.   We decided to allow it to grow since it's the end of the growing season.  It blossomed into this palm sized, delicate pink (with a pale yellow center) flower with a gorgeous scent.  It felt like Evelyn was speaking to us.  We bought a bush for Kate and Patrick and theirs got 3 blooms.  Our bloom is hanging upside down to dry so we can keep it.

Two weekw ago, we went to Allaire State Park for their flea market.  It's usually a good one and this year was not different.  I got the best deal!  
8 place settings (7pcs each) and all the serving pieces of Noritake china.  This is Geneva.  I paid 40 dollars for the entire set.
It looks like it was made for our china closet.  I have china.  I have 4 place settings of a beautiful pattern that we got for a wedding gift plus a set that was my grandmother's and of course, the holiday china my family gave me a few years ago.  So we didn't "need" china.  But this spoke to me and Pk actually sad he liked it, too.  I am looking forward to using it over the holidays.  

We went to the Garden State Sheep Breeders show in September.  It was a glorious day.  Sunshine and sheep and knitters and spinners and 4H kids showing off their animals.  
We had a geat day.  Pk fantasized about buying goats (but then his brother the farmer, introduced him to the cold hard reality of goats and he decided to pass).  I bought one skein of yarn and a pattern for a shawl, a bag I couldn't resist and some roving. 

One of my (younger) cousins died in September.  I'm still not sure of the cause of death but it shook me up.  We were not close but I felt the loss.  It reminded me once again that none of us know how much time we will have.  Live accordingly.....

We finally made it to the park for dinner.  We sat there (surrounded by people of all ages looking for Pokemon-it's evidently a hot spot) until the sun went down over the Delaware River and the ranger told us it was time to leave.  It was just too hot most of this summer to enjoy picnics out doors.  I missed that.  
Next week, Pk and I will celebrate our 35th wedding anniversary.  We are going out to dinner on Sunday (our day is Monday) and will probably go to work as usual on Monday.  It's hard to believe it's been that long.  Somedays it feels like we've been married forever and others, well, it feels like it was yesterday.  The love of my life and my best friend.  35 years ago, we joined hands and boldly marched toward the future.  And here we are, all those years later, still holding hands and holding each other.  There's no one I'd rather have by my side.  "For richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, till death do us part".  We took those words to heart years ago and we live them today.  And I am not unaware of how lucky we are.


Good morning and welcome to my January.  I’m not sure quite where to start so I’ll start with the thought that brought me back here today. ...