Sunday, September 15, 2024

Good morning!  Happy Sunday.  I hope your day is going well.  It’s the last week of summer here and the weather is up and down and all over.  We haven’t had much rain lately and our garden was almost a complete bust.  We got a small handful of cherry tomatoes that were delicious but Pk planted so much more.  It all went to the local deer and rabbits.  Next year, we will try an electric fence.  It’s a last resort
A little while ago, we went to the Frankine Institute’s show, The Art of the Brick.  Legos, legos and more legos.  This is one of my favorites.  It could be modeled on my husband and I.  We are oldish and not in the best shapes of our lives but are still “upright and sucking wind”, (one of Pk’s favorite sayings).  We still like to hold hands when we walk and we definitely have the rolls….

The show was amazing.  What you can do with plastic bricks!  This is one of my favorites
It is called Decisions and is made with 112, 363 individual bricks.  I think a better name might be Hope.  The hands rising from below to touch the forms suspended above.  I can’t imagine how much time it must have taken.

I have a fondness for audio books.  Most books that I “read”, I download and listen to.  Chirp is a good service if you want an audio book and don’t want to join a subscription service or pay a lot of money.  Chirp has a daily email listing some bargains for the day.  They are usually older books or an author’s lesser known selections.  I have quite a collection.  At the moment I am listening to Here one Moment by Liane Moriarty.  I love her stories.  Big Little Lies is one of my favorites.  When I find an author I like, I look for their back list.  Most of the time, I am rewarded with new stories that I am already inclined to like.  That’s how I read all of Steven King’s books.  One after another.  I enjoy some more that others but am always entertained.

One of the things I like best about audiobooks is that I am a visual learner.  When I hear a story, I remember most of the story (or some bits of it) but often forget a lot of the details.  I can listen to them repeatedly and not be bored.  I mostly listen to fiction but a few non fiction books have caught my interest.  One is Women in Clothes by Sheila Heti et al.  It is a fascinating look at why people have favorite clothes and how we learn about fashion.  

This was an interesting week.  I had a routine dr appt and got my flu shot (I have to get one for work).  It knocked me off my feet.  I always have a strong reaction to vaccines.  Last year, I got a covid shot along with my flu shot and was a mess for a few days.

My oldest daughter will be 41 this week ( I KNOW I am not old enough to be her mom).  We are going to Green Dragon Farmer’s Market.  It’s supposed to be “the number 2 farmer’s market in the US” and only opened on Fridays.  I love a good farmers market!  This one is in Ephrata, PA which is the heart of Amish country so I know the baked goods and meats will be exceptional. It meant taking a day off of work but I think will be well worth it.  I’ll let you know!

I hope you have a good, satisfying week.
See you next week!

Saturday, September 7, 2024

What you think on grows…..again

How are you? 
This is me,

I am Donna Lee.  I am many things, a soon to be 67 year old woman, a wife of 43 years, a mother of 3 and a grandmother of one.  (I know, I know, I take terrible selfies). I haven’t written or posted a blog post in a few years.  I think the pandemic made me shy away from social media. Weird?  Yea, I know.  It drove or beckoned so many folks to take part and join the online community.  I have a new appreciation for those people and the work they put into their channels, websites and all their reels.  I still enjoy the slice of life posts where someone brings us along for their day.  I like seeing how other people live and what they think and what they believe is important.

Me?  To me, the most important thing is being my honest self.  I don’t edit photos or pretend to be someone I am not.  I am too old for that stuff.  I don’t mind turning 67 at all.  My body may mind some days more than others, but mentally and emotionally it’s cool.  I like the person I am now better than the person I was back in my 20’s.  I am kinder and less judgemental.  I can more easily appreciate someone else’s goodness or good fortune and not always wish it were mine.

I have been married since 1981 to my high school sweetheart and love of my life.  We seem to still enjoy each other’s company (and oddly finish each other’s sentences or say the same thing at the same time) and like doing some of the same things.  Only some.  We each have hobbies and interests that are separate.

He likes woodworking and gardening.  He is retired (because he’s a contractor and his contract was not renewed in 2020 and it was easier to retire than to continually send out resumes into the wind and not hear anything back.  Ageism is real).

I am still working.  I work as a social worker in behavioral health.  This involves working with psychiatrists to provide community mental health services in Philadelphia.  I have been doing the same job for 30 years. I look forward to retiring but have a few projects around the house that need to be taken care of.  I like to knit, spin, sew, read, cook, talk and watch sci fi and horror movies.  Godzilla minus one was so good!  Watching really bad movies is something my husband and I share.  We’ve seen some doozies recently.  The Shark Exorcist comes to mind…..

I have been reading an interesting book, Craft Psychology by Dr Anne Kirketerp.  It was just published in English.  

It is an interesting look at how craft (any kind of handicraft) can help calm a frazzled brain, help people become more relaxed and refreshed.  Her theory is that if you sit and do nothing all day, you are tired and restless at the end of the day, not refreshed because your brain goes to the “what if” place and it is usually not a positive place to spend the day.  If you engage in a craft that is challenging enough to require your attention but not so hard that you are sweating the details, your brain goes into a state she calls “flow”.  And that is what helps your whole being feel refreshed and renewed.  

She has the data to back up her theories and it makes for interesting reading.  I don’t think it’s earth shattering.  It’s an idea that I have had for a long time.  The peace that my mind feels when I sit at my spinning wheel and find my rhythmn, is real and not duplicated by anything else in my life.   I have been crafting my whole life.  I don’t know what people who don’t have hobbies do with themselves.

We used to have a Wellness Fair at work and I would always get the table devoted to leisure time activities.  I think a lot of the people who attended the fair didn’t necessarily think of my leisure activities as pertaining to health but they all took one of the small craft kits I put together for knitters, sewists or crocheters.  I have taught many of my clients over the years how to knit or crochet and several kept up with it.  In a few weeks I have a woman coming in for her appt with the dr and afterwards we are going to have lunch and I will teach her to knit.  I will get a beautiful skein of red yarn and some comfortable needles and show her how to get more “flow” into her life.

I have a case load of around 100 people at the moment.  It’s a lot.  Trying to keep up with them and making sure everyone gets what they need and gets the help they ask for is what keeps me busy.  I also run 2 groups a week in our Adult Day Program.  Leisure Activities (currently Bingo) and a Poetry group.

I like my job and I am good at it.  I don’t know how I will walk away when retirement beckons.  And I think I want to go back to posting here.  Not every day but hopefully every week and maybe twice a week.  I can be ambitious.

So, pull up a chair, take out your craft supplies and once we have all had our chance to find some inner peace, we can talk about it.
See you soon.


Good morning and welcome to my January.  I’m not sure quite where to start so I’ll start with the thought that brought me back here today. ...