Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Good morning!  Welcome to my Wednesday.  I like Wednesdays because I get to work from home.  I can have any distraction I want/need running in the background and still get my work done.

I started this blog, or re-started it to be more accurate, with the intention of writing at least once a week.   One month in and I’ve already fallen off the schedule.  No, I haven’t been super busy, just normal busy.  I think I am out of the habit of writing and need to get back to it.   I enjoy writing and sharing bits of my normal life.  There’s a vlogger I follow who shows the “messy sides of life” because as she says, “I’ve got nothing to lose and people need to be reminded that life is not perfectly organized shelves and spotless kitchens”

Hmm.  I’d settle for organized.  In that vein, it’s the time of year when I start to declutter cosets and drawers for the change in seasons.  I try to do this twice a year.  Last week I straightened out and cleaned my drawers and cabinets in the kitchen.  It took about half a day but I am happy with it.  Next week end I will be switching out our summer clothes for the winter ones.  I use that chore to clean out my drawers and closet and give away things that I do not wear.  I have a hard time letting things go.  My brain says, “but what if we want to wear that after we give it away?”.    I’ve been watching a few youtube videos about how we don’t need to feel bad if we don’t have all of the things that people show on the internet.  I think the important thing is to figure out what makes you happy and feel content and go for those things.

 I have a lot of bits and bobs of sock yarn in a container.  I saw this small granny square “scrap” blanket and thought I’d give it a try.  Mine looks wonky, I don’t crochet often and I’m not sure blocking will smooth this out.  I think I’ll put it aside and try a different hook size and maybe crochet a bit looser.  I like this method because you join the squares as you go along.  No sewing up.  It’s a bit fiddly and I think I need to practice a bit more to make it smoother.

I voted last week and am now giving myself permission not to pay attention to any more political ads, interviews, debates, news articles…..  It has become mentally exhausting.  The choice seems so clear and obvious to me.  One more month to go.

Speaking of time, 12 weeks from today is January 1, 2025.  There are only 12 weeks left in this year.  This year, like every year before it, has gone very fast.  You’d think we’d be used to it by now but no, we are not.  

There goes my dryer signal.  Time to move the clothes along.  Have a happy, peaceful and fulfilling week.

Good morning!  Welcome to my Wednesday.  I like Wednesdays because I get to work from home.  I can have any distraction I want/need running ...