Monday, July 23, 2007

Here they are for their internet debut, the Tour de France kal hiking socks! Yay! They are finished and Peter Kevin says "they feel like socks". I take that to mean they are comfortable. The photo is a little blurry and I tried to crop it but let's just say today is not a good technology day and leave it at that.
I took the pattern measurements from Interweave knits 25 favorite socks and then modified it to make my husband happy. He really didn't like the idea of snowflakes (or any other design) on his socks. He does like the stripes and the feel of the wool. I used yarnart crazy color number 102 and size 3 dpns to get the size I needed. I think they should be taller but he likes them like this. I have some nice plain brown that I want to use to make another pair. It felt strange making socks this thick after all of the nice, thin, sock yarn. It feels even stranger going back to the orange monkeys that are in the process of being knitted now.
I am so glad the work day is over. Mondays are my tough day. I help a psychiatrist run a medication clinic in the morning for individuals with mental retardation who have mental illness and then a quick lunch and a clinic with a different doctor for individuals with "only" mental health problems. There is very little down time and it is exhausting by the time it's over. On Tuesdays, I have one afternoon clinic (during the school year, I supervise social work interns) and on Wed and Thurs, I run groups for our social rehabilitation program. Thurs afternoons and Fridays are paperwork and meeting days (we all LOVE meetings).
The temperature outside has dropped into the 70's and it makes me want to cast on a sweater for me. But I know the weather tomorrow is supposed to be back into the 90's and I won't want to pick it up and knit it. (sigh). It will have to wait for the fall.


MadMad said...

The socks look great (and your trip into Amish country sounded like heaven... )

knitseashore said...

Congratulations on finishing your chausettes!!! Tres bien!!

Bezzie said...

They feel like socks! Ha ha! Too funny! They turned out great!

Amy Lane said...

Wonderful socks! And your job sounds really challenging...knitting is good for that!

Bells said...

I've used that exact sock yarn and I loved it.Yours look wonderful!

Denise said...

LOL - "they feel like socks"... I'd have been worried if he said they felt like something else!

Your job sounds pretty full on, I hope you get the down time you need to cope.


Good morning and welcome to my January.  I’m not sure quite where to start so I’ll start with the thought that brought me back here today. ...