Friday, July 13, 2007

Look what happens when you leave hiking socks unattended! This one is trying to mail himself somewhere (to France, perhaps?). I guess he can't walk by himself because he has no toes (yet). It's not for lack of trying but that pesky job gets in the way of my knitting time. The sock looks strange to me because of the size and dimensions but I had Peter Kevin (carefully) slip it on last night and he assured me it was ok. He even allowed as to how comfortable it seemed. He started to show some interest in HIS socks. The yarn has very little stretch in it and the foot is all stockinette stitch to keep down the bulk in his boots. The yarn pattern is interesting and doesn't seem to repeat itself into actual stripes. It has been a strain on my fingers to knit with (I have arthritis in my hands that I take glucosamine for and it actually works) because of the thickness. I will be very glad when they are done. If it weren't for the challenge of the Tour, I might just put them "away". And we all know what that means.....
Here is the sock on the front step, still trying to crawl away on it's toeless foot.


catsmum said...

thanks for coming to visit the blog and good luck in my contest :] btw love the pic of Hobbes with the knitting. Is he a British Blue or a Russian? or something else. My beautiful blue boy was Burmese but he passed away in 05. You've presumably seen the photos of the current two when you visited the Blog. No aristocratic breeding there I'm afraid but they DO love the knitting.

Amy Lane said...

They're's hard to find colors that are definitely male! (Oooohhh...ahhh.... seriously--nice job--and the stockinette is a good idea!!!)

Sheepish Annie said...

So that's where my sock went! It got mad and tried to go find a knitter that actually was willing to knit upon it. I'll just go round it up and secure it back in the knitting basket...

MadMad said...

Wow - the sock looks spectacular! Would metal needles - because they're slippery - help any with the hand pain? (Not sure if that's what you're using now...)

Susan Pandorf said...

Ah, what would we do without socks to amuse us?

Hope we never have to find out...


roxie said...

Ah, a wandering sock. What mischief will it get up to while waiting for its mate? Will we see it in singles bars trying to get lucky? Or will it just hang out with the guys, shootin' hoops and watching Spike TV? Such a handsome sock is sure to go far.


Good morning and welcome to my January.  I’m not sure quite where to start so I’ll start with the thought that brought me back here today. ...