Monday, August 6, 2007

This arrived today. It is the first selection in the Art Walk Sock Yarn club. The colors came from a Salvador Dali painting entitled "The Hallucinogenic Torreador". It is absolutely gorgeous. I didn't realize you could get so many colors into one skein of yarn and still make it look fabulous! Roxanne, who dies yarn for, did an amazing job. Am I gushing? I am sorry. It it just so pretty.

Now I have to find a pattern that will do it justice. Hmm, any thoughts? I am thinking maybe something out of my new Knitting on the Road book but it has to be a fairly plain pattern to show off the yarn. Of course, there is always another pair of monkeys.....


Sheepish Annie said...

I'm seeing a lot of Jaywalkers these days...maybe that would work? Simple, but with a little "zip" to them! It is really lovely yarn. Good luck in the pattern search.

Bezzie said...

That is pretty! What a clever idea for a sock yarn club!

Meg said...

I think RPM socks (pattern on work well with lots of colours. Pretty yarn!

Denise said...

Stunning yarn! I've made Jaywalkers, and they are a good pattern to show off a beautiful yarn, with a bit of a tricky but easy to do stitch pattern that doesn't get lost amongst the nice colours. RPM would work well too (also did those recently).

Bells said...

oh that's pretty! That would look great as monkey socks - i did a pair in similar colours to that.

But yeah, something a little more simple to show off the colour variations would be a good choice.

Anonymous said...

Oh, I wish there were some way to send some figs your way. . .

Rose Red said...

So pretty - sometimes I think such pretty yarn is best kept for stroking and admiring!

Em said...

I agree with rose red, sometimes you almost hate to see pretty yarn knit up, because then it loses so much of that alluring potential. And it's less fun to pet, too. Another lovely yarn, nice lady, and I'm sure you'll pick an excellent patter for it.

MadMad said...

That is fabulous yarn! Can't wait to see what it looks like knit up; I second the Jaywalkers idea - they seem to look flat enough that color patterns don't get entangled with knitting patterns, if that makes sense.

Amy Lane said...

Oh wow...that is soo pretty... I'll love to see what you do with that!!!

Amy Lane said...

(I have an alternative pattern to the jaywalkers, if you're interested...still a ripple, but just a little different...)


Good morning and welcome to my January.  I’m not sure quite where to start so I’ll start with the thought that brought me back here today. ...