Monday, October 1, 2007

Quick thought. I found this button on a blog that I was reading at work (I know, shame, shame, shame) and I followed it to the site. It was thought provoking and I liked it so much that I linked to it myself. Blogging without obligation sounds like a no-brainer to me but maybe it is something to think about. If writing your blog becomes a chore and an obligation, why are you doing it?


amy said...

I like this reason myself: "Because they are probably not going to inscribe your stat, link and comment numbers on your tombstone."

So true! Like everything else, blogging can become competitive if people allow it. I don't have ads or anything on my site. I'm just doing it for the fun of it, and I've made so many wonderful blog friends, I'm so glad I started. But if it wasn't fun...well, there's enough of that in life, isn't there?

Sheepish Annie said...

Good point! I look at my blog as a hobby, really. It is also a way for me to keep the writing skills sharp. But, when it stops being fun, I don't think I'll do it anymore or will seriously slow down. A blog involves really "putting yourself out there." I'd hate to be posting stuff that feels tired or makes me unhappy!

Em said...

An excellent point. There really isn't much reason to keep a blog if you're not into it, you won't enjoy writing it, and it'll probably read like somebody's high school essays that they hated writing. As with writing, you can weave joy or loathing into your words. No matter what the old cliche may say, words have power, and if you right them willingly and happily, they will be read the same.

Carol said...

I agree with you completely. It's got to be fun right? Otherwise it's like ... homework ... ewwww!

I look at it as a hobby too, a way to show my friends my crafty endeavours without bombarding their inbox with attachments, and a journey of self-discovery. It's really interesting to go way back and read what you were doing and what's changed in your life. Or even just to reminisce about a fabulous day.

MadMad said...

Well, the money right? What? There's NO money? Really? You mean all this time I've been doing this for NOTHING? Seriously?!



Amy Lane said...

That's a very nice thought... and one I use myself, when I'm getting too busy to blog regularly... (you think the nicest things, Donna Lee:-)


Good morning and welcome to my January.  I’m not sure quite where to start so I’ll start with the thought that brought me back here today. ...