Sunday, November 18, 2007

A few weeks ago I put a hole in the leg of my favorite pair of jeans. I was heartbroken because it was in a place that made a seamless looking repair impossible. So, I came up with this as a solution. It is right above my left knee. I put a small flower on the pocket to help make it look intentional and now I can wear them again. It must look ok because Kate asked me if I would embroider her jeans. I'm just glad I can wear them again.

I have finished one waving laces sock and am about a third of the way through the second. The yarn is soft and real nice to work with. I also started the yarn harlot's one row scarf (k2,ktbl,p1) in some lovely baby alpaca that I bought when I bought Emily's 'bribe' yarn. She calls it that because she thinks I am bribing her into not giving up on the whole sock knitting thing by giving her really nice soft yarn to play with. It's a wonder it hasn't felted with all the petting it gets. I realized that I have never made myself a scarf and I need one so I am making the one row scarf for me. The yarn is deep fall colors and the pattern looks nice and it doesn't require much attention on my part. Since my sinuses are giving me a hard time (it's the weather, temps up one day and down the next), I can't always pay too much attention.

My neighbors across the street have the most beautiful tree I have ever seen. It is big and round, a maple that has become the prettiest color this fall. Yesterday morning, about 9 am, I went outside to get the newspaper and my street was silent, a little unusual for a Saturday morning. I just stood there and absorbed some of the silence and realized how nice it was to have the quiet. Some geese flew overhead, quacking away and I could hear them but not see them. It was one of those still, quiet moments when you just listen. As we rush through our lives, it is a great blessing to just stop and listen to the world and breathe.


amy said...

What a perfect use for embroidery--it looks great.

I enjoy your perspective on life. Thank you for sharing.

Em said...

I'll bet they look cute, nice lady. Way to be creative and keep your jeans.

That tree is just gorgeous, and so are a few others on out street. The trees are so beautiful this year.

Anonymous said...

Brilliant stitchery, my friend.

The fall colors seem to be especially beautiful everywhere this year. What a fortunate view you have. . .

Sheepish Annie said...

What a cute fix for the jeans! I love it when a favorite pair can be salvaged. I live in jeans these days so there is every reason to come up with good strategies for keeping them looking fresh.

Thanks for the great idea!

Nancy @ the Jersey Shore said...

great job on the jeans rescue! indeed the colors are gorgeous in that tree. I am enjoying the brilliance this year, and capturing pics incase next year is not so wonderful. Oh, and enjoy knitting your one row scarf, it is quick and easy.

Georgie said...

I love the colours in your scarf, just gorgeous. And fabulous fix for your jeans - I just went through my favourites last week, so think I might take you lead.

Bezzie said...

I love your fix!!!

Anonymous said...

your jeans solution is cute! always nice when we can make a favorite last longer.

this is a few posts back but hey good for you for saying NO more often at work.

Donna said...

I remember doing that to my jeans way back....well let's just say way back when! I use to do suns rising up out of my pockets and rainbows on my butt! Does flower child ring a bell??!! I really did wear flowers in my hair and sloshed around in the everlasting mud at Woodstock. I was a very young 15 and a wild child!

Rose Red said...

Nice job on the embroidery - very clever!

The tree is lovely - I agree, we don't enjoy the silence and the "just being in the moment" enough.

MadMad said...

There's nothing like a beautiful fall scene to make you stop and enjoy the world, is there? I love the red ones and the orange ones best. So pretty.

(Love your sweater from down below, too - looks just like a few of mine...!)

Bells said...

Oh that is truly a gorgeous tree. Wow. So striking!

And your socks are looking gorgeous Donna. I can't wait to make those.

Love the scarf. It's a favourite of mine. Is the baby alpaca really fine? I've only made the scarf from chunky yarn so something a little finer would be really interesting.

Suburban Correspondent said...

Please tell me what ktbl is! And one-row scarf? I've read Stephanie's books, but you lost me.

I grew up in Jersey, so you have to answer me!

GenerallyGemma said...

Excellent idea!

I did something similar last week and this could be just the fix I need!

Amy Lane said...

That embroidery is AWESOME. (I once fixed a pair of jeans w/an alien iron on...I'm all for fixes like that...) And I feel so silly...I got the Harlot's rib pattern wrong...but your scarf looks wonderful, and so do the socks...I missed a few posts, but I'm just so full up on admiration here, I hope that makes up for it!!!


Good morning and welcome to my January.  I’m not sure quite where to start so I’ll start with the thought that brought me back here today. ...