Sunday, November 11, 2007

It doesn't take much for the people around here (here being my house) to drop what we are doing and take a drive through the woods. It goes like this:
Person 1: So what do you have planned for today?
Person 2: Yard work, work work and some computer stuff.
Person 3: Laundry

Person 1: I have no plans.
Person 3: (as she is cleaning up after breakfast), we could just take a drive through the woods but we all have things to do.

Everyone: Let's go!

And we did. Fall is spectacular in this part of NJ. Now that the temperature has finally decided to be more seasonable, the trees have brought out their Sunday best. This tree was completely yellow/orange/red and it was like standing in a patch of sunshine. It made me smile just to stand under it. When we get to where we cross
Route 206 and head onto Quaker Bridge Road, it always feels like I have come home. I can breathe and the air smells like pine, not Pine-Sol pine scent but real pine. It's like the air is brand new and no one has ever breathed it before. There is a peace here in these woods and it speaks to me somewhere deep inside. There were quite a few other folks out there today. That's unusual but I guess they all thought like we did, that this may be one of the last really nice days before all the leaves turn brown.
Dinner is in the crockpot and there is bread in the bread machine. It's been a good day. Now I have to go deal with the deep sink which has overflowed while the washer was running. The blessings just keep on flowing!


Sheepish Annie said...

Sounds like an absolutely wonderful way to spend the day!

Em said...

I am so jealous you guys got to have fun in the woods, but I'm glad you went. I would've been out there with you, if not for this pesky job thing I've been doing the whole weekend.

There is something deep and restful and peaceful about our woods, isn't there?

MadMad said...

Sounds beautiful! (Well, other than the overflowing sink thing...)

Denise said...

What a delightful day and beautiful scenery! I miss New England autumns (I lived in New Haven as a kid)... we don't get those sorts of autumns here in Oz.

Gotta love those crock pots! I use mine a lot, too :)

roxie said...

That was a "stop and smell the roses" sort of day. Very sane and healthy! Hang on to those red and gold memories to get you through February.

Amy Lane said...

What a glorious day! So glad you got to have a broken 'sposta' yourself!

Georgie said...

Wow - stunning views, dinner in the crockpot and bread in the bread machine - can I come over for dinner??

Nancy @ the Jersey Shore said...

Lovely fall foliage! doesn't it seem like this year is one of the best ever around NJ? and so late in the season too.

Bells said...

They are such beautiful photos. I just adore the colours!


Good morning and welcome to my January.  I’m not sure quite where to start so I’ll start with the thought that brought me back here today. ...