Thursday, November 29, 2007

Meme. That word didn't exist when I was a child. In fact, according to, the word was coined in 1976 to describe a behavior or piece of culture that is passed from one person to another. I have been tagged for the 8 Random Things about Me meme. (I really love the word meme, I think of it as Me Me!)

1. I don't own a hairbrush. Really. My hair is short and I wash it and towel dry it and put some stuff on it and in the warm weather, let it dry itself. In the winter I give it a shot with the dryer. I am sorry if this upsets all of you who spend hours blow drying your hair.

2. I love wind- up toys. I have several on my desk. I have an airplane that does somersaults, a bunny that hops and my current favorite, a little green robot that does the twist. They are there to remind me that life is fun and we should not take ourselves too seriously.

3.I really don't like more than one thing on the needles at one time. I am sure this is a control thing with me but right now I have 4 (!) projects going at once. I am not sure how this happened and I don't like it. I am trying to finish them up one at a time but my snowflake socks need to be worked at home when I am awake and I needed something to knit on the train and I needed a scarf and I want to make a puppet for my niece......

4. I like my bra and panties to match. I know, I know, this is silly but I feel better when I know I am coordinated (I think it's that control thing, again).

5. I love to cook. And I would like to own my own neighborhood restaurant /bar someday. Maybe if I win the lottery.

6. I teach crisis management. I am certified in two different crisis management disciplines and have helped design a training course for the people in my agency.

7. I cut my own hair. When it was curly, I used to stand in front of the mirror and just cut away until I liked it. Usually it was good, but sometimes it was not so good. You can get away with a lot when your hair is curly. Now that my hair is straight, (it's too short to be curly), I let the hair stylist cut it.

8. I have a mild anxiety disorder. I don't like crowds. I feel like I can't breathe. It is the most frightening feeling I have ever had. I know the anxiety attacks I have experienced are mild compared to others I have heard, but they are no picnic.

So, there you are. 8 random things about me. I think I am supposed to tag others but I think I am one of the last people on the internets to do this so if you haven't, please consider yourself tagged. You're it!


Em said...

Fascinating stuff, that. :-P (you can't smack me for teasing you, i bring you joy!)

I wish I'd inherited the curly hair. Maybe then I could cut mine really short and throw out my brushes. That's right, I have two. Because I have perfectly, ridiculously straight hair that needs a lot of brushing.

Way to post from work, you slacker! Shouldn't you be, say, working?

Sheepish Annie said...

The memes are really fun to read! You learn so much about a person...

amy said...

I agree, you CAN get away with a lot with curly hair. It's saved me many a time. Actually, if a stylist cuts my hair even all around, the front looks shorter because it curls up so much. I'm better off hacking at it myself...

Donna said...

Thanks for posting..I know it is a drag sometimes to be tagged, but a good blog friend asked me to do it (honest!) You do learn fun stuff about everyone. You sound like a super nice person ;0)

Bezzie said...

If you ever win the lottery, Clancy's across the street also serves food. Just as long as you don't advertise my free window peep shows across the street! ;-)

Bells said...

I relate to or share a lot of these!

I don't like more than one thing on the needles and suffer anxiety for it. I still do it though.

I love to cook and would like to own my own establishment one day.

I don't like crowds either. My husband guides me through them if we find ourselves in one. It's awful.

TinkingBell said...

I thought memes were more like Jungs collective unconscious - the idea that bits of cultural sharing get lodged in our minds - Neal Stephenson discusses this in 'Snowcrash' and 'The Diamond age' - still wish I had curly hair though!

roxie said...

I love visiting your blog - positive and upbeat all the way. Y'all can cook for me any day!

Susan Pandorf said...

I don't like crowds either.When I visit my brother in New York city, it's exhausting. So many people...


Anonymous said...

I love reading memes [and I love matching lingerie too].


Amy Lane said...

Good things to know, all of them--and I've cut my own hair before:-O I call the toys on my desk 'tchotchkes:-)

Michele said...

yes, meme always sounds the same to me. Me Me. but they are fun to read. the part i like best of yours is the wind up toys.

i've been thinking about some toys for my desk too. same reason. reminder to have fun and not take it all so seriously.


Good morning and welcome to my January.  I’m not sure quite where to start so I’ll start with the thought that brought me back here today. ...