Tuesday, February 19, 2008


I found this on Teabird's blog. I guess I have to go and re read my zombie survival guide. I think I scored low because I wouldn't shoot my loved ones in the head if they became zombies. Such a softy.


Kate said...

That kind of thinking gets you et, mom!

Alwen said...

I do about the same. I think I'd rather run from my zombified loved ones.

teabird said...

I have decided that zombies have already won - which explains our current political process --

I would, by the way, shoot my loved ones in the head were they to become zombies. So yeah, I'm a tough one.

Sheepish Annie said...

I've taken this one several times and usually end up with between 75 and 85 percent. I don't own any guns and this poses a real problem for me in the coming End Of Days.

Plus, even when I do shoot my zombified loved ones in the head, I always have to stop and stare at them lingeringly first. She who hesitates is lost...

I have spent my school vacation catching up on zombie movies, though. This should help!

Amy Lane said...

Zombies are my biggest nightmare...scary!

Em said...

I only scored a sixty-eight, I think this test is rigged! When the zombies come, I am completely prepared to fortify, defend, and eventually conquer. I even live near a Walmart! I am sooooo ready.

roxie said...

Don't know if I want to live in the world that's left after a zombie apocolyps Apocalips- apoppalypso - a zombie world-destroying f-up thing. If I can't spell it, how am I supposed to survive it?


Good morning and welcome to my January.  I’m not sure quite where to start so I’ll start with the thought that brought me back here today. ...