Wednesday, February 6, 2008

First off, let me say Thank You. Thank you for the positive comments. I don't think I've ever received such positive reinforcement outside my husband and children. It made me smile here at work (my computer at home is having software issues, something with the firewall and Explore and now it doesn't work. This is where living with a confirmed computer geek is really handy. Repairs or rebuilding will happen soon) on this grey, warm , grey morning. (did I mention it's grey?) I have a monster headache from the low barometric pressure and I have a gyn appointment this afternoon. Talk about your bright happy days! Anyway, the comments were wonderful.

So, in keeping with the ten things: I like that I have a sense of humor and tend to see the good things around me. I like to laugh and I like to make others laugh. I try hard to see something positive even in the seemingly worst situations. I always ask myself, "what's the worst that can happen?". That helps me realize that even if the worst does happen, I can handle it.

I have picked up the stitches for the lace border on the shawl. It starts with 329 stitches or so and ends with 641. I have never knit a row that long and I must say, it's a challenge. I have a feeling that this part will take a little (ok, probably a long) while.

And in the aftermath of Super Tuesday comes a candidate we can all support. Yes, Dolores the Sheep is running for POTUS! Check it out on Franklin's blog where she made her announcement. I feel relieved that there is a candidate whose platform I can whole heartedly support.


TinkingBell said...

Absolutely! Huzzah for the Fibertarians (can I have an absent vote!) Personally I think sheep would mostly make better politicians than politicians do!

Kate said...

I agree with tinkingbell--most sheep would make good candidates. "War? Nah, we don't want war. Let's just eat some grass."

Sheepish Annie said...

I hate to admit it...but Dolores scares me just a little bit. A lot of bit, actually. She comes to Maine sometimes, you know!

amy said...

I'm just catching up now. I like that 10 things idea. In high school one of my friends and I routinely told each other we were beautiful. We were tired of all the girls we knew going around saying, "Oh, I'm so ugly. Oh, I look so fat in [these jeans/this skirt/my life]. I hate my hair/eyes/skin/life." And you know what? It worked. Granted, I was past the worst of the awkwardness by that point, but still. Nothing is as beautiful as confidence. Not cockiness; confidence.

I got married in sandals and blue toenails (and yes, a dress too!) but for the party, I wore overalls and a t-shirt and a baseball hat with the date of the ceremony and "BRIDE." My husband had an identical one that said "GROOM." And the party was in my parents' backyard. It was perfect.

Julie said...

Yanno, Dolores never mentioned martinis in her statement... Like how they'll become the national drink. Hm. That worries me.

Bells said...

that is a very good thing to notice and like about yourself. I often think a sense of humour saves us from sinking in the big stinking pile of poo we find ourselves in sometimes, huh?

Bezzie said...

I'm all about the humor. I stay away from saying "What's the worst that can happen?" though--I'm very supersitious!

Is she running opposed by a candidate allergic to wool?

Amy Lane said...

Go Delores--and go lovely lady with a nice sense of humor!


Good morning and welcome to my January.  I’m not sure quite where to start so I’ll start with the thought that brought me back here today. ...