Thursday, February 7, 2008

Things I like about myself number three. As I was discussing this with Peter Kevin, he keeps asking me if I mentioned my ass yet. As in "don't forget to mention that you have a great ass". There, hon, I mentioned it. Now, back to things that I like. I am a nice person. I tried to raise my children to believe that "nice matters". I think that the word Nice has gotten a bad rep in the last several years. If you want to say something about someone but not praise them too highly, you say "they're nice". I think that being nice is important. And I am a nice person.

I had my annual gyn appt last night. As usual it was more fun than you can shake a stick at. The doctor asked me if I had any "post menopausal" bleeding. Then she looked at the chart and said "oh, you still get a period. Huh, every month?" I said yeah and I wouldn't be sorry if that changed. She reminded me that I am not a candidate for HRT because of my mother's having had breast cancer so the longer I keep my own hormones flowing the better. "hormones keep you young!" Then she did the exam and kept frowning. Now, in my mind, frowns are not what you want to see on your doctor's face as she is examining your female parts. She thinks she felt a lump, ("it's probably a fibroid") outside the uterus. Oh goodie. Now not only do I get to go and have my breasts squished but I can have a pelvic ultra sound as well. Sigh. Getting old is not for the faint of heart. So last night I had trouble sleeping. I KNOW it's probably nothing but still the brain is too full of horror stories. I am taking a mental health day today and Peter Kevin and I are going to the movies. Tomorrow I have to try to schedule the tests.
I am working away on the shawl. Thank goodness for books on tape. The rows are long and getting longer. It's once again a pile of yarn on a circular needle. Not terribly attractive. I've left the ends to be knitted into the border at the top when the lace border is done.
Elanor's socks are moving right along. If you've never tried the Go with the Flow pattern in 25 Favorite Socks (IK) it's as easy as the Lacey mock cable and moves along just as fast. It is really pretty. When I finish her socks I am going to make a pair for me.

Thing I like about myself number four: I am a good editor. I have a good ear for what sounds good and natural in writing. I have edited reports and papers for everyone I know. I am a good speller and can word things so that they are clear and easily understood.

There, Roxie. Four down, six to go. I'm getting there.

I have no knitting photos to share today so I'm sharing a photo of a quilt that is hung at Batsto. It is huge and completely done by hand. No machine sewing. I wish you could see how tiny and perfect the stitches are. But the best part? Her husband cut the pieces for her as she stitched. Here's the info plaque that accompanies the quilt. How cool is that?

I hope you all are having a good day. We missed the torrential downpour we were supposed to get last night. It was the remnant of the storms that ravaged the southeast with tornados and thunderstorms. So, we lucked out. Today the temperature is not quite as high as yesterday but still unseasonably warm. We shouldn't have the windows open in February. Something wrong with that.


Dianne said...

Ah, the joys of growing older. I solve the "no bad news" thing by not going to the doctor, especially the GYN. I've been twice in my life. Bad, I know, but I don't have kids, so...

The quilt is lovely. I haven't been to Batsto for years--gotta get back there!

TinkingBell said...

O yes - I've always thought you had a great ass (joking!! But then you can tell PK that other people comment too!) I think Nice and editing are both very important remember - only 6 to go!

Em said...

Nice does matter, and you are the Queen of Nice, with all the positive connotations. I think you radiate peace and niceness and that people are attracted to that--which is why you get to hear so many peoples' life stories.

I'm crossing my fingers for the doctor's appointments and sending all my love and good thoughts your way. It's such a nerve-wracking thing to know you need more tests.

Rose Red said...

Nice totally matters (although I agree with you, it's almost an insult now to say someone or something is nice - shame about that).

That quilt is amazing - as is the stories it holds.

Bezzie said...

Hey right on. That's exactly what happened to me. Cept I was told unless the fibroid troubled me there was no need to do anything. But I feel your pain. And I'm not even freaking 30 yet.
And yes, I freaked the heck out too. But they're so damn common, I've been able to calm myself down about it.

amy said...

I hope you're able to schedule the tests quickly. Worrying about it is terrible, isn't it? And even though rationally I always know there's no sense in worrying, that doesn't always shut up the worrying bits. (They're very good at what they do.)

Sheepish Annie said...

Oh dear...I' will be thinking good thoughts for you. There is nothing more stressful than waiting for someone else to tell you what is going on with your own body. A rather helpless feeling, I find. But, I know that your instincts are right and that this is all going to be just fine.

And I'm sure you already know this, but that husband of yours is a keeper!

Bells said...

Oh PK sounds like a great bloke. You've gotta love a man who appreciates your butt. :-)

Sorry to hear about gyno stuff. Try not to panic. I have found they often stir up trouble where there isn't any need!

roxie said...

Nice is absolutely right. You ARE nice. Unintimidatingly, uncomplicatedly, unassumingly nice. And a joy to know!! And a good editor as well? What do you charge for manuscripts?

As for the problem with the girly bits, the sooner it's dealt with, the better. Make that exam appointment, take time off from work to get the earliest appointment available, and put your mind at rest. Not knowing is worse that knowing the worst, because you can imagine a gazillion awful things, when there's actually only the one real thing to deal with.

MadMad said...

Oh, I'm so sorry you're stuck with the worry. I HATE waiting around for medical information. Don't they know we need to be able to sleep at our age?! Hope they get you in quick and that it's nothing. I'll keep my fingers crossed!

Amy Lane said...

Wow--I wish you lots of good things, because your heart is too young for health problems!

I'm with Tink--being 'nice' and being a good editor are two WONDERFUL qualities...and since I only possess half of one and not much of the other, I have to say, I'm kind of jealous of your goodness! (But not in a mean way, just in a 'full of admiration' way:-)


Good morning and welcome to my January.  I’m not sure quite where to start so I’ll start with the thought that brought me back here today. ...