Friday, March 14, 2008

This has been a blah week. I have come home from work each day and felt so tired. I think it's the switch to Daylight Savings Time. This year it seems to be worse. But you can tell that spring is on the way. There were clear signs all around the house. There were crocuses, and some lovely yellow flowers that I call 'volunteer flowers' because I didn't plant them. They just volunteered to grow beside the path in the back yard. And speaking of the back yard, I can also tell that it's spring because the ducks are back. These ducks are native to New Jersey and can be found in fresh water all year long. We have a flock that inhabits our pool. There is the big duck and many small ones. When the pool is clean, they will float away, enjoying the summer sunshine.

And the socks came out to sit in the sunshine on the front step. Here is PK's brown sock. This is the second one and as you can see, it's not even half done. I am getting tired of all the brown so I started another pair of socks. This is a pair of Go With The Flow socks from 25 Favorite Socks. The yarn is from Art Walk Sock Yarn Club and the color is Flaming June (based on the painting by Henry James). I love this yarn. The colors are striping in an interesting way and I am now past the gusset so I can see if the foot will stripe as well. It's unusual for me to have more than one pair on the needles at a time but the brown was getting to be more than I could bear. The photo shows the color fairly well. It's a pretty chocolate brown. But who wants to work with brown when the sun is shining and for the first time in months you can sit outside in the sunshine and not freeze. I sat on the front step and wore my shawl around my shoulders and knitted in the sunshine. It was the best part of the week.
That and finding out that my 80 year old aunt, who is very dear to me, survived surgery to implant a pace maker in her chest today. My Aunt Elsie is funny and precious to us. The thought of losing her is unbearable. She and my Aunt Joan make up the grandparent portion of my little family. They are wonderful women and it's hard watching them get old.
We are supposed to get more rain this weekend but not the torrential downpours we got last week. Our street lost 4 large trees that were blown down in the storm. There are holes where once there were trees. It's funny to think that in a few weeks we won't notice the holes.
Hope you all have a happy weekend! Hard to believe Easter is next week.


amy said...

The blahs really are going around, aren't they? Great pictures of growing things, though. It's encouraging.

I completely understand on the brown. I love brown, too, but oh. March is such a tease of a month around here. Color is good.

Em said...

The flowers are so colorful and happy, but I have you beat. Mine bloom all year round!

I understand about the two pairs of socks, sometimes you just need a break and some color.

I'm looking forward to visiting tomorrow, maybe we can sit in the sun and knit together.

Bells said...

oh such beautiful crocuses. I really do adore them. The pickwicks you've got there are my favourite. I'm about to buy loads so I can look forward to them in August. The upsidedownness of crocuses in March kills me.

Love you GWT socks. Great pattern huh? So easy and so effective.

Dianne said...

I know what you mean about the blahs. Spring is so close, that these last few weeks of winter hanging on feel soooo long. That's good news about your Aunt. My uncle had a pacemaker installed (that can't be the correct word!) several years ago, and what a difference it made! Healing vibes are being sent to your sweet Aunt.

P.S. The ducks - that cracked me up!

Megan said...

I love the ducks!

Your Go With the Flo socks are lovely, isn't it a great pattern. I have a pair done that just needs ends woven in.

Day light savings time and winter blahs are killing me too. I just can't adjust very well this year.

Here's looking forward to spring.

Amy Lane said...

That colorway is AWESOME--and I do know what you mean...spring can bring about the weirdest 'blah' glad the week perked up:-)


Good morning and welcome to my January.  I’m not sure quite where to start so I’ll start with the thought that brought me back here today. ...