Wednesday, April 16, 2008

First off, I want to announce the winner of the Blogiversary Contest. Here is the appropriate knitted container to put all of the names into: (i.e., the sock monkey hat I made for Kate).
Here are the names all neatly written on pieces of paper and put into the hat. And here is the name that Kate pulled out of the hat: So, Amy Lane, if you email me your address, I will send a prize package your way! And thank you all for taking the time to think about what you have learned about yourself from blogging. I think the most interesting thing is that we all learn that we are not alone and there is always someone who understands and empathizes no matter how stupid/dumb/awkward we think we are!
I met with the surgeon today. He came into the room and looking over my paperwork, commented that I had had an appendectomy in 1972. "Good year 1972. That's when I was born". I wanted to poke him with the knitting needles. I said, "Yea, well I was in 8th grade then". The good news is that I got an appointment for April 28th to have the gall bladder taken out. I have to get an EKG (because I am over 50) and another ultrasound next week and then some blood drawn. I made appointments for all of this and hopefully the surgery will be laprascopic and I will heal easily. It's a little nerve wracking to sign a piece of paper that essentially says "I give you permission to cut me to pieces if necessary in the course of this surgery". I can't wait for this to be done. The pain is almost constant and even if it's not excrutiating, it is not fun to always feel pain. If they had told me I had to wait, I would have cried right there in the office.

The biopsy results were negative for cancer. It's just cystic tissue and is best left alone. Phew. That was a huge relief. I appreciated all the support I felt while it was being performed. Maybe you all could come with me for the gall bladder operation, too?

In the meantime, I started the Annetrelac Sock. I thought the color block yarn that Roxanne dyed would knit up differently. The entrelac is easy enough once the concept got through my thick skull. The colors don't look like what I envisioned but I still like it. In fact, I like it better than some of the striping yarns. I don't think it was made for entrelac but I am enjoying it so much that I will keep going. I like the texture of the knit.
Oh, and I almost forgot. This is the weekend that Franklin is coming! Kate and Em and I are going to Wool Gathering in Kennet Square, PA to be photographed for the 1,000 knitters project. We are very excited!!! I will try to contain my excitement enough to take some photos.
And Saraspunda is on her way from New Zealand. She should be here in time for me to play with her while I recuperate from the surgery. It's all about the timing, folks.


amy said...

I'm so glad you have some wonderful things to look forward to! I will be thinking of you on the 28th. That's not so very far away.

Hey, your doctor is older than I am, at least (by a year). It's really nervewracking to be in your late 20s/early 30s and have doctors younger than you. Not that I'm in my late 20s/early 30s anymore, but when I WAS...

Bezzie said...

Hooray for good test results!

And fare thee well gallbladder! Don't let the door hit you on the way out!

Rose Red said...

Good news from the doctor (who is also younger than me (just!!)). Hope all gotes well for the next bit.

Yay for being able to go in the 1000 knitters - I so love that idea. I hope that Kate will be wearing Mr Sock Monkey hat, and if Em isn't carrying Mr Penguin in her picture, I will be most disappointed!

TinkingBell said...

Pretty pretty sock! I'm so pleased everything is well - OK and that the gall bladder is organised - given the amount of punishment gall bladders take I think they must be on a par with tonsils and appendixes - boo hiss! Take care!

Sheepish Annie said...

I'm so glad that all my favorite people seem to be getting in on the 1000 knitters project! It's like we will all be together!

And I'm giddy over the good knew from the docs! Negative test results and the end of pain sounds like just about the best news ever. ::hugs::

Galad said...

I'm so glad to hear about your negative test results and that your gallbladder pain will soon be at an end. Here's hoping for the scope surgery which has a very quick recovery time.

Love the sock colors!

Amy Lane said...

SQUEEEEEEEE!!!!!! I won I won...and even better--

Donna Lee won--she has her surgery date, and no cancer...I'm so glad!!!

And I swear, the girl who felt me up to see if Kewyn was ready to deliver was younger than the kid in my stomach.

jessie said...

Congratulations on the test results.

Dianne said...

I'm so glad about the test results - that's the best news! Also glad that the gall bladder can be taken care of so soon, although with the kind of pain you are in, amother 10 days probably doesn't seem like it's all that soon. [[[Hugs]]]

Nancy @ the Jersey Shore said...

I am glad your test results came out well. I would have yelled in that doc's stethescope, LOL.
The annetrelac sock looks so nice!
Good luck in advance for the surgery.

Denise said...

Phew phew phew about the biopsy results!! And I'm so glad to hear the gall bladder surgery is happening soon. Constant pain is SO no fun.

Very excited to hear you're in the 1,000 Knitters project - highly cool!! It's such a brilliant idea - and you're going to be part of it :D


Good morning and welcome to my January.  I’m not sure quite where to start so I’ll start with the thought that brought me back here today. ...