Thursday, April 24, 2008

Kate sent me a photo at work today. A package had arrived. From New Zealand. Saraspunda! I left work as quickly as I safely could. I was surprised because the NZ track and trace link said the package was still being "cleared". We figured they were searching it for weapons of mass destruction or some such.

This is what was in the box. Lots of pieces and bubble wrap and styrofoam peanuts. We quickly unpacked the lot and were trying to figure out which piece went where (the directions were a bit sketchy) when Peter Kevin rode up on his bike and rescued us. He is really good at putting things together. He and Kate figured the whole thing out and Voila! There she was. After much poking and prodding we figured out where some pieces were in wrong and then PK glued on the legs. We stopped long enough to eat some sandwiches for dinner and then pulled out some roving we just happened to have lying around.

Because the wheel is not new, there are some adjustments we'll need to make but it seems to work. We played with some wool for a while but I have a nasty sinus headache and concentrating on what I was doing was too hard for now. Kate will play tomorrow while I am at work. And then I will come home and play some more. I look forward to a really steep learning curve here.

I finished one of the Annetrelac socks. I'm not sure how I feel about them. Elanor really likes them so they may be a birthday gift for her in September. Or maybe I'll just give them to her now. I'm not good with the whole "make gifts ahead of time and wait to give them" thing. I like the colors in the yarn but I'm not sure how I feel about the design. The sock has a stitch count of 72 for the cast on. That is whittled down to 48 for the cuff and then the other stitches are picked up for the foot. 72 stitches for the foot seemed too many so I decreased across the top of the foot as well as at the gusset until I was down to 66. Only 6 stitches but it made a difference.

Tomorrow I call the hospital and find out what time my "procedure" is scheduled for on Monday. I'm hoping it's early in the morning so we can get it over with. I have grocery shopping and laundry to do this weekend and I am treating myself to a haircut tomorrow afternoon and a mani/pedi appointment. I want to look lovely while I recuperate!


Dianne said...

Oooh, she's a beauty! Congratulations! The sock looks great, too. You be sure and let us all know what time we should be there "in spirit" with you! :)

catsmum said...

enjoy the new member of the family - my Ms Charlotte Sheridan sends regards - and I'll be thinking of you on Monday. I will quite possibly get the times mixed up, but I'll be thinking of you all the same :]

Bells said...

oh so lovely and from so far away! You're going to have a ball.

All the best for Monday. I agree, earlier is better. Who wants to sit around waiting, even if they do have a snazzy new haircut?

roxie said...

Thinking of you on Monday. And thinking of you happily spinning all the other days. What a splendid toy! Hooray for Peter Kevin and his mechanical abilities!

amy said...

Have so much fun with your new spinning wheel! How exciting.

And yes, we'll all be thinking of you Monday.

MadMad said...

Oh, it's NEXT Monday! I get myself so confused sometimes! Oh well. The wheel is awesome! I'm so jealous - I think that will be a ton of fun! And I think the socks look cool! What didn't you like, the colors?

Alwen said...

I love the colors in the yarn, but I see what you mean - it's a little busy.

(Can I be the only one who is singing "Sarasponda, sarasponda, sarasponda, ret, set, set" every time I see Saraspunda?)

Amy Lane said...

Wow...I'm not sure which one I'm more excited about for you--the sock of the spinning wheel--the sock, she is beautiful, and the spinningwheel, she is GORGEOUS!!!

Enjoy her and enjoy her...and the medical procedure will be done and over and you can enjoy her some more:-)

Sheepish Annie said...

Congrats on the new wheel! It is gorgeous!!!

Good idea treating yourself to the mani/pedi before your procedure. I think it really helps to have a little of the "feel good" before such things. And I think that the doctors and nurses appreciate good grooming beforehand...

Galad said...

The new wheel is beautiful and looks right at home already. I hope you enjoy her very much.


Good morning and welcome to my January.  I’m not sure quite where to start so I’ll start with the thought that brought me back here today. ...