Monday, May 12, 2008

I have decided I could easily be a woman of leisure. I have enough interests to keep me busy and I love bon-bons. But it doesn't look like that is going to happen anytime soon.
So, I went back to work today. It was pretty much as I expected, 2 weeks worth of email to pretend to read before I hit 'delete', 12 messages on the machine (12 people who didn't bother to listen to the message that said I wasn't there), and a mail box full of papers and memos and vouchers and stuff. It was all pretty normal and boring.
Except for two things. The first thing was a package from one of the student interns that I supervised this year. She sent me an exquisite box of chocolates as a thank you for sharing my "wisdom and caring and compassion" with her. I wish I could show you a photo of the box because they were beautiful. But I can't. They're gone. All gone. PK and El helped me finish that sucker off as soon as I got home.

Thing the second. In the mail box attached to my house was a package. From Australia. From Georgie. She sent me some of this. I know the photo is awful but if you could see the cold (and I mean cold) rainy day here, you'd understand. This is 100 grams of roving in a beautiful green/blue color. It's called Under the Sea (let's all sing it together!) and it's soft and silky feeling and just perfect. It turned a not so great day into a great one. It's from Ewe Give Me the Knits. It was such a lovely thing to do. And best of all it came with a kiss from Pirate Jim. Go ahead, be jealous. I would be. Not often I get kisses from young men who are not my spouse.

Kate gave me the book Folk Shawls for Mother's Day and some sock yarn. I started a new pair of make-it-up-as-I-go-along socks. I know I still have to finish the entrelac socks but I was feeling the need for a change in color. And this is definitely a change in color. It's Lana Grossa sock yarn and rather soft after working with the Noro. I wore the Noro socks today to work under a pair of light blue cordoroy pants. They looked great and I found every opportunity to show them off all day. No modesty here!
I hope you all are having better weather than we are. It was windy, pouring rain and 38 degrees (3 degrees celsius). It is May for crying out loud! I needed to replace the battery in my watch but didn't want to walk down the two blocks at work in the pouring rain to the jewelers. I kept looking at my wrist all day. Without a watch, my wrist does not tell time! Duh. So, I paid twice what it usually costs me when I go to the discount jewelers in Philadelphia. A very nice man replaced batteries in both my watches (yes, they both died at the same time, I'm thinking it was a suicide pact) even though technically his store had closed for the day. I guess I looked pitiful. Or maybe it was just karma. It doesn't matter. I will be able to tell time tomorrow at work. That is very important.
Have a good week. Monday is over and that's half the battle.


Rose Red said...

Oh yes, I could totally be a woman of leisure. Oh well.

Lovely gifts!! Surprises like that are so fantastic. What lovely yarny stuff George sent you, she's a good stick!

amy said...

What nice packages, and how great of the intern to recognize you in that way.

I hear you on the cold, although at least it wasn't raining. Super windy, though. Miserable weather. May is a big, rotten tease.

Galad said...

Two presents in one day, and on a Monday no less!

I'm happy to hear you survived your first day back and even had new socks to show off.

Ah yes, life is good.

Bells said...

Hooray! It arrived! When she told me she'd sent it I thought, yeah, what a great idea! She's a good stick, as RR said.

going back to work after a break sucks in the extreme, so the surprises no doubt helped.

TinkingBell said...

I'd love to be a woman of leisure - only with 2 littlies (and 1 case of chickenpox) it doesn't happen - love the Kaibashiras - I adored making mine and the Noro does soften -glad you're feeling better!

Kate said...

Is that the picture that you sent to my phone? I couldn't tell what it was, it was so dark! So pretty, though!

And a kiss from Pirate Jim? I'm jealous!

Bezzie said...

Mmmm...that roving is beautiful!!

Alwen said...

What a beautiful green!

Fiber and chocolate make my day, too.

Dianne said...

I'm glad your first day back wasn't too bad. Presents, to boot! Yay!

Amy Lane said...

Oooh... I want that job! (We had a professor of Leisure Arts at my college. His first name was Ernie. The only way I knew him was because he came in every day at the same time to drink tea at the restaurant I worked at. If I'm very good, in my next life, I'll have his job.)

What a lovely gift--go Georgie! And you know--it's going to be 102 in my neck of the woods on Friday. I miss winter.

Sheepish Annie said...

Yeah...I've often thought about how being a lady of leisure would suit me. I thought it today...about twenty times, if you want the truth.

But nice prezzies can really make the work day a bit more bearable! And that fiber it wonderful!

Anonymous said...

I love the roving - what a gorgeous colorway!


Good morning and welcome to my January.  I’m not sure quite where to start so I’ll start with the thought that brought me back here today. ...