Sunday, May 4, 2008

I opted to do the smart, adult thing and stay home this weekend and let my body heal. I was originally planning to go back to work tomorrow but I called the doctor's office to make my follow up appointment and they said, "NO. Not yet". Ok, I can deal with some more time off, especially as I can move around a little easier. I see the doctor on Wednesday and will probably go back to work on the following Monday. I already let my supervisor know and he was understanding. The center will not fall apart without me there. My clients will have to take care of themselves for a little longer.

I finished the Sockotta socks yesterday. A pair of socks in one week. Never happened before. See what lots of time sitting still will get you? They were perfect because stockinette stitch is so soothing. I like the socks and even got the stripes to match. Of course you can't see that because I am standing on one foot with my sock in the air trying to catch some of the sparse light on this grey day. I like the way the short row heel came out. I'll keep that in mind for other self patterning yarns. Now I am working away on the entrelac socks for Elanor. And I need to find a pattern for the Noro sock yarn that Joan sent me. Any thoughts? The yarn is so colorful that I don't want it to obliterate any pattern. I guess it could be another plain sock.
And I mentioned to Peter Kevin that there is another yarn show in October, in Rhinebeck. His eyes lit up. It seems there is a museum of old aircraft up there and now he is planning out how we can take the train together and he can go to see the aircraft and I can go see the yarn. I have a feeling he might want to come to the yarn show but we'll see. Old aircraft are a pretty strong draw.
Enjoy the rest of the weekend.


roxie said...

Happy socks! And good for you for being a grownup and staying home to heal. You will be healed up so much sooner this way! Now that the socks are done, what's next? I like the idea of plain Noro socks.

Dianne said...

Love the colors in that sock! I'm glad you aren't going back to work yet--more time to knit (and heal, of course!)

Amy Lane said...

I love me a good self-striping yarn--and if I were you I'd be (almost--because you're a bit delicate yet) jumping up and down for the excuse to stay home and knit some more. I think the plain Noro socks sound great...I've got some of that yarn myself, and you're right--the colors would overpower a pattern.

Sheepish Annie said...

Socks always look better on a rested, healthy foot. Of course, that one would look pretty good no matter what. But, I'm still glad you are taking care of yourself and following the doctor's orders.

Alwen said...

We love taking the train. It's so nice to be able to visit the restroom, eat, read, and all the while still be travelling towards your destination.

Olivia said...

Yeah, take the break while you can! I'm so glad you're feeling a bit better. I think short row heels are elegant the way the stripes come out.

Rose Red said...

Keep resting and knitting - yes, lovely soothing resting and knitting. I think the Noro probably wants to be plain soothing stocking stitch socks - the colour is where the magic is.

Oh, and Rhinebeck! Jealous!

TinkingBell said...

So glad you're starting to feel better! Such happy socks - rest, relax and make lovely socks - a very good plan!

Bezzie said...

Lovely socks! I love Sockotta.

Hee hee, tell PK it's like Christmas comes twice a year for knitters--once in spring, once in fall!

MadMad said...

I'm going to Rhinebeck! Are you gonna go? I'd love to meet you!!! OK. Back to reading the rest of your post!

Em said...

Rhinebeck? I do believe a family road trip is in order. I'm so glad you're feeling less bad. I'll try hard to not make you laugh too much when I come visit on Thursday/Friday. Staying home is the smart thing to do, and the best for your body. And the grown-up, adult thing. Are you working with the Bureau for Better Adult Behavior? You're not a narc, are you?

Galad said...

Glad to hear you stayed home and took care of yourself. It is amazing how good one can feel after surgery while sitting and reading, knitting etc. That is a whole different ballgame from walking, working and all those adult requirements.
Love the socks - they are beautiful.


Good morning and welcome to my January.  I’m not sure quite where to start so I’ll start with the thought that brought me back here today. ...