Saturday, June 14, 2008

Today is the 14th and for once I remembered that I wanted to document my day. Since I didn't remember until I saw Bells' post, I have no photos to prove that any of these events happened. I guess I could tell you that I jetted off to Paris for lunch but that would be a lie. I try not to lie.

So, here is a typical Saturday.

PK woke very early today (around 4 am!) and couldn't go back to sleep so he got up and turned on the computer. That, of course, woke me up and I stifled the urge to bang him on the head with the pillow and went back to sleep until a more decent hour of 7.

At 7 I got up and plugged in the laptop and checked out the email and favorite blogs while it was still cool enough to enjoy having the laptop be on my lap. I also gave in and signed up for ravelry (I was not going to because I didn't see the need until folks keep linking to things on the site and I can't get in to view them which frustrates me). I found out that there are only 203 people in front of me and any minute now I can be a member. I played around for about an hour and then took a shower, knowing full well that I will be all sweaty in a short time but one does like to be clean.

Breakfast was poptarts and a large glass of milk. I love them but don't eat them often. I had brown sugar/cinnamon-my favorite while I read today's paper.

After consuming both poptarts, I started the laundry and cleaned the kitchen. I then dusted the bedroom, changed the sheets and mopped the floor. On to the bathroom, where the tub, sink and toilet were cleaned and I momentarily thought about taking down the curtains and washing them and the windows but decided no. Too humid today. After washing the bathroom floor, I started more laundry and dusted and vacuumed the livingroom/diningroom floors and mopped the kitchen floor.

At that point,I was dripping. It was only 11 am and I was halfway through the laundry and the house was tolerably clean. I am not usually this efficient but I was waiting for a phone call from my cousin. My aunt is in the hospital and having tests to determine whether she had a heart attack and if so, how much muscle damage was done to the muscle. Her pulse was 198 beats /minute. It's a wonder she's still alive. They gave her too much blood thinner and now she's bleeding and they're trying to stop it. I am trying to stay out of the way while the tests are run but still offer support.

The phone call comes at noon. Things are pretty much the same. She is stable for now. My cousin is ready to strangle her sister and I am the sounding board. Good thing I am used to having people spout off at me! There's a lot of anger there.
I worked on the socks for my supervisor and am onto the foot of the first one. They are working up really fast and look great.

More laundry. 6 loads altogether including sheets and towels.

The laundry is folded and put away. The things that need to be ironed are hanging up to go to the dry cleaners to be pressed. I gave myself permission not to iron anymore. I hate it. No, really hate it. It costs a few dollars to have PK's work shirts and my summer cottons ironed but it is so worth it. It's like a burden has been lifted from my shoulders.

It's dinner time and we are alone for dinner. Tonight is burgers on the grill and a tossed salad. PK will grill the meat and I will make the salad. After that we may watch a movie or just sit and try to stay cool. I got some roving in the mail today and I'd like to spin some but it's too humid and sticky. And I have some alpaca fluff that Em got for me so I have plenty to spin when the weather cools off a bit.

Tomorrow is Father's Day and if the weather holds we are going to the park for dinner. Fried chicken and pasta salad and cupcakes. We gave Pk a flight in a WWII fighter plane for Father's Day. He gets to fly the plane and they'll do acrobatics and everything. He's so excited but has to wait until early August when they'll be in Cape May. That I will be sure to take photos of.

I hope you are all having a happy, healthy weekend and staying warm/cool, depending on which hemisphere you happen to be in!
Here are two photos of PK with Kate and Em (top) and Elanor (side). He is loved.


amy said...

That is a heck of a lot of cleaning. I'm a little tired and hot just reading about it! I hope tomorrow is more of a rest for you!

Dianne said...

Happy Fathers Day to PK - great pictures of hime with the girls!

Ahhh, so Ravelry has you in its grasp - welcome to the party! It's fabulous!

Bells said...

Oh yes, I hear you on the ironing. I'm preparing mine to be collected this afternoon. Life has improved no end since Sean had the idea to outsource it (given it's mostly his work shirts that get done).

I have never had a pop tart. Ever. Am I missing out?

Rose Red said...

So glad you will be on Ravelry soon - make sure you let us know your ravname and will see you on the TdF group!!

Sounds like you had a busy day! On the ironing - I don't iron husby's clothes - I don't wear them so I don't iron them! (although I do wash them, because I don't trust him near the washing machine) and I don't buy clothes for myself that need ironing! Yay!

roxie said...

I am SO impressed! You are a better woman than I am. You actually dust? but, if all your surfaces are dust-free all the time, where do you write messages when someone calls?

As for ironing, I love poly-cotton knits!

Galad said...

So that's how Saturday morning is supposed to work. I never seem to get past the sitting down with a laptop part.

Ironing - could you explain that concept to me? Glad to hear you have relieved yourself of the burden.

Hope PK has a great Father's Day.

Amy Lane said...

Wow. That IS a lot of cleaning--you know your life is busy when you're JEALOUS of someone's cleaning schedule. And now you're making me want to go on and check my ravelry!


Good morning and welcome to my January.  I’m not sure quite where to start so I’ll start with the thought that brought me back here today. ...