Sunday, July 27, 2008

I took this just a few minutes ago. I have been trying to catch the colors but it's impossible. The yarn is Knitpicks Shadow in Oregon Coast Heather. The color on the website looks lighter on my monitor than the color is in person. There is red and orange and blue and green and gold woven in there. My camera just won't pick it up. I am on repeat number 14. Only 10 more rows (each repeat is 10 rows) and then 10 rows in chart number 3 and I will be done. I'm starting to feel optimistic here.

This was started as my Tour de France kal project. I was working toward a polka dot jersey as lace is quite challenging to me. I have worked as hard as I could even when "working" meant "ripping out and starting over." It is so thin and light and warm. Being a team leader on the Tour was interesting. I found some new blogs to read and new talent to be amazed at. One of my team members finished not one but two sweaters! Melanie finished a Molly Ringwald sweater and a knitted bed jacket. She is amazing. Oh, and the sweaters are beautiful.

They kept my cousin in the hospital for some medical monitoring and to do a psychiatric evaluation. And they are sending in the social worker to help her fill out the papers for disability so she can get some health coverage and be able to buy her medicine. Keeping her diabetes under control should be a priority. People don't realize that uncontrolled diabetes can cause brain damage as well as a host of other problems. My concern is what the stress is doing to my aunt. She is fragile and can't be taking care of everyone anymore.

Today is considerably more humid. Moving around is sweat producing work. I think I'll let the machines cook dinner tonight. Food in the crock pot and flour in the breadmaker and I'll sit and knit. Sounds like a plan.


DPUTiger said...

Just finished watching all the pomp and circumstance on the Champs Elysee. I'm glad progress is being made with your cousin. The TDF KAL has been a lot of fun. I just wish I had done a better job of blogging le Tour. I'm sure I didn't make your job as team leader as easy as it could have been.

Go hang out with your local wildlife and enjoy your Sunday! :)

Galad said...

Letting the machines do the work sounds like a great idea. I think we are going out tonight which is even better - no clean up.

You've made wonderful progress on the shawl and I can't wait to see it blocked. Maybe putting it on a dark background would bring the colors out more in photos.

Kelli said...

Excellent progress on the shawl. Beautiful effort. Can't wait to see it finished. ~ksp

Anonymous said...

Your lace looks beautiful - congrats on almost being done!

Denise said...

Great job on the shawl!!

With a daughter with Type 1 Diabetes (which we do our best to manage), and an elderly FIL with Type 2 (which he doesn't manage at all), I can really relate to the whole 'diabetes problems' stuff - it's never-ending homeostasis management, and it has serious consequences if you don't do it well!

An Australian doctor wrote that having high blood sugars is like having acid in your veins ... which gives a good mental image of the damage it does to your body! I hope your cousin gets the help she needs.

TinkingBell said...

I hope your cousin is OK - and trying to help herself!! You ahve been in the wars - emotionally and physically - sending good vibes! Love the lace (poor Cadel, coming in second again! Maybe next year...)

Rose Red said...

Hope things going better for your cousin, and hope you are looking after yourself too. Maybe some nice soothing (non-lace!) knitting will help.

Having said that, I think your lace is looking great - and you are over half way - yay! Isn't it frustrating though when you can't capture the colours in the camera, I have the same problem!! Must read my camera manual...

Bezzie said...

Even the simplest lace is hard for me as well. I'm finding that out the hard way..ha ha!

roxie said...

Oooo, the lace is lovely! I find that taking a picture outside in the shade usually give me the best color. And the dark background idea is a good one, too. You get a polka dot jersey, no question!

DH has early stage diabetes. He hasn't yet figured out that if he skips the pills just one day, it does damage. He needs to take care of himself EVERY day! At least he takes them most of the time. And if I try to remind him, it just makes him contrary. I told him that if he ever develops Alzheimers, I'll just shoot him, because he isn't biddable or co-operative at all.

Dianne said...

I hope your cousin gets the help she needs. The lace looks lovely!

Sheepish Annie said...

I think your shawl looks lovely! Good job keeping up with it. My lace project for the summer...well it kinda "went away." I don't have your stick-to-it-iveness!

The humidity seems to be kicking in a bit here, tonight, too. Weird, since it wasn't bad all day...

Amy Lane said...

What a lovely shawl. (My beaded lace is in the same color, and I've got to tell you, you're right--that color is absolutely gorgeous and the monitor won't pick it up.)

*sigh* we can't even decide what we want for dinner.

Bells said...

Good work Donna-Lee! It's looking so lovely and I know this has been challenging for you. Those challenging knits are in the end so very satisfying! Vrey much looking forward to it all blocked and done!

I just ordered some knitpicks shadow on the basis of watching this one grow, in a very similar colour. Thanks for the inspiration!


Good morning and welcome to my January.  I’m not sure quite where to start so I’ll start with the thought that brought me back here today. ...