Saturday, September 13, 2008

My husband likes to "rust hunt" (search for old tools that he can rehab into useable objects) as much as I enjoy going to yarn shops. We go to flea markets in search of rust (and I am always in search of yarn but I am always disappointed).
Today we went to the Columbus Farmers Market in Columbus, NJ. Inside the building is an array of shops selling everything from furniture and rugs to beer and wine making supplies. The best part was that they had an Amish bakery where we bought pound cake (which we enjoyed with strawberries and freshly whipped cream) and some dried fruits to make some granola. There was a meat market with some really yummy looking stuffed pork chops and other goodies. We skipped that in favor of this. That is Jersey corn and jersey tomatoes. I love fresh tomatoes so of course we bought some. We also got the strawberries, plums, pears, cranberry flavored honey, onions and some beautiful watermelon. It was hard not to pile everything in the cart. This is a farmers' market so the produce is local and just picked. This is why I came to Columbus today. Pk was disappointed because there were lots and lots of empty tables that we expected to be filled with vendors. One of the women explained that Sunday was THE day to shop. There were rows and rows of tables that she assured us would be filled with all kinds of things to buy. Pk is planning to go back tomorrow. I am not. I have other things (like laundry) that I want to do. (ok, I don't want to do it, but I prefer clean underwear to the alternative).
I made a trip to Joann's and found some bright red felt (on sale for 40% off!) and some polka dots for the lining of the felt bag (also on sale). Aren't they bright and pretty? The red dots on the fabric match the red of the felt. I have a design in my mind, now I just have to execute it.
The weather this weekend has felt like August. Traditional August, all hot and steamy. Not like the beautiful August we just had. September is technically still summer and we are prepared to set a record high temp for Sept tomorrow. Oh yay.
I am planning to go see The Women this week with my girls. It's a remake of one of my favoritest movies. It's very dated but the dialogue is good and the acting is terrific. I hope the remake doesn't break my heart.....
And I hope you are all having a good weekend.


Galad said...

The red felt and polka dot lining is lovely.

You are making me jealous with all that fresh produce. We don't have good places to get it out here. I'll have to drool from a distance.

Bells said...

oh I think that felt's going to be spectacular as a lining. Love it!

amy said...

The mugginess, ugh. I'm really not happy about the mugginess. No sun yesterday here, but it was like sitting in soup on the soccer field. Now it's pouring and even muggier.

I bought my first actual pattern at Jo-Ann's this week (Simplicity on sale for $1.99!). Now to interpret it. And buy fabric. Whee!!

Anonymous said...

The mugginess has got to go - I'm ready for fall now. The produce looks so good....

Bezzie said...

I will say this about New Jersey--they fulfil the hype about their tomatoes. SO delish!

roxie said...

Bravo for the bag solutions. The red felt and polkadot lining are too cool for school!

The market experience sounds worth the trip, even without the rust. What fun!

Sheepish Annie said...

The flea markets and such are always kind of a mystery to me. It's hit or miss... one day you score big and the next, not so much. But the fun is really in the hunt, I think!

Em said...

I miss farmers markets. I think there's one nearby, but it's only open Saturdays and Sundays, and you know how useless that is to li'l old schedule-impaired me. Rust-hunting sounds like fun. And I'm looking forward to The Women. Crossing my fingers it's as good as the original.

Louiz said...

Your farmer's markets look so much better than the one local to me - and wow the food looks fantastic!

Amy Lane said...

What a lovely looking bag that will make--and fresh produce sounds soooo good right now! (Lovely September shopping weather:-)


Good morning and welcome to my January.  I’m not sure quite where to start so I’ll start with the thought that brought me back here today. ...