Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Happy Blogtoberfest! Unfamiliar with this? Me, too. I read about it on Bells' blog. I don't usually take part in any "one a day" events (unless you count my vitamins) but I think I'll try. Maybe it'll make me pay attention to what's going on around me as I look for something to write about. It's being hosted by bigcatsemporium so go check it out.

I've finished my clinics for the week (phew) and am now working on what to talk about in the Interpersonal Relations group I run this afternoon. In this morning's medication/wellness group we are going to talk about Epilepsy because the group asked so I looked up some info and am well armed for questions. Of course, someone will ask a question that I don't have a clue about. Fortunately I don't have a problem with saying "I don't know". Three of the best words in the English language!
Otherwise things are going well. I finally finished the antibiotic and so far, no pain. You can uncross your fingers now. I went out and bought new sewing scissors (mine grew legs and ran away from the sewing basket) and can now work on the red felt bag for my client. My family knows that the sewing scissors are off limits. I had the same pair for years (and they were still sharp) and now I have to get used to a new pair. If you are not a sewer, this may sound strange but think of it as losing your favorite circs.....
Happy Wednesday everyone and let the festivities begin!


amy said...

I don't have a problem saying "I don't know" either. One year while working as Nature Director at a summer camp, a couple of kids asked me what male mosquitoes eat (since only females bite). I didn't know. "You don't know! But you're the TEACHER!!" I showed them where we could look it up and had them tell me. Male mosquitoes suck nectar. I've never forgotten that. I hope they haven't, either. I'd rather teach someone how to find the information they need then just give them the quick, easy answer anyway.

roxie said...

Take 20 inches of bright ribbon and tie it through the handle of your sewing scissors. It marks the object unequivocably as yours, and makes it easier to find. (It's a trick I learned while sewing costumes for college theatre.)

Bezzie said...

My favorite way to say 'I don't know' is "That's a great question and one that deserves more in depth investigation."

I think I inherited a BS gene from my old man.

Galad said...

I know what you mean about favorite scissors. It is hard to get used to a new pair. Good luck with Blogtoberfest!

Bells said...

Oh you're on board too! So glad Donna Lee. It'll be fun!

Rose Red said...

Yes - the special scissors! Unfortunately my husband doesn't understand about the special scissors. Oh well, lucky I have a good hiding place for them.


Good morning and welcome to my January.  I’m not sure quite where to start so I’ll start with the thought that brought me back here today. ...