Monday, October 6, 2008

It was a lovely weekend. With the sheep show and the flea market and the perfect weather. I almost don't mind that it's Monday and I am sitting at my desk listening to the phone ring. I don't answer before 8. I think some of my clients think I live here in this office.

Today is the deadline for registering to vote in the November election. Every 4 years someone says how important this election is and how we have to "get out the vote". I think every election is important because that is what a representational government is all about. So, if you live in the US, remind people around you that if they want to be part of the solution, they need to be registered to vote. Things just keep getting scarier economically and a change in leadership is sorely needed.

I didn't knit much this weekend. For some reason, I am having trouble following the sock pattern I'm using and have had to rip out rows several times because of my lack of counting skills. I have some baby socks wrapped up for the shower this week and the red bag is crossed off the to-do list and I put the Wildflowers shawl on the back burner to work on some knitting for others so I am concentrating on the socks. Fortunately, the bamboo is soft and pleasant to work with. I spun a bobbin full of the silk/baby camel and oh my god, it's the fluffiest and softest stuff I have ever touched. Of course, this means that bits of it fly all over and my nose was itchy for hours because I had bits of fluff all over. I am grateful for the individual who invented the rolls of sticky stuff that pick up fluff and lint!

I bought a toy for my desk on Saturday to add to the collection of wind up toys I keep there for my amusement. I bought an old metal wind up spaceman who walks and waves his arms menacingly. He joins the fuzzy bunny that hops, the monkey who jumps and does flips, the robot who does the twist, the crab who sidles, the egg who dances, the peep chick who runs across the floor and the airplane that turns somersaults. Just looking at them makes me smile and playing with them can be very therapeutic.

So, how's Monday treating you?


Amy Lane said...

Well, the Cave Troll is sick and payroll has fouled up my check... but on the upside, I got to read your blogs this morning and I missed you!!!

Em said...

So far, Monday's been pretty good to me. I've got two days in a row off, the local branch of my free library is two blocks away (!), and I'm going to register to vote today, as well as browbeat my roomies into it.

Denise said...

I love the sound of your wind up toy collection! I have stuffed toys on my desk ...

It's always odd to me how you can choose whether to vote or not - we have compulsory voting in Australia. Once you're 18 you have to be registered on the electoral roll, and at every election (local or federal) you have to at least front up to a polling station and have your name crossed off - you can then not vote, or cast a donkey vote, if you choose, but you gotta be there!

Good luck with the election, we're getting daily coverage down here too, and hoping for the best!!

Georgie said...

Jejune explained our compulsory voting - and I shudder to think what would happen if we ever went to non-compulsory. Australians are such a "meh-dont care" kinda crowd! And there would be a significant group who would *not* vote just so they could complain they didnt vote for those in power! We'd probably get a 5% tunrout...or maybe Im just too cynical.

Cant wait to see that camel/silk. Mmmmmm.

Bells said...

Monday's long gone here. It was a public holiday and a quiet one.

I'm pro-compulsory voting. It amazes me that a country wouldn't have it.

Galad said...

Monday has been ok for me. My dad started his first radiation treatment today and it went pretty well. It is a beautiful fall day in Iowa and I'm loving the crisp air, pumpkins and turning leaves. This was a last minute visit so I'm appreciating the celebration of fall!

Bezzie said...

Ah I've been registered now for 12 years and in---four different states! Good lord, I've actually voted in four different states in that lousy 12 years.

Camel silk is that nice huh? I've always wanted to try it, but I'm not quite there yet!

Sheepish Annie said...

I used to have a whole bunch of cool wind up toys, but they ended up being played-with-to-death by the kids in my classes over the years. ::sigh::

I could have used them on this most miserable of Mondays. Therapy is needed!!!

Anonymous said...

Monday is just about over - what a long day it was! Your windup collection sounds like fun!

DPUTiger said...

This will be the first election I've ever voted in without a Bush or Clinton at the top of the ticket for one of the major parties. Hell, it's the first election since I was five when there hasn't been a bush or clinton on the ticket at all! I'm looking forward to voting next month, and not just because it means the political ads will be over.

Oh, and my Monday sucked, thankyouverymuch. Saturday=splinter in right thumb pad. Sunday=sliced left thumb along with my bagel. Monday=having 5+ gallons of water drained from my living room ceiling. I'm hoping Tuesday will be better, but I don't have much hope.


Good morning and welcome to my January.  I’m not sure quite where to start so I’ll start with the thought that brought me back here today. ...