Sunday, October 26, 2008

My favorite knit. This is the first sock I ever made. It's not the first garment I ever made but it's the first time things like gauge, needle size, and type of yarn all came into my world.

Before this pair of socks, I had made some acrylic sweaters. Really just rectangles sewn together and I was inordinately proud of them. I happened to hear about a craft show nearby and I went and the scales fell off my eyes and I was reborn as a knitter. I wanted to make socks and found a booth where they were more than willing to sell me yarn and needles and a simple, basic pattern. I was not a "knitter" at this point, only a person who made occasional things. That day I learned there is a difference. This pair of socks made me into a knitter.

I chose the yarn having no idea it was self striping. I didn't know what self striping was. I only knew it was colors Kate would like. It cost me 17 dollars which I thought was outrageous at the time ( little did I know!) That ball of Opal yarn opened the door for me and invited me inside the world of yarn and needles and gauge and stitch markers.

I was so excited when the stripes started forming! You'd have thought I invented them. I showed them to everyone and they were suitably impressed. And then it came time to turn the heel and I couldn't figure it out. I didn't know about yarn stores and finding help. I turned to the internet and found a wonderful tutorial called Socks 101 with clear directions and lots of photos. And when I figured out that it was ok to have stitches left on the needle when you turned to start the next row, there was no stopping me. I powered onto the toe and have never looked back. This is my first gusset and first heel.

This sock made me look at knitting as more than square blankets for babies. It's opened the door to so much enjoyment and new friends.

And all of that from one little ball of yarn and four wooden sticks. Not too shabby.


Rose Red said...

Socks 101 taught me how to turn a heel too!! Huzzah for the simple sock!

Alwen said...

Isn't that first heel amazing. Now I'm getting an idea about my favorite knit, thanks to you!

Galad said...

I was fortunate enough to have a built in blog support group when I did my first sock but Socks 101 and You Tube videos were also a great help. In fact, I think I learned about Socks 101 from you!

roxie said...

That is a sock to love! You are such a positive delight!

Sheepish Annie said...

Isn't it fun to look back on those first projects? Especially the ones that turn out so well! Could you have ever imagined how many socks would come from that one little bit of yarn?

MadMad said...

Oh, gosh - that looks like the very same yarn I used for MY first pair! (Though I didn't take to sock knitting immediately - for some reason it was several year before I undertook another...)

Bells said...

Yes, thank God for Socks 101 - and the yarn harlot. Between the two of them, I got there.

I love that - the day you became a knitter. Such a memorable, important day.

And yes, $17 in hindsight? Not so bad. he he. We can all blow that budget!

Deborah said...

wow, congrats on your new skills!

Dianne said...

That's great! I seriously think you should frame it.


Good morning and welcome to my January.  I’m not sure quite where to start so I’ll start with the thought that brought me back here today. ...