Friday, October 3, 2008

Number 3. Well, Bells, yesterday didn't go as well as I'd hoped. I did try to keep the complaining down but some grumpiness still slipped in. We had our annual compliance meeting and it's always good for a few grumps. It's all about Medicare fraud and how we might have to pay back money (ALWAYS a bad thing) if we aren't writing good progress notes. Now, I do not perform billable service. None of my notes are paid for so it doesn't really matter from a fiscal standpoint what I write. From a personal standpoint, I write as clearly and concisely as I can because my name is on the document. That is important to me. Other than that, I did fairly well in the "being the person I want to be" department. Today is another day. I'll try again.

Two exciting things happened yesterday. Number one is : I got a job interview!!! I haven't sent out any resumes lately, being determined to just do my job to the best of my ability and to keep my head down. So, I was surprised when the director of the Supported Education Program of the Southwestern NJ Mental Health Assoc. called me and asked me if I would like to come in for an interview. I'm not sure what the job is, I learned about it from Careerbuilders, so I'm not sure whether it'll be a good fit. I'm waiting for him to call me back and we can talk. It's nice to be wanted. The interview is set for Friday October 10 at 10. That's 10/10 at 10. Good numerology there. That's also my wedding anniversary so good vibes all around.

Number two is that PK won 100 dollars on lottery tickets. (Please don't ask how much money he has spent to win that 100 dollars). He was very excited. We never play except when the jackpot gets really high and we almost never win anything. Maybe a dollar here or there. Most of the fun comes out of dreaming what we would do with all the money should we win. We'll take the 100 dollars and spend it on something frivolous at the flea market on Sunday.
I finished the Saucy socks last night. They are pretty but hard to photograph because the pattern runs down the center of the foot and no one in my house has thin enough feet to wear them. I'm disappointed in that. The colors are pretty and the pattern is easy and looks complicated. I started another pair of gift socks in a bamboo/merino blend from Jessie's Piece of Vermont shop. I'm using a pattern that was developed for the Art Walk Sock Yarn club called the Reims stockings. It's lacy and pretty. I'll post some photos over the weekend when I am home and the camera is handy. This weekend is the Garden State Sheep Breeders Show and it's close to home so we are going to pop on over and check it out. I have never seen a sheep close up (I know, hard to believe, but true) and am looking forward to it. Perhaps there will be some stray wool just looking for a good home. Pk is afraid we will want to bring home a whole sheep but he's ok with that as long as he gets the chops!
I hope your Friday is peaceful.
ETA: I spoke to the man about the job and the salary cut is just too much. The job is entry level and for once, I am over qualified. I decided not to waste his time or mine. I'll just keep my eyes open for other opportunities.


amy said...

Me, too. I hope my Friday is peaceful, too. :) The sheep festival sounds like fun. I'd like a sheep or two. And some goats. In my alternate life I've got a sheep farm in Vermont.

Galad said...

How exciting to have an interview. Even if the job doesn't turn out to be the fit you are looking for, the interview will be good practice. A win all the way around as far as I can see.

Way to go on your Blogtoberfest goal. I can't seem to find something to write about every day. Had the same problem with diaries.

Have a great weekend.

Alwen said...

On the theme of meetings and lottery, we call lottery tickets "meeting insurance," from a Sally Forth cartoon that named them that.

Meeting insurance is what you buy so that you'll have something to think about during a long boring meeting. Like what you'd do if you won the mega-gazillions lottery!

Rose Red said...

oh, shame about the interview - but isn't it good to get the call and know you have options

Bezzie said...

Bummer about the interview--but hey, like you said, it's good to be wanted!

Wait, you've never seen a sheep close up??? You're ruining my ideas about S. Jersey!

Bells said...

Oh but it's the trying to be what you want to be that matters, right, not always getting there.

Maureen Reynolds said...

The right job will come or you will change. Nothing stays the same, tho sometimes it seems to.

I used to have skinny feet if you need a foot model. ;-)

Anonymous said...

Sorry the job didn't work out, but hopefully the next one will be a better fit. Congrats on the lottery win!

Amy Lane said...

But hey--you got an interview--the encouragement alone will keep you going, right!


Good morning and welcome to my January.  I’m not sure quite where to start so I’ll start with the thought that brought me back here today. ...