Monday, October 20, 2008

One of the really good things about having a husband who likes to play with woodworking tools is that when you mention that you would like to have some more bobbins for your spinning wheel, he goes out and makes two of these. Isn't it pretty? It's one piece and very light. It amazes me that it started out as two boards glued together and fastened to the lathe. There are two more in the works. I'll have enough bobbins to indulge my spinning habit.

I thought I'd share some of the colors of fall as I see them around. Here are two of the chrysanthemums in the front of the house. They have come back every year for the past 3 years and we add more as we feel like it. I haven't filled in the spots yet this year but the ones from last year are blooming beautifully. This was Sunday around 1:00 in the afternoon. You can see the sunshine reflected off the blooms.

I spun two bobbins of the camel/silk before my hands started to protest. I still have a rather large bump to spin. It spins so fine that it takes some time to fill a bobbin (and my bobbins are rather small). It's nice to finally feel like what I'm spinning is yarn.
I was rather organized this morning and managed to get some dinner into the crock pot before I left the house. Mondays are the best days for remembering I have a crock pot. It's my busiest day and I like to come home to a house that smells all savory.
Well, here we go. Have a good Monday!


Alwen said...

That is handy. My husband isn't tool-talented, but fortunately he's a great cook!

Dianne said...

That bobbin is beautiful - it's a work of art! I think you need to go and buy some more fiber to spin, now. :) Hope your tooth is feeling OK.

Galad said...

Hurray for the talented PK! It is really nice when spouses support each others hobbies.

Thanks for the reminder about the crock pot. It is about time to dig ours out for these busy days.

Have a great Monday.

Taphophile said...

Wow, what a bonus!

Dianne said...

Hi again - I just nominated you for an award on my blog - check it out!

Bells said...

he's one handy dude that husband of yours. Great work!

And the flowers are spectacular. Lovely lovely lovely.

Bezzie said...

Ha ha! See! These mums are such a New Jersey thing! I love them!

(and now I have bobbin envy!) Those are beautiful bobbins!

Sheepish Annie said...

My crock pots have all been re-commissioned as dye pots. I never used them for cooking, but this time of year I do sort of miss knowing that I could have a pot roast waiting for me when I get home!

Love those bobbins. Nice work on the part of the talented hubby!


Good morning and welcome to my January.  I’m not sure quite where to start so I’ll start with the thought that brought me back here today. ...