Wednesday, November 26, 2008

It's here already. The time of year we call "the holidays" lumping them all in together. It seems like the time between Hallowe'en and New Years is one big celebration.

And I like it.
Actually, I enjoy Hallowe'en and the plethora of chocolate that is around and little kids in costumes. I have even been known to put on a pair of wings and have a good time. And I like Christmas. I like finding gifts that everyone will open and say "ooohhh". And I love Christmas trees and making my house all sparkly and decorated.

But I love Thanksgiving. More than all the others combined. I like the peacefulness of it. I know that it strikes fear in the hearts of many people but for me, I have always looked forward to the day when all I have to do is cook and enjoy the people I love. The days are getting shorter and the early darkness encourages us to nest and spend time inside with our families.

I know this time of year you see the lists of all that folks are thankful for. I'm no exception. I am thankful for a great deal in my life. Here's a few.
I am thankful for

  • first and foremost, the quirky, lovely, loving, funny, wonderful, supportive, caring, talented (is that enough adjectives?) people I call my family.
  • that I have a job and insurance
  • that my family has enough to eat and a place to sleep and clothes to wear
  • that we are able to laugh
  • that the internet has brought me new and wonderful friends whose lives I get to share
  • that our family is always growing to include new people. It doesn't dilute who we are but makes us a stronger unit
  • that George Bush will be out of the White House come January 20th
  • that I can download free books on tape and listen to my heart's content
  • that my children are grown and can make their own decisions even if I don't agree with them
  • that I seem to have a guardian spirit who keeps me out of trouble
  • that there are talented people who come up with new and interesting patterns for me to knit and who make rovings that are too beautiful for words

  • sheep!
  • and many things I will think of during the day and wish I had remembered to write down.

I am grateful for the things I have learned from all of you and the time you take to share your thoughts and ideas with me. And I want to leave you with this thought as the holidays descend upon us and we get carried away with it all:

People are like stained-glass windows. They sparkle and shine when the sun is out, but when the darkness sets in their true beauty is revealed only if there is light from within. -E. Kubler-Ross

Go out and be the light. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.


amy said...

Happy Thanksgiving, Donna Lee! Enjoy!!

Galad said...

Have a wonderful time with your family!

Bezzie said...

Isn't it amazing how satisfying a holiday like Thanksgiving is? Even though you spend all day cooking and in 20 minutes it's all gone! Hee hee!

Happy Turkey Day!

DPUTiger said...

Thanksgiving is my favorite too. All the enjoyment of family without any of the present stress. Yes, I also enjoy finding presents that people will love, but I'm surrounded by people who have more than enough means to acquire anything they want/need, so that's a really tough xmas shopping list.

Enjoy your Turkey Day. I certainly plan to! :)

Taphophile said...

Happy Thanksgiving. How wonderful that there's a peaceful, thoughtful holiday.

Rose Red said...

That's a great thought Donna Lee - hope you have a wonderful peaceful thanksgiving with your family.

Sheepish Annie said...

And a very Happy Thanksgiving to you, too! I hope that it is all you want and more!

Em said...

I'm excited to be coming home tomorrow for dinner. Thanksgiving has always been my favorite holiday, because it's a time to reflect and enjoy the goodness in life. And there's stuffing. What more can you ask out of a holiday?

TinkingBell said...

Been lots of blessing counting here too!

Happy thanksgiving to you and yours - keep safe!

TinkingBell said...

Been lots of blessing counting here too!

Happy thanksgiving to you and yours - keep safe!

Bells said...

Lovely post.

Reading blogs for the last few years, American blogs, has quite opened my eyes to the nicer things about Thanksgiving. I admit my view was a bit skewed before - I thought it sounded a bit odd and I did, still do, have sympathy with the view that there's nothing really to be thankful for if you're Native American - but I think in terms of giving thanks for the parts of life that are good, and for having a quiet, family focused day, then it sounds very nice.

Amy Lane said...

I hope it was a lovely and peaceful day for you, darlin'--I love your list of things to be thankful for!


Good morning and welcome to my January.  I’m not sure quite where to start so I’ll start with the thought that brought me back here today. ...