Wednesday, November 12, 2008

The saga of the tooth continues......

When last we left our heroine, she was leaving the dentist's chair with a crown newly cemented into her mouth (a mouth with no pain and no infection) ready to resume normal life which included chewing her food.

We rejoin our story already in progress:

This morning our heroine was eating a fairly healthy breakfast of Rice Krispies with bananas and low fat milk (yum). "This is good" she said and then she bit down on an especially Krispy bit. "Hmmm, that is an especially Krispy bit", she thought. Little did she know, it was not a really krispy krispy but a piece of the crown that was just recently (3 weeks ago) recemented into her mouth. Yes, folks, the crown is broken.

Our heroine placed the piece of tooth inside a plastic bag and called the dentist who will see her tomorrow to discuss "options". Since the insurance company has decided that they will not pay for the replacement of this crown, it looks like our heroine is in for a hit to her pocketbook.

Stay tuned.....


Galad said...

Perhaps the dentist in this saga will "eat" the cost since it would appear the crown was faulty. It shouldn't break that easily, especially on Rice Krispies (and I say this from long years of experience with crowns and bridgework).

Good luck!

amy said...

Ack. Sorry all around. Our dental insurance is the good insurance. I just hope that doesn't change before all the kids have braces. The health, though, as you know, is not so good. At least we hit our deductible this year, so anything in the last three months of the year (including the baby!) is theoretically covered in full. I'll believe it when I see the statements, though.

Alwen said...

A brand new crown should not break eating Rice Krispies. Perhaps the dentist and whoever made the crown better have a little chat.

(Now I'm sounding like my mother: "little chats" usually mean clamping down like a bulldog on someone until satisfaction is wrung out of them, meanwhile staying excruciatingly polite.)

Sheepish Annie said...

Oh for crying out loud!!! I can't believe this! You have the worst luck with the dentist. I'll think good thoughts for you're being treated fairly on this one. It seems wrong for you to have to pay for a crown that shattered on cereal...

Bezzie said...

Good grief, you weren't even eating anything all that hard! LAME!!

Bezzie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
SwissKnits! said...

OMGoodness! I cannot believe this!! I hope all goes well tomorrow...
let us know how it goes...

TinkingBell said...

Oh yu poor thing! How awful!

I really hate tooth stuff, so I really feel for you - althoug if it came unglued with rice krispies I'd be seriously talking to my dentist about his responsibility to ensure this stuff doesn't happen and replacing it for nuthin!

Olivia said...

Aaargh! Surely the dentist has to guarantee the work for some period longer than 3 weeks! Good luck, hope your tooth drama is all resolved soon.

Rose Red said...

Noooooooooooooooooo! Agree with others - this should not be at your cost!

Amy Lane said...

owie owie owie owie!!! Make it better!!!! (That's all I got--I live in fear that my ginormous crowns will break, because I saw what's underneath and it's all nerve, baby...)

Dianne said...

Oh, no. I can't believe you're still going through this. I hope the dentist is able to make things right...


Good morning and welcome to my January.  I’m not sure quite where to start so I’ll start with the thought that brought me back here today. ...