Saturday, November 8, 2008

This is what my neighbor's tree looked like on Thursday afternoon. It's such a beautiful tree. I think it's a lovely shape and I enjoy watching it change colors each year. After two days of rain and wind, the tree is naked. It didn't last very long.

It continued to rain today but was very warm. Almost 70 degrees (21 C) which is a little warm for November. I'm not complaining because it will keep the gas bill down for a while longer but still.....

I keep trying to type but Hobbes is rubbing all over the computer and moving the screen and trying to rub against my hands. He just came in and is very needy. The funny thing is that he has only recently become friendly. He used to be stand-offish and didn't let anyone pet him. Now he has become very demanding and wants attention RIGHT NOW.

Today was a peaceful, productive day. We did the house cleaning, grocery shopping and laundry. PK and I went to the diner for a burger and now we are relaxing. Tomorrow Em and Jim are coming down so we can all have dinner at our favorite Chinese restaurant for my birthday. I was going to cook but decided that this way, we can all just enjoy the food and have a good time and no one has to work that hard. There will be cake and ice cream (birthday parties demand cake) and no doubt laughter.

There has been some knitting. I am knitting Pk's socks toe up to use up as much of the yarn as possible (and because I've only done it once before and wanted to try it again). I have about 6 out of 8 inches done on the foot. As we're sitting in the diner, the waitress asked me if I was crocheting a bag. I said no, I'm knitting a sock. She said, "it's the same thing, really. You just have wool and hooks". Pk interceded and said that socks were much better than bags and that the family all owned several pairs of hand knitted socks and they were very grateful for them. I wanted to take the opportunity to educate this poor deluded woman but our food came and I wanted to eat my burger while it was hot. Now, she'll never know.

And prompted by Rosered's very neat bookshelves, I cleaned the one in my bedroom off and organized it so all of the craft books are on one shelf. The shelf underneath had not been touched yet, so don't look at it. There are three quilting books and the rest are knitting books. And of course, my Tiny Plaid Ninja that Kate made me for Christmas last year. If you've never seen the TPN's go here and check them out. They are silly and funny. The website is albinoblacksheep and it is all animated fun. I have two black binders that have patterns that I have printed and put into plastic sleeves (one day when I was sick and needed something mindless to do I organized them). I have full intentions of using each and every one of them. (don't burst my fragile bubble,please?)

Well, one last load of laundry to fold and then I'm done for the weekend. I hope you all are well and enjoying your weekend.


Galad said...

I'm so impressed with your organized shelf. I can only hope mine will someday look like that.

Have a good Chinese dinner tomorrow and enjoy your family time!

amy said...

My knitting pattern binder is overfull. I need another one. I also need a binder for the sewing patterns I'm collecting from different websites. I was sharing the bookshelf next to my knitting chair with the boys' books, but now I have too many knitting and sewing books and I have a pile on the floor in front of my half of the bookshelf, too. How fortunate I am to be spilling over the bookshelf!

Em said...

I am being a rebel and leaving work early just for you! You should feel proud. And loved, you enabler you. Oh, and thanks for the link to the tiny plaid ninjas. I just watched all of them again. For some reason, they never get old.

Bezzie said...

Yeah...I'm OK complaining about this annoying hot weather. But then again, I don't turn on my heat unless it goes below zero. How does that tree look now?? Naked?

roxie said...

I, like you, want to enlighten the whole universe to the unique beauty that is knitting, but mostly the universe prefers to remain in darkness.

Yay for your birthday! May your fortune cookies be benificent!

Amy Lane said...

Okay--so nice and neat--I'm impressed! (I'm also impressed by your self-restraint...I would have been moved by that urge to EDUCATE that poor poor woman *snark*:-)

Bells said...

oh that's just like the Yarn Harlot's story of the woman on the train - only that woman was actually rude. Too funny.

Fabulous tree. Oh my. It's enormous! Imagine having that in your yard - all the leaves!

Sheepish Annie said...

My shelves are sorely in need of organizing. But, then what would I do with all the extra stuff that is on the shelves and contributing to the disorganization? It would have to go on the floor. And then I will trip on it. So I'll have to put it back on a shelf...

I can't believe how many leaves we lost over the past week. The temps say, "spring," but the trees look like winter!

Rose Red said...

Ha ha, my bookshelf is only neat because I'm trying to sell my house!! But glad I inspired you! I have two folders full of patterns. Of course we will knit them all!!!


Good morning and welcome to my January.  I’m not sure quite where to start so I’ll start with the thought that brought me back here today. ...