Sunday, December 28, 2008

It's Sunday night and I am trying to prepare myself mentally for the fact that I have to go to work tomorrow. My lunch is made, my clothes are chosen and my computer is downloading some books for my mp3 player. Now, if only my brain would cooperate.

This has been a relaxing 5 days. I haven't left the house so I haven't put on real clothes. Sweat clothes and slippers don't count. I haven't had shoes on since last Wednesday. (I sound like a hillbilly!) I have knitted and spun and napped and eaten about one million calories worth of cookies. It's been wonderful.

I finished the socks I was making for me. These are the Go with the Flow socks I was working on done in ArtWalk sock yarn. The colors are based on a painting by Dali called Girl at a Window and I love it. I gave them away to my Aunt Joan. She has repeatedly told me how much she likes the handknit socks I have given her so I gave her these. It was a wrench, I will admit because I loved these so much. I've started a pair for myself in a color dyed by my lys called Mahogany. I like the colors but the yarn isn't as squishy as the blue. These will definitely be mine! I've made this pattern several times and have given them away each time.
My aunt and cousin came for dinner tonight so I gave her the socks. She loved them so it's all good. We had a nice visit. Kate remarked that it felt good to see her looking so well. She is definitely getting old but she looked feisty. Always a good sign. My cousin, Cheryl, pulled out her crocheting and had a good bit of a triangle shawl done by the time they left. Crocheting is amazingly fast. I worked on the thrummed mittens. Don't know when I'll wear them, the temps are supposed to be abnormally high this week. It was nice to be able to open the windows and let in fresh air and not to have cold hands and feet.
I only have two and a half days this week so it's not too bad. They'll be busy days and will probably fly by. We have no plans for New Year's Eve. We used to get together and play board games with my brother and his wife but that stopped when they had children. We'll just hang out and play games by ourselves. Times like these remind me how important it is to be married to your friend. I not only love Pk, he is good company.
There was a good bit of spinning this week, too. I'll show you the beautiful yarn I made (it still thrills me that I can make yarn) . But not tonight. I'm tired and I have to go to work tomorrow. Sigh.


Cathy {tinniegirl} said...

I hope you have a good first day back. I completely understand how you feel. I've had 4 days without real clothes on and I still have the rest of the week. However, I'm already trying to mentally prepare for the fact that next week will be here all too soon.

Amy Lane said...

Oh good for you-- I think I subconsciously put off finishing a gift this year just so I could keep SOMETHING I made--I think your socks are lovely, and you should keep them! (On the other hand, there's no guaranteeing these fingerless mitts won't get gifted to someone else because I get caught flatfooted.)

May work go well tomorrow... I feel your pain.

catsmum said...

love the socks - really must try that pattern. Are they top down or toe up ?

Bells said...

You gave away more GWTF socks? ha ha. I'm destined to keep doing the same I think. I will keep some some day!

I love the idea of five days not leaving the house. I'm hoping to have a few of those. Thank God I don't have to go back to work for a while yet - I feel your pain. I'd be feeling sad about it too.

Bezzie said...

I"m sorry about work--but it's a slow week with a day off in the middle. I'll feel your pain on February 17!

Lovely socks! Glad your aunt like them. I laughed when I read you said she was looking feisty. I just read a book wherein the main character was aging and remarked that no one ever calls non-senior citizens "feisty." It seems to be an adjective used on older folks only.

amy said...

I hope the re-entry wasn't too bad. I just talked to Chris at work and he sounded a bit exhausted.

I know what you mean about being married to good company. After Vaughan goes to bed Chris and I have been playing his Uno game together. :)

roxie said...

Most New Year's eves, DH and I go to bed at the usual time, then, when the neighbor fires off his shotgun and whoops "Happy noo yeer!" we wake up, exchange kisses, and fall back asleep. We're at the age where a really hot night involves turning the electric blanket up to 8.

Galad said...

I hope your first day back wasn't too strenuous.

Your time off sounds so relaxing. I'm worried about getting back in to real clothes after a week of stretchiness :-)

Sheepish Annie said...

Here's hoping the day back at work was a good one. I am trying to not think about it. If I ignore it long enough, perhaps I'll never have to go?

I want to live in slippers and sweatpants forever!

Alwen said...

I ended up having to work the night of Christmas. But it really wasn't that bad. I had already been to see my parents and two of my brothers and their wives. And then I was off until Monday.


Good morning and welcome to my January.  I’m not sure quite where to start so I’ll start with the thought that brought me back here today. ...