Tuesday, January 20, 2009

I thought I'd share some of the 'sunshine' I have been spinning. This is the rovin unravelled. It's every bit as soft as it looks. As you can see, there is some very deep purple, some yellows and oranges and even some pink and white. An odd combination of colors. Spun up randomly, is looks like this. The colors blend in an interesting way. I am not sure how I feel about it but since it's a group project, I'll finish. The first batch I spun up is a little thicker. I got thinner as I went. I want to use the thinner stuff for the scarf. It's very slippery to spin and I love touching it. The group decided on the morning surf scarf pattern so that's what it will be. If you go to the ravelry group Ply by Night, you can see how everyone else's roving spun up and see it knitted into scarves. I am slow and am bringing up the rear of the group.
Today, we are proud to be American again. There is a feeling of hopefulness in the air that we haven't felt for a long, long time. I know that electing one man will not magically make the problems go away. The economic problem is way too deep for that. It can however, make us all think that maybe there is a way out of this moral morass we find ourselves in (I was overjoyed to hear the candidate for Attorney General say "waterboarding IS torture") and the economic hole and maybe there is a light at the end of the long tunnel. President Obama has a long, hard row to hoe.
I wish him well and send him all my good thoughts. We need him now.


Georgie said...

That has spun up so beautifully! I am constantly amazed at the transformation of roving to yarn and how the colours behave. Nice work.

That feeling in the air you describe - you'll be pleased to know its not just localised. We feel it over here too. And I do believed I whooped out loud at your new A-G's statement!

Anonymous said...

That is gorgeous yarn!

Galad said...

It is amazing how differently the yarns come out from the same roving. Based on what I saw on Ravelry, the scarf should be really pretty.

I felt a sense of hope for our government this morning. It is the first time in a long time I've felt that way.

Rose Red said...

I love your sunshine yarn - a lovely burst of sunshine for such a golden day in the US (and the world)

Bezzie said...

At least now he can get out his hoe and start hoeing. The talk-factor seems to have been long with this one. I'm excited to see him swim, sink or at least doggie paddle.

Beautiful handspun. I'm always interested to see how darker blotches turn out when they're spun.

Alwen said...

It's fascinating how different the spun yarns are.

And it is so nice to see that light and reach the end of the tunnel.

Sheepish Annie said...

Oooooh! It does look like sunshine!!!! I almost feel warm again... Nicely spun!

Amy Lane said...

Lovely yarn... oh, seriously--I'm totally in love!

Bells said...

Oh I love that I have some understanding of what you're talking about now! And seeing that colour makes me want to back to what I've learned so far and apply it to something colourful and beautiful. Thanks for the inspiration Donna Lee.

Five Ferns Fibreholic said...

I love how that roving spun up. Gorgeous!

roxie said...

Beautiful yarn!

And on the political front, I find an urge to comment, but it's all been said, better by so many people. I 'm with you on the fact that he can't possibly work all the miracles we expect. I hope the end of the honeymoon won't be too bitter.

Dianne said...

Your spinning looks great, and I wholeheartedly agree with you about the new direction our country is taking. He sure has a big job ahead of him, but at least we now have some hope...


Good morning and welcome to my January.  I’m not sure quite where to start so I’ll start with the thought that brought me back here today. ...