Tuesday, March 3, 2009

It's freezing here today and will be freezing most of the week. I know the calendar says Spring is coming but it's not here yet. I was looking at some images for Spring on the computer so I could put myself in the mood. I found some delightful photos of tulips and lots of clipart trees and flowers. I am so tired of being cold. I wore a hat today! I hate hats. I only wear them when it's so cold that I can't stand it.

One of my favorite images of Spring is kites flying in the air. It brought back a 30+ year old memory. When Pk and I were dating way back in high school, my brother was only 8. We used to take him and his friend kite flying. There was a field fairly close to our house where we could fly kites and they could run around. I remember one time especially fondly. I think it included ice cream. Now, when you drive by, there is a sign that says No Trespassing. Maybe they're afraid someone will get hurt and sue. There are fewer and fewer places around to fly kites. But I still love them. It made me smile to remember my handsome love as a teenager and my grown up brother as an 8 year old. It doesn't seem all that long ago. Now he has an 8 yr old of his own.

Em has another round of tests tomorrow. Hopefully, these will be the definitive ones and she'll get some answers. She says "I wish they'd just take it out and worry about what it is later!" and I can't blame her. It's not been 2 weeks but it has felt like a lifetime since they discovered the alien baby. I am working away on her sweater. It grows a few inches each night. I can only do so much before my hands hurt and I have to reach for a sock. I am pleased with it so far.

And tomorrow I go back to the dentist to have my brand new crown put back in. She put it in about 2 weeks ago. It came out yesterday while I was eating a granola bar with my yogurt for lunch. The irony of this does not escape me. The broken crown wouldn't come out without being cut into pieces and drilled off! This one fit so well, no adjustment needed. Here we go again.

Otherwise, things are moving along. I'm waiting for Spring. My crocuses are covered with 10 inches of snow. Good thing they're hardy.


amy said...

I'm so sick of winter. We don't even have any sprouting things buried under all the snow.

We have some good kite-flying spots nearby, luckily. We love this park for all sorts of reasons, but it's a good place to fly a kite, too. Every time we visit there are several in the sky, so even if we didn't bring ours we can still enjoy the sight.

Rose Red said...

Sorry about the crown - again! Gah!

I don't think I'd realised you and PK have been together since high school - that is great!

Sheepish Annie said...

I've lost hope of ever seeing spring again. I'm just going to live in this frozen tundra forever and ever...

I'll continue to think good thoughts for Em. I can't imagine how awful the waiting must be and how much she'd just like it gone, gone, gone!

Anonymous said...

I am so ready for spring too!

Sorry about the crown - I hope it starts behaving better.

Sending positive thoughts for Em - I hope that they figure out what it is, and that it gets done.

Amy Lane said...

Oh baby--I wish you warmth and sunshine and pretty skies, and most importantly, GOOD NEWS!

Bells said...

oh yes, kites in the air really do make the best images don't they - and how things have changed. It's a different world now.

Sorry about the crown. That sounds icky.

roxie said...

Sspring is in my prayers. EM is in my prayers. You are in my prayers, oh uncrowned queen of love and kites! It's cold and crappy and scarey as hell right now, but at least no one is shooting at you, and you're not pregnant.

Galad said...

Some kite flying sounds pretty good about now. They are so pretty against a bright blue sky.

Hope the crown is good and truly fixed this time.

Hang in there!

roxie said...

The laptop doesn't have your e-mail address, and I need to ask you for a snail mail address so I can send EM a little wooly shawl to give her hugs till her sweater is ready. If I may? She's going through such a hard time, and my heart just goes out to her, and when someone is in trouble, the first thing I think to do is to knit something for them. Is it OK with you if I knit her a shawl? I would really understand if you say no. Really. She IS your baby after all!

jessie said...

Sick to death of winter here. The ground is still frozen and half-covered with snow, but it should melt this afternoon. And it's sunny out.

I have fallen out of blog reading so I'm way out of touch with your daughter's health situation. I hope all is going well and that the outcome is good. Hang in there.


Good morning and welcome to my January.  I’m not sure quite where to start so I’ll start with the thought that brought me back here today. ...