Monday, April 20, 2009

Just a quickie, drive by post. Em got her blood tests done today and everything seems to be full speed ahead for the surgery tomorrow. It was all I thought about today but I made it through the work day.

Now, it's time to fix some dinner, keep an eye on the crawlspace (which tends to fill up with water when it rains and it has been pouring all day), and watch A Midsummer Night's Dream to keep my mind busy.

When the surgery is over tomorrow, I'll post as soon as I get home so you'll know quickly. Cross your fingers for a big cut! Since the oncologist seems to think that's the way it will go, I'm holding onto that with both hands.

Em is in good spirits. She texted me "Mom, this is nothing. I'm not worried". I told her that I would carry the worry for her so she can go into this thing positive minded and worry free. That's my job. I'm the mom.


Bells said...

You know, Donna Lee, I woke up this morning (Tuesday) thinking, oh Em's having her surgery now!

I still forget the time difference thing.

You are a wonderful mother. How is PK holding up?

amy said...

Good luck!! Hugs & good thoughts.

Rose Red said...

Hugs to you Donna Lee, and fingers crossed for a big cut.

gay said...

thinking of you and good luck to you!

Galad said...

Hugs, prayers, positive vibes and anything else good I can send your way!

Sheepish Annie said...

Definitely thinking good thoughts and sending good wishes for a speedy procedure.

BTW: I'm so behind on blog reading, but love the shawl! So pretty!!

Olivia said...

I'm thinking of you all. Take care of yourself Donna Lee, while you carry the worry.

Jeanne said...

Good luck - I'll be thinking of you and Em tomorrow!

Bezzie said...

Ha ha, you're right, I would have had no clue what you were talking about 7 years ago. Carry on Mama! And good luck Em!

roxie said...

Big cut! Big cut! Deft surgeons and kindly nurses. Quick, uncomplicated healing.

Dianne said...

Thanks for the update. Here's hoping and praying for a big cut. We're all there with you in spirit today.


Good morning and welcome to my January.  I’m not sure quite where to start so I’ll start with the thought that brought me back here today. ...