Friday, April 24, 2009

Sorry, I missed yesterday, we had no power for almost 2 days. Boy, when it rains, it pours.

We got home on Wed after seeing Em and delivering the fat and sugar. (and lying and telling the doctor that the grease stained box contained fruit and low fat dip). Pk was chillin' in the garage and noticed a buzzing noise. He noticed a wire was arcing and moved it. All the power in the house went out.

Houses are really silent when the power goes out. REALLY silent. After much investigation and some conversation with a nice electrician who didn't charge us for coming out to the house and looking things over, it was determined that the power company had to be called. They came out within an hour and after 2 days of no power, we have our power restored. It was odd. We had hot water because the hot water heater is gas powered and we could cook on the gas stove. No lights, no way to recharge cell phones and NO INTERNETS!

Now, I have to go and clean out the fridge. Fortunately, there wasn't too much inside. We have to replace the computer module for the stove and we're not sure about the dishwasher. There was a power surge before the power went out and these computer driven appliances didn't recover. We have to upgrade the service and the electrician will send us an estimate. It will be costly.

Em is hanging in there. No results as of yet. We're waiting. We are having lovely weather with a predicted temp tomorrow of 80 (27 C). Maybe a picnic will happen. Whatever happens, we'll get through it. That's how we roll here.


Galad said...

You have been through it lately. I'm sure a situation like that really makes you appreciate electricity.

Have a good and restful weekend.

Olivia said...

Oh, Donna Lee, if I were you I would be whinging much harder, NOT FAIR!!! Sigh. Hope all the repairs don't cost as much as you fear.

Bezzie said...

Oh ugh. That sucks! Picnic for sure! No electricity required!

amy said...

Well, that's something, that you had hot water & a stove at least. Everything we have is electric--the hot water is oil heated, but the system requires electricity. The well has an electric pump, too. If our power were out for two days I think we'd be checking into a hotel.

I hope the repairs aren't too costly. I've never even thought about surge protectors for appliances...

TinkingBell said...

You are a strong and wise person - I have everything crossed for Em (and am sure that it will all be positive)

Oh electricity - there are cedrtainly days I'd like to be generating my own, just so this stuff doesn't happen.

Yay for picnics - they are such a happy thing - and for picnic weather to have them at all!

Alwen said...

Yeah, I don't notice all those little hums until the power goes out. It hit 82 ! here today, after being cold and rainy and getting a bit of snow on Tuesday.

I really miss power, what with no water and no stove, but we drag out all our camping stuff and my husband usually fills a 5-gallon brewing carboy with water at work.

Jeanne said...

Wow - you really haven't been having a good time lately. Glad you got your power back, and hope Em continues to feel better - and I really hope you get the results soon.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Amy Lane said...

Wow--my refrigerator would be a toxic waste zone right now--I just stocked up! But I'm glad stuff is restored! (Power outages... *shudder* No light to knit by...)

Bells said...

TWO DAYS? My goodness. That's a long time.

And I think 27degrees is my favourite temperature. It's just perfect. My idea of heaven is a constant 27 degrees. Although I do love cold days too.


Good morning and welcome to my January.  I’m not sure quite where to start so I’ll start with the thought that brought me back here today. ...