Monday, April 27, 2009

Today was the first full day back to work since last Monday. The temps here are still hovering around 90 degrees (32.2 C). This is about 30 degrees warmer than April is supposed to be. The building had no a/c on so it was stuffy and hard to breathe all day. I could open the office window but by the time afternoon rolled around, that wasn't much of a help. Another day of summer-like weather and then the rains will come and wash it all away. Good thing, too. My car is covered with pollen from the trees and I can feel it in my nose.

A while ago, I bought this pattern at my lys. It's called Queen Anne's lace. I bought some laceweight yarn to use for it but the yarn I bought is brown. I'm thinking I don't want to knit this in brown so I think I am going to be ambitious and spin enough yarn to knit it. I have 2 pounds of white/ecru merino roving that would look lovely. I've started spinning the yarn and I think it'll take a long time to finish enough to make this shawl. But I've got time. No hurries, be happy. (sorry, Mr. McFerrin)

So, what are you doing to protect yourself from the swine flu? One of my very favorite web comics is xkcd. He is funny despite being a former rocket scientist (or maybe because of it). This was the comic for today. The news here is full of "THE SWINE FLU!!!" pre-epidemic. Enjoy. It gave me a good laugh today.
So, have a good Monday evening. Watch out for flu bugs!


amy said...

Yep, I Twittered that I read up on swine flu on the CDC website. But my husband is at an international conference, so I wanted to see if any travel restrictions have been imposed. I read in the paper today some places are questioning folks as they come into the country on whether they've felt ill. Figure if he's going to face longer lines upon re-entry he may as well be prepared, so I'm going to go verify that now....

Rose Red said...

heh, great cartoon!

Sheepish Annie said...

We got our Swine Flu Email today at school. I was properly impressed and am now requiring that all the children in my class be boiled.

Bezzie said...

Oh dear lord, that's hilarious!!! HOw any disease could handle this hot weather is beyond me. Flu doesn't strike me as a "tropical" disease! Can't wait til Wednesday!

Bells said...

i love that shawl. I've looked at it myself. Really, really nice. I agree, it shouldn't be brown though.

roxie said...

You are so wise. You'll be spinning anyway. You have the fiber. Why NOT take on a big project? Though, I CAN see that shawl in brown - especially over a kumquat orange dress. Killer on a redhead!

Love the Swine Flu cartoon. I think I'll just stick with spraying Lysol in the face of anyone who doesn't cover his cough.

Amy Lane said...

The shawl is LOVELY--and the cartoon was HILARIOUS.


Good morning and welcome to my January.  I’m not sure quite where to start so I’ll start with the thought that brought me back here today. ...