Saturday, May 2, 2009

The ever crafty and wonderful Roxie sent me gifts that made me smile. Look at the lovely banana cozy! The never modest Pk offered to model it but I declined. There is only so much of my husband I want to share with the internets! So, we had one banana left in the bowl and it was an adequate stand in. She also sent me a bit of crafty loveliness. A crocheted flower (and a small bag of lavender). It was such a nice surprise to come home to. Thank you so much, Roxie.

And now for an Em update. She informs me that they will be getting her results on Monday and decisions will be made then as to whether she needs radiation or not. She's hoping for a quick resolution and surgery soon(she would like it to be Tuesday but I think that might be a little quick). I'm hoping for plain old surgical removal of the alien baby. I had cancer dreams last night. I don't remember them much but as I sit here, bits and pieces are coming back.

We're in for a rainy weekend. It's cool and damp and there are full grown leaves on the trees. Did you ever stop and wonder at how fast leaves grow in the spring? One day they're buds and it seems like I look away and when I look back, they're full grown leaves. Amazing. I have some projects in mind, including one that involves pulling out the sewing machine. If I actually get to it, I'll share.

Have a good weekend and cross your fingers for good results on Monday.


Rose Red said...

Lucky you had a stunt banana on hand!! Funny!

The brooch is lovely too. Here's hoping that Em gets the right news on Monday. Hugs xx

roxie said...

A banana cozy! How wonderful. I hadn't thought of that. Though PK is a prince of a fellow for offering to model! Hope it gave you a few chuckles.

Bezzie said...

Holy cow....I JUST said to Dr. MS today the same thing about the leaves on the trees. Just last week they were just buds, now it's like poof! They're leaves!

Hilarous hubby and cozy you have there!

Julie said...

Fingers and toes crossed.

I think memory of that banana is gonna disturb me all day. Leave it to you and Roxie, tag-teaming me. Hahaha.

Galad said...

I'm glad to see your banana will stay nice and warm :-)

Hope you can relax this weekend though I'm sure the anxiety about Em intrudes.

Hugs and warm, supportive thoughts beaming your way.

amy said...

Fingers crossed.

Our "scrubby" as we call it greens up overnight. We get seemingly weeks of rain, then all of a sudden, overnight, all we see is green. It's amazing every single year.

Sheepish Annie said...

Banana cozy...::snort!!!::

I'll definitely be thinking good thoughts for Em on Monday. Fingers crossed and toes as well!

DPUTiger said...

that's one of the things I love about my backyard. It's bare trees all winter, then you notice buds on the trees, then BAM you wake up one morning and can't see the houses across the gully. I love it.

Happy thoughts for Em! Hang in there!


Good morning and welcome to my January.  I’m not sure quite where to start so I’ll start with the thought that brought me back here today. ...