Saturday, May 30, 2009

I'm playing lazy woman this morning. I just looked at clock and it's almost ten o'clock and I'm still sitting here on the bed with the computer. I had plans to get up and moving early but it's not happening. The smell coming in the windows is almost to sweet to bear. It's honeysuckle and this year it's everywhere. I tried to find a photo online but they don't look like ours. I'd like to go out and take one for you but the vines attract bees and I'm allergic. So, I just smell the sweetness from afar. It reminds me of summer, like the smell of warm, wet asphalt.

Last night Kate and I put our creative heads together and came up with three cute baskets to raffle off today at Em's Beef 'n Beer. This is mine. It's an Italian dinner (pasta, sauce, cheese, crunchy bread, basil oil, some towels and utensils all packed up in a large cup and saucer). I love the container which I have been looking at for a while. This is Kate's. It's a sun tea jar (you put water and tea bags into it and sit it outside in the sun to brew) and some cups with stars and some drink mixes all in a shallow tray. It's all red, white and blue and sparkly. Pk chose a crate and we filled it with hot sauces and salsas. His sister and brother in law donated a laundry basket full of various forms of alcohol and t shirts and hats. It was hard for us to get everything into the basket and make it look attractive. It 's huge and weighs a ton. We are going over to the bar at around 3 to help set up and then we just sit back and let people come and eat and drink and hopefully it will bring in enough money to help Em and Jim pay some bills while she is out on sick leave.

I have been able to focus on some knitting other than stockinette so I have been working on my North Sea Shawl. It's really not much harder than plain knitting. I am on the last section and it's 14 repeats of a 12 row pattern. It's easily memorized and I like working with the thin laceweight yarn. I pinned a piece of it out this morning so I could get an idea of what it'll look like and I like it. I'm not taking it with me today, however. Too dark and I'd never be able to see what I was doing. I'll take some socks in nice bright colors. I think I have to make some socks or a nice shawl for Em's friends who are putting this whole shindig together.
I hear Hobbes outside demanding to be let in so I guess I should get up and get moving. I'll try to take some photos of the party and post them tomorrow.
Have a good Saturday!


Julie said...

Have a good party, wish I could be there!

Rose Red said...

The baskets look great - have a fabulous time tonight, thinking of you all (you are probably there as I am typing this comment, sitting on the lounge in my dressing gown with the cat asleep on my lap, having my early morning cup of tea!)

Sheepish Annie said...

Those baskets are amazing! And so professional! Have a great time and the party.

Galad said...

Great baskets. Hope the fundraiser is a fabulous success.

Bells said...

oh those baskets are all fantastic. Great idea and great work. I'd have bid on any of them!

Lovely, lovely shawl. Good job!

Jeanne said...

The baskets look great - I hope the party went well!

Amy Lane said...

Yeah-- practical items are usually best for gifts, but working on something as lovely as that shawl is good for the soul! Those baskets are pretty awesome as far as raffle prizes go--what a great family idea!


Good morning and welcome to my January.  I’m not sure quite where to start so I’ll start with the thought that brought me back here today. ...