Friday, June 12, 2009

With Emily's permission, I'd like to introduce you to Laslow-Mitford. Yes, that is the alien spine baby in all his glory. Kate photoshopped the tentacles and eyes but the rest of it is all L-M. The surgical team gave us several rather explicit photos which show where the tumor was seated on Em's spine and it's size in relation to her spine. I'll spare you the gory details. The chunk there on top that looks like a mohawk is the bit of Em's lung that they removed because L-M wouldn't let go without a fight.

Em is doing rather well. She drifts into and out of sleep because of the pain meds but is more alert and awake than a few days ago. She has intermittent interwebs so sometimes she is on facebook. Peter Kevin tried to reconnect her yesterday but had no luck. Some tech guys are coming to help her out today. Hopefully, they'll be successful. We think it's funny that the phone costs to use i and the television costs to use but the interwebs are free. Yay for technology!

There's a small complication and they are dealing with it. It means that the chest tube stays put for a while longer and she'll be in the hospital for a few days longer. She is up and moving around and the incision looks like it's healing nicely. All in all, she's doing well. I took her some intellectual reading material (Tattoo magazine, the National Enquirer, Glamour, oh and Vogue Knitting) so she's got something to keep her mind occupied when she can stay awake. She's feeling ready to try some knitting but it'll have to be mindless because she falls asleep in the middle of things.

Pk and I are doing well but we're tired. We have to remember to take some time and just relax. Em is in good hands and although she likes the company, she is ok when we're not there. There is the feeling that we should be there every waking moment but that's unrealistic. We went up after work yesterday and got home after 9 pm and ate some of the food Elanor had ready in the crock pot and went to bed. Today, we'll work half a day and go home and then come back and visit for a while. I'm not sure about the weekend but I will make sure there's some time for just doing relaxing things. I don't need for either one of us to get sick.

I have other photos of the tumor and the surgery and if you're one of those people who like to look at those things (I am) email me and I'll send you some. They're fascinating and really drive home the image that we are all just animated meat.

I hope you are all doing well and finding some time to do some fun things. I can't believe that next week summer starts. After all the rain and clouds, I haven't noticed the days being longer. The solstice is coming soon but how can we tell? I don't mind that it's not hot yet, but I would dearly love some sun.


roxie said...

Yes, I would like to see some of the photos. I find it wonderfully empowering to KNOW what's going on. Poor dear Em! No wonder she had pain and difficulty breathing! Thank God for modern medicine.

I am putting on my dominatrix gloves now. You, and your tender husband, will sleep in on BOTH Saturday and Sunday. You will let the housework and yardwork go unless you feel like it. You will take a walk outside together, and you will kiss all of your children. I am telling you this with a severe voice and intimidating scowl, so you must obey me. Got that? Good!

amy said...

Oh my. This post should have a warning--I should have waited until after coffee to view that picture! I'm glad she is doing more well than not, and you're right, you and PK don't need to get sick either. I hope you have some time for relaxing this weekend.

Olivia said...

wow. that is impressive. I am so glad Laslow-Mitford came out cleanly. I am very tempted to ask for those photos, but I think I won't! Now, take care of yourself. Roxie is right!

Rose Red said...

Oh my - that is one huge tumour. I like Kate's additions. Not so much Em's (geez, can't believe that is a bit of lung. I thought it was a jaunty hat also photoshopped on there...). I'm like Olivia - kinda interested to see more, but I don't think I could take it. Unlike Roxie, I feel better NOT knowing!

But do take care of yourselves won't you. And give our love to Em too.

Jeanne said...

Glad the tentacles were photoshopped in - I didn't realize that at first! Glad it is out of her body - and I hope that she continues to get better fast!

I also hope you take some downtime this weekend to get some rest - take care of yourself!

Bezzie said...

Hahahaha! I'm sorry that is the BEST photo EVER!!! Man, if I were you daughter--guess what would be going on my Christmas cards? Perhaps Laslow would look good wearing a Santa hat?

I would say sleep in too. But I'm a mom, I know how it goes. Sometimes what you WANT and what you DO are entirely different when the kiddies are involved!

Galad said...

That is totally amazing and really glad it is out of her!

Yes, send me the pictures please. I know Nicole will want to see them.

Take good care of yourselves. It always surprises me how tired one can get sitting around a hospital all day. Sleeping in is good :-)

teabird said...


And, what Roxie said. That's two dominatrixes (dominatrixi?) telling you to REST!!

Hugs to Em, gentle ones that don't touch the chest tube.

Alwen said...

Boy, this week I am having more cause to say huzzah! for modern medicine!

Sheepish Annie said...

Good lord, that thing is huge!!! I am so grateful that it was able to be removed without major complications. Although I have to say that the eyes do give it a certain "happy" quality...

I can't believe it is summer either. I still have flannel sheets on the bed for heaven's sake!

Bells said...

Wow, I never expected to actually see Laslow-Mitford in the flesh, so to speak. I'd certainly like to see more, I've decided, on reflection. Can you send them to me?

And yes, good idea to take care of yourselves. Em knows you're there and probably prefers that you're healthy and awake and not running yourselves into the ground.

Cathy {tinniegirl} said...

Thinking of you and sending thoughts to all your family. I hope Emily has a speedy recovery.

Dianne said...

That thing is huge, and ugly! Even without the tentacles, it's a scary beast! I'm so glad it is now on the OUTSIDE of dear, sweet Em.


Good morning and welcome to my January.  I’m not sure quite where to start so I’ll start with the thought that brought me back here today. ...