My Knitpicks Options needles arrived (yay!!)along with the wool for Elanor's Feb Lady Sweater. I chose Knitpicks Swish worsted (photo stolen from their web site. I cannot get the color to come out on my camera) and El chose the color. It's called Deep Ocean. It's soft. It feels nice to knit with and it's superwash. That was very important in a sweater for Elanor. She is a lovely young woman but handwashing is asking a bit much. She is not a knitter/spinner/crocheter or any other kind of fiber artist. She is a beader and has made me some lovely beaded stitch markers. I was surprised you can't connect the cables of the Options to one another like you can with the Denise needles. Pk is now urging me to buy the cables that don't come with the set. I don't really need them right now but eventually I'll buy one of the longer ones.
I am knitting away on the yoke of the sweater. I love it. I did the kfb increases and I like the way they look in the garter stitch. El wanted to know why I bought so much yarn. I've used up an entire skein and haven't done but 3 inches of knitting. She was amazed. I was trying to explain how garter stitch eats up the yarn and she wanted to know why it's called "garter stitch". I can't find any reason. Does anyone know?
I have ambitious plans for tomorrow but if they don't happen, I'm ok with that too. I'd like to wash some curtains and windows and give the house a good cleaning as the weather is supposed to be cooler (ok, a little cooler). Pk is going to a galoot fest in Maryland (It's a pot luck. How strange it seems that a group of men would have a pot luck. Is that a sexist thought? We made chicken/chorizo empanadas and had some for dinner. They are delicious and were easy) so the house will be empty except for me and El. I say 'plans' because it all depends on how I feel when I get up. I may just dust and vaccuum and then spin and/or knit all weekend. I'm having an incredibly terrible period this month. Most months it's not too bad (and I never miss one and I'm 51 years old). This month it seems like my body is making up for all of the light months. I'm tired and headachy and very crampy and slightly nauseaus. And the flow is very heavy. TMI? Sorry. I keep waiting for a month to come and go without a visit from 'my friend' but it doesn't happen. My gyn says that it's good and I should be glad. Hormones keep you young. (but hormones keep you having a period!)
Tonight, I'm listening to Persuasion by Ms. Austen and enjoying it very much. I like being kept company by Anne Eliot. I hope you all are in as good company as well.
Hellloooooo?! Empanada recipe, please!? I grew up on empanadas, and love how many varieties there are these days, here. Hope you're feeling better soon, too.
That sweater is going to be awesome!
Hope you have a productive weekend and get everything done that you have planned. Wouldn't that be a great way to start the week.
I can't imagine living without my KP Options and Harmonies ... how did I knit for over 45 years without them ?
and can someone explain why we can get KP needles here but not the yarn?
and KP won't ship to Australia so no on-line experiences to be had :[
I can't imagine living without my KP Options and Harmonies ... how did I knit for over 45 years without them ?
and can someone explain why we can get KP needles here but not the yarn?
and KP won't ship to Australia so no on-line experiences to be had :[
Anne Eliott is excellent company. That's one I've listened to several times!
I have no idea about garter stitch but it's an excellent question!
I love Anne Eliot. Sigh.
You can buy KP cable connectors you know. Just not in the US. Don't know why, but KP won't stock them. I'll send you some!
I'm content with my Needlemasters. The trick to not having too many WIPs is to not have a lot of needles. You have to free up the needles by actually finishing something ;-) If I bought Options I'd probably have a bunch of WIPs!
I'm a knitter and fiber enthusiast and I gotta say I'm with your daughter--I HATE handwashing!
According to the Queen of All Stitches, Barbara Walker:
"It has more lateral spread than Stockinette stitch, and less vertical spread. Indeed it was used to make garters, or the tops of stockings where the most horizontal elasticity was required, whereas Stockinette Stitch was used for the stockings themselves. In England, the latter is still called Stocking Stitch."
(My librarian self HAD to find out...)
great yarn and colour choice, my yoke ate up 200 grams plus just like that, but the rest of the sweater took less than that again! thanks for asking about the garter too, i always wondered. hope you are feeling a bit better by now.
Wow--I'm in love with that color and I'm not even a fan of blue! I have no idea why it's called garter stitch... but now you've made me want to ask Samurai to look it up. She knows EVERYTHING!
What a lovely colour!
Hope you feel better soon.
I started a stuttering sort of menopause at 40 and sometimes get those heavy periods. Such fun. I'd give up all those hormones in a minute!!!
I know what you mean about men and potlucks. My Dad would no more bring a "covered dish" than he'd wear an apron! I guess some of those old stereotypes stick sometimes...
Yum - empanadas!
Hope you had a wonderful weekend - and love the yarn you chose for the sweater!
Ugh re/ periods and menopausal stuff. Hope you're over the worst soon.
Looking forward to pics of the sweater!
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