Friday, August 14, 2009

You never know when you join a KAL what's going to come of it. Of course, you hope there is a FO at the end but other than that, you just never know. Last year I took part in the Tour de France KAL as a Team Leader. This means that I kept track of what the members of my team were doing and whether they were making progress.

One of the perks of this was getting to know some new knitters through their blogs. One of these was Kelli of hobbywhore. She and I are in a similar field and she lives in New Jersey like me. She is also a talented woman who makes lovely knitted items and beautiful, colorful quilts. A few weeks ago she had a contest on her blog where she asked if anyone could tell where she was by a small photographic clue: a bowl of strawberries and cream. For some reason, it came to me that she was at Wimbledon (I remember reading somewhere that berries and cream was THE thing to eat while one watches tennis greats play). I was right and won a prize. There's a lovely skein of sock yarn called Doves Cry from a store called Knit London. It's a bamboo/merino mix and the color goes from a yellow/green to a grey/blue. And two English versions of Tetley tea. It's a lovely prize. But the best part is that I get to see all the imaginative things Kelli comes up with. Thank you, Kelli!

And, Look! I finally conquered the lace stitch for El's sweater. I've done several repeats and it moves along fairly quickly. She has slipped it on (the beauty of top down construction) and likes it. I think I may even get it done in time for her birthday in September. Although, now that I've said that, all kinds of roadblocks will probably spring up. I really, really like this sweater and will definitely make one for me. I was thinking of making it in red but I also think I might like one in pink. I don't have a pink sweater and I'd like one I've made myself. And I'd use this yarn again. I don't know how well it'll wear, but it knits like a dream and just feels nice.

Peter Kevin and I went to the movies and saw District 9. I hadn't heard anything about it and all I could find out about it was that it was a scifi and that Peter Jackson was involved. We decided to give it a try. All we could say when we came out was "Wow". Pk said "that was good on so many levels!". It was an intense movie (very gory so if blood bothers you, you might want to skip this one, I really think it should be rated NC-17 or maybe an X for violence). But, wow. It is a good movie.

We picked up Elanor and then went to get some dinner. Now, we are enjoying a quiet Friday night. Pk is looking for audio books that will download onto his iphone. He as gotten hooked on them and it's good that the online library has finally decided to play nice with apple products. I have cleaning and laundry and shopping to do tomorrow before we meet our friends for dinner. I'm looking forward to shrimp fajitas (I know they're not spicy and they are really tasty). Then possibly a trip to the flea market with Pk on Sunday. The weather is supposed to be sunny and warm.
Have a good weekend!


Bezzie said...

Hee hee, that online library still doesn't have half the apple-downloadable books that it does of all the books it has if you're going through ListenNJ. The digitial music world is so iBiased...I was surprised to see that ListenNJ was like that.

That sweater is going to go so fast--mark my words!

Galad said...

The sweater is coming along really well. I have yarn to knit myself one this winter because I liked the pattern so much.

Isn't it fun to see what creative projects others are doing? One of the great parts about following bloggers!

Kelli said...

I am so glad that you like the gift. Thanks for participating on the contest on my blog.

Loving the lace in the sweater. Excited to see a modeled pic. ~ksp

Rose Red said...

Sounds like a lovely weekend!

And what a great prize you won - huzzah!!

MadMad said...

The weekend sounds lovely! (But anything with knitting AND Mexican food WOULD be, for me!) The Feb lady is coming out great - I love Swish, too (and even have some deep ocean left over from a baby blanket I made, in case you run out!)

roxie said...

Pink is such a friendly, cheerful color. Yes, a pink cardigan is just the ticket!

DH and I have been discussing whether to go see "District 9" I'll share your review with him. If I have to see lots of gore, I prefer it on the small screen with frequent cat interruptions to remind me that this is just make-believe, so we may watch it in a couple of years when it comes to TV.

Sheepish Annie said...

What pretty yarn! I would never have guessed that Wimbledon and berries went together so I'd way you earned your prize!

I've been back and forth on District 9. I'll probably wait for it to come out on dvd, but it is one I'll eventually see, I'm sure. Thanks for the reccommendation!

Jeanne said...

Congrats on the win - what nice yarn!

Hope you had a nice weekend - sounds like you had a great one planned.

Fran said...

Congrats on the prize! Good thinking. Can't wait to see the finished product.

Amy Lane said...

I LOVE that stitch pattern--I've seen it in the Walker treasuries, and I'm loving that sweater! And now you've REALLY made me want to see District 9!


Good morning and welcome to my January.  I’m not sure quite where to start so I’ll start with the thought that brought me back here today. ...