Tuesday, September 29, 2009

I went back to work yesterday.  It was tiring after a week of being at home.  I had forgotten how dark it is at 6 am.  It was a tough day.  I have compassionate coworkers who offered condolences and comfort and I managed to cry only three times.  Not too bad.  Hopefully, today will be tear free.

Things at home are back to normal, or what passes for normal in our house.  We had our memorial brunch and it was nice.  Three generations of family present.  There are so few of us and it seems a shame that we only all seem to get together anymore for sad occasions. 

I got my first flu shot this morning.  I opted to just roll up my sleeve and get it over with.  There will be at least one possibly two more, depending on what the CDC says about the H1N1 vaccine.  People are still grumbling about it and there has been talk of refusal but most people won't take the chance of losing their jobs. 

And it's that time again.  Blogtoberfest is back!  Last year I took the challenge and managed to post all 31 days.  I learned that there was an awful lot going on around me that I didn't pay any attention to.  Having to blog every day made me be more observant.  I won't claim that they were all good posts but I enjoyed the challenge.  Here's Tinniegirl's description of what it's all about. 

When I got back to work yesterday, there were 22 voice mails that required attention and two full clinics to deal with.  Not an ideal situation to jump into on a first day.  I managed to make it through the clinics and to deal with most of the messages.  Today I have only one med clinic and the few remaining messages and to start thinking about my Soc Rehab groups tomorrow.  I think I'll be busy. 

Have a good day!


Kate said...

Wow, busy day yesterday. I'm going to join Blogtoberfest, in an effort to find more things to blog about other than work and my knitting. I hope it works!

amy said...

Good luck on a tear free day. I hate being ambushed by tears, and I hate crying in front of other people.

I love your maple leaf picture. Ours are turning beautiful colors already.

Sheepish Annie said...

Getting back into the routine is always the hardest part, I think. The very idea of living life again somehow makes it all seem more real. I remember my mother dragging out dealing with her own mother's estate because it was easier than letting go. I think she cried more when all those papers were finally signed that she did at the funeral.

Hang in there and take it one day at a time!

Bezzie said...

We should move to Canada. No flu shots because of an unpublished study! I think the crazy busy will be good for you...but I could be projecting my own coping mechanisms there. Hugs either way!

Rose Red said...

Hope you can organise or have more family get togethers that aren't for sad occassions.

I'm still thinking about Blogtoberfest...

Alwen said...

Our family is that way, too. People might bail on a wedding or Christmas, but they are sure to be there for the funeral. *sigh*

Bells said...

I'm so glad you're joining in. It was your comments on blogtoberfest from last year that stayed with me when i was considering doing it this year, so thank you!

Amy Lane said...

I have a friend who lost her father in the week between her very private wedding and her large-scale wedding reception. She held the reception--but posted a big sign that said PLEASE DON'T TALK ABOUT IT. Most of us respected that--because DAMN condolences make it harder.

Have a lovely, smooth, normal boring day.

roxie said...

You go ahead and cry all you need to. It's healthy and understandable and good for you!! And be patient with yourself. You have had a hellaciously stressful year. Be generous with your "Doing nothing" time. Let the dust accumulate. Watch silly movies, read entertainng books. Accept comfort where you find it and hug everyone who will let you.

I'm doing Blogtoberfest, too. And November is National Novel Writing Month when people try to write a fifty thousand word novel in one month. Don't know if I'm gonna try that. Too much knitting to get done.

Hugs and tender gentle kiss on the nose.

Jeanne said...

Good luck getting back into the swing of things - its always so hard...hope it goes smoothly.

MadMad said...

Glad to hear you're doing well! (Well, I mean, other than the 22 emails!)


Good morning and welcome to my January.  I’m not sure quite where to start so I’ll start with the thought that brought me back here today. ...