Friday, September 11, 2009

I'm sitting at my desk at work and I wish I could show you what it looks like out my window. There's a tree that is blowing this way and that in the wind. It's dark. Very dark (except for the flashes of lightning). The thunder seems to rumble on forever and the rain is pelting down like nobody's business. Pedestrians are trying to angle their umbrellas toward the driving rain but I know it's not helping because I was doing the same thing about a half hour ago. My pants are wet from the knees down and my shoes are wet. I'm thankful that the a/c seems to be turned down somewhat today or I would freeze. The only good thing you can say is that it's Friday and not Monday.

I made some chocolate chip cookies for a potluck lunch today and left them home. Having to deal with the storm kinda threw me.

Tomorrow is the Garden State Sheep Show. It's supposed to rain early in the day and gradually clear up. But the show, like all animal related shows, is in a field. Which is being poured on today so will probably be very soggy tomorrow. Sunday is supposed to be the nicer day so maybe we'll alter our plans and do the laundry and grocery shopping tomorrow and save the sheep show for Sunday. I don't mind a little rain but this is a bit much.

Not much going on knit wise. I am browsing yarns with Kate to decide what to use to make her Road to Avalon sweater. Be still my heart, she may not choose blue. I haven't done any work on the bayerische socks because they require concentration that I haven't had this week. I'm not sure why. My office mate is out sick. He called yesterday to tell me they think he had H1N1 (formerly known as the swine flu) and now has pneumonia. Since we share the same air and he was sneezing violently before he left on Tuesday, I stop and worry about every sniffle and sneeze myself. So far, so good. I really don't want to get sick. Our sick policy here is draconian so people (like my office mate) come into work sick which just spreads the illness around. They are making noises about making flu shots mandatory this year for all staff. I don't usually get one (long story) and I'm not sure they can force me. There are a few of us who choose to opt out and usually have to sign a form saying we refused the innoculation. Since the vaccine is not available until October at the earliest, I'm not going to borrow trouble. A lot can happen in a few weeks.

I have a Crisis mgmt group this morning. 20 people to train in basic self defense and verbal de-escalation. I thought it was next week so I'm only partly prepared. I'm off to refresh myself on the material and prepare the room. Have a good weekend! I hope it's dry enough for whatever you have planned.

The worst of the storm seems to have passed, at least it's lighter out the window. But the a/c seems to have kicked on. Good thing I have on wool socks......


amy said...

Can they make you get the vaccine because you're in a health care field? Otherwise I can't see how they could force it. I don't get flu shots either. I'm still trying to figure out how/if H1N1 is worse than "seasonal" flu, which gave my kid pneumonia anyway. Now we think the baby might be allergic to eggs, and I'm nursing the baby, so I don't want to inject either of us with a vaccine made with eggs, which I'm pretty sure the flu shot is.

Anyway. Take some vitamin C and echinacea, and hope for the best! I'm sending good health vibes down southward. It'll meet your rain in the middle (we have rain but no thunder yet).

roxie said...

Gargle once or twice a day with salt water. It washes the viruses out of your throat. And of course, wash your hands and don't touch your face. I gather that the worst part of h1n1 is the fever, and grownups can cope with high fever rather well. And the seige doesn't seem to last long. Since I, like you, deal with the great unwashed, I have already started upping my vitamins and getting my rest. Hey, our ancestors survived Bubonic Plague. We are sturdy stock!

Bezzie said...

I refuse flu shots as well. I'm dreading next week when I know I'm going to get guilt tripped by the ped into getting one for Mooch when they come out. I got Chunky the flu shot when he was a baby and the panic was going around (ever notice there's a panic every year???) and I have NEVER seen him so sick EVER. Even to this day.

Good luck at the show!! Hopefully you won't get rained out! I gave up on the blowy umbrella today and just got wet!

Bells said...

those draconian laws in your workplace has have just always astounded me!

We've got a boss off with pneumonia and it doesn't look fun!

Bells said...

ps they said I probably had H1NI when I was sick last month but they're not testing here now unless you're someone at risk (elderly, pregnant etc). It's pretty awful. I hope you don't get it.

Rose Red said...

Hope you aren't flu-ey and the rain clears up so you can go the show (or invest in some gumboots, if you don't have any already?)

Galad said...

Hope you stay healthy and have a great weekend.

Amy Lane said...

Yeah--we're not big on vaccines here either. It's a little scary, but after getting sick fairly regularly as small children, my kids grew up to be almost bombproof as teenagers, and I'm a big fan of natural immunity.


Good morning and welcome to my January.  I’m not sure quite where to start so I’ll start with the thought that brought me back here today. ...