Saturday, October 3, 2009

Good morning! 

Things that make me happy, part 3.

Having an impromptu date with my husband.

Flirty emails from said husband received at work.

Being told I'm the prettiest woman in the room.

We had no plans to go out last night after work.  But, then, Borders sent me 5 dollars in Borders Rewards for using my Borders card and of course I had to use them.  I emailed Pk and asked him if he wanted to go out and we decided to have a date.    We chose our local Mexican restaurant where some delicious shrimp fajitas were consumed along with handmade tortillas. Then we went to Borders where I perused the latest knitting magazines (none I wanted to buy) and Pk checked out the woodworking magazines.  We bought a new comic book to add to our collection.  We love comic books!  We own many and are always on the look out for new ones.  I did some knitting on a plain sock made out of some very colorful opal yarn.  It was a nice way to spend a Friday night after a long week.

I asked Peter Kevin for a photo of his tree and here it is.  This is the tree with the wedges inserted to help split it down it's length.  It split almost all the way through.  There are a few inches on the bottom that need to be chainsawed.  We had to get some tow straps to roll it over so he can cut the rest of the way through the trunk.  You can see the little bit at the bottom of the photo on the right that still has to be cut.  Hickory is heavy wood.  This is too heavy for my car so Big Jim is bringing a pickup truck to help haul it back.  Pk is going to see if there is a mill near that will cut it into boards for him and if it's not too expensive, we'll take it there.  That way he won't waste too much wood trying to cut it with his tools.  I can't wait to see the wood inside the tree.  I'll take a photo on Sunday when they finish the cutting. 

And now it's time to get to the clothes washing.  All those winter clothes need to be washed and folded and put away.  The summer clothes need to be sorted and folded and put into the boxes.  This will take most of the day.

I hope you're finding some fun to have today.


roxie said...

How wonderful to have dates with your husband! And how wonderful to share a love for comics. What did you get? Are you familiar with Astrix and Obelix? And do you follow Girl Genius?

Alwen said...

I think that's one reason my husband married me: he knew I would never try to separate him from his games and comics.

Hickory is tough to split, all right. We hired a guy to help split wood last fall, and I could tell every time they got into some hickory just by the sounds it made.

Rose Red said...

Thanks for the tree pictures!

I love that you had an impromptu date, that's very cool!

Bells said...

isn't it wonderful to be adored?

I love date nights too. We try to make them really low key like that too - nice and easy going, pleasant company etc.

Great looking tree!

Amy Lane said...

The tree is pretty cool-- and I love getting e-mails from my husband at work!


Good morning and welcome to my January.  I’m not sure quite where to start so I’ll start with the thought that brought me back here today. ...