Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Here comes the sun
Here comes the sun
And I say it's alright.........
(McCartney and Lennon)

It's better than alright!  It feels so nice to have sun on my face and to see people walking slowly down the street without umbrellas.  Too bad I have to be at work.  Especially since the 7 day forecast shows the sunny weather holding until, you guessed it, Friday. 

I'm feeling a little under the weather today.  My throat is sore and my ears hurt and my head is full.  It seems like everyone around here is walking around sick or near sick.  The doctor I spent the afternoon with yesterday sounds like death warmed over.  If I get really sick, I'm totally blaming her. 

There's a discussion on ravelry on the  Yarn board about why people stash yarn.  People get really apologetic about their stash (or boodle) and they also get really defensive.  The original poster just asked "why do you stash" .  I was curious and so started to read some of the responses.  The number of reasons for yarn stashes is as large as the number of people who have them!  I'm not much of a stasher (although Pk might disagree with that).  I have a tote full of sock yarn but I know I'll use all of it for socks for myself and others and I like making socks (sounds like justification, doesn't it?).  I don't have much in the way of other yarns.  I tend to figure out what I want to make and go out and find it and only buy what I need.  Maybe because I can't guestimate how much I'll need for an average sweater so I don't just buy lots of yarn.  I haven't been knitting for that long and maybe it'll change but I don't think so.  I don't have the space for one thing!  Kate is probably moving back into her room for a while and there goes my craft room.  I had to move my totes of roving and the carder into my bedroom. 

The space in the bedroom is finite despite what we keep telling ourselves.  Pk likes it when I spin in the bedroom while he plays on the computer.  He likes the sound of the wheel and he likes to watch.  So, the wheel has moved into the bedroom for now.  Someday when we win the lottery and can rennovate the house to accomodate our crafts, this will all change.  I envision a room just for my sewing machine and spinning wheel and fiber.  A room with lots of windows and light.  And a big comfy chair to sleep/knit/read in. 
Nice dream, that.

But the dream is over and the phone on my desk is ringing.  Again.  Sigh.

It seems like years since it's been clear.......
Here comes the sun......


Saren Johnson said...

Grilltech is the same way, he likes the sound of the wheel. Too bad I didn't like spinning that much. I'd much rather knit.

We've got sun and wind. Happy fall.

Rose Red said...

It's amazing what a difference a bit of sunshine can make isn't it. Hope it stays sunny over your weekend (and that you aren't coming down with any sicky sickness)

Galad said...

Your future knitting/spinning room with the windows sounds like a wonderful goal.

Amy Lane said...

Happy fall! And I stash horribly. I think I do it because it's potential. Every little ball is unrealized potential--and so many parts of my life are just locked into what needs to be.

Bells said...

oh i think we all dream of that room. the soft furnishings might change but I think the basic idea is the same!

Alwen said...

That's one good thing about the rain: it makes the sun feel so wonderful!

DPUTiger said...

I have stash. I have a pretty good sized stash, both of yarn and fabric.

I started to reeeally build it when I was thinking a move was imminent. I wanted to have "toys" to play with if I was without a good LYS or LQS for a while. I did eventually move and I did continue to build stash. Now that I'm unemployed, I'm really glad that I did. I haven't bought yarn since the start of September and I'm knitting from stash! And using my fabric stash! And still have plenty of things I want to make, and all of the materials at my fingertips (well, in my house) to be able to do what I want to do.

So that's why I stash. Fortunately, I have a wonderful husband who doesn't have a problem with my hobbies. One of the many reasons why he's definitely a keeper!


Good morning and welcome to my January.  I’m not sure quite where to start so I’ll start with the thought that brought me back here today. ...