Thursday, October 29, 2009

I want to thank Em for writing the post for yesterday.  She had offered to do it a while ago and surprised me at work with an email with a ready made post.  Thanks sweetie!

One of my favorite comic strips is Non Sequitur.  I love it.  This was today's strip  You can see it bigger here.  The signs on the gate say " Wrong religion entrance" on the left and "Right religion entrance" on the right.  I like it when a seemingly innocuous source like a comic strip causes me to think.  What if God is sitting there all amused as we down here are adamant that our way is the 'right' way?    That made me smile this morning.  I think we all get the heaven/hell we deserve in the end no matter what your religion.  The best we can do is to treat each other with the kindness and caring we hope to receive in return.  The older I get, the more firmly I believe this. 

I was pleased to find that my shoes were delivered yesterday just as promised.  You know what's cool?  Putting yor feet into shoes that feel good immediately with no 'breaking in' period.  These feel good on my feet.  Just enough arch support and lots of room at the toes.  I have very round feet.  My toes don't come to a point by any stretch of the immagination.  I keep this in mind when I make socks for myself.  I make the toes nice and round.  I like my shoes to be nice and round, too.  I hate for my toes to be all squished together.  The style for very pointy toed shoes seems to be in fashion again.  It's a good thing I don't worry too much about being in vogue.

I spoke to Pk about writing a guest post for me for the end of Blogtoberfest.  He said he'd try tonight.  I promised to print it as is (ok, I'll fix the spelling.  I believe spelling is an innate talent and some people don't have it) and not to edit his words. 

I hope you are having a good Thursday wherever you are.  I hope your shoes are comfortable and your feet are covered with handknit socks!



roxie said...

Thanks to you, I CAN have my feet covered with hand-knit socks. Many thanks to you!

I agree with you a hundred percent. God is so vast that no mere human can fully conceive of him/her. So we worship as much as we can understand. The Fire God and the Goddess of the Moon are both aspects of God. There is no wrong religion.

Saren Johnson said...

Personally I love the Frantic's take on it.

Kaye said...

You know my shoes WERE comfy today and I was wearing handknit socks. It was a Eurpoean union. Doc Martens and German Flag socks.

Bells said...

oh yes! A post from PK! I'll look forward to that. Sean worried I'd change his too but I only broke up some of his irritatingly long sentences!

Denise said...

Love the cartoon, Non Sequitur is a favourite of mine too :)

Dotter and I saw a guy this week, in a business suit, talking on his mobile phone, looking all self-important, with the most impossibly long pointed shoes! They looked like black shiny clown shoes - we just laughed as we drove by ;) Enjoy your comfy round toed shoes!

Denise said...

Love the cartoon, Non Sequitur is a favourite of mine too :)

Dotter and I saw a guy this week, in a business suit, talking on his mobile phone, looking all self-important, with the most impossibly long pointed shoes! They looked like black shiny clown shoes - we just laughed as we drove by ;) Enjoy your comfy round toed shoes!

Rose Red said...

The best shoes are ones that are comfortable straight away, no silly blisters or band aids required!

But too hot for handknit socks here today! (hurrah!)

Amy Lane said...

Yeah-- I was in a spot today where I was told repeatedly that "Only those in X religion can truly know heaven." Hard for my daughter, hard for me... we both felt pretty much as you do. Our hearts matter. Good deeds matter. God (ess?) sees the big picture. Details are forgotten, landscape endures.


Good morning and welcome to my January.  I’m not sure quite where to start so I’ll start with the thought that brought me back here today. ...