Wednesday, October 14, 2009

I'm going to live dangerously and postpone today's post until later tonight so I can put some actual knitting/spinning content in.  Kate has promised to bring back my camera and verizon has promised us internet so I'll wait.

But just in case here's some happy things for today

-having a husband who always has warm hands (when I always have cold ones)
-having said husband be willing to hold my cold hands
-having to work only a half day (even if it's because of the electron malfunction at our house.)  A half day is a half day!

Hopefully, later tonight I will be able to post from home and show you my "warm wine" colored roving that is slowly becoming warm wine colored yarn.  And I have to go find the mittens I was making and finish them.  Only 46 (7 C) tomorrow.


roxie said...

Hooray for half-days! Hooray for warm-handed husbands! (Does he let you touch him with those popsicle toes?)Hooray for the return of the home internet!!

Em said...

Having a workplace that lets you use the internet recreationally is pretty cool, isn't it? I hope you get teh interwebs at the house again soon, it's nice to be able to browse from bed. Does the alpaca for Dadumm's sweater know you're cheating on it?

Bells said...

A husband with warm hands in one of the nicest things about being married to mine. His hands are warm and soft and holding them in always a pleasure! You are right!

Jeanne said...

Yay for a half day! Hope you enjoyed yourself (even without the internet). Stay warm tomorrow!

Bezzie said...

I'll raise you a husband that scratches backs...mmm...purrrrrr.....;-)


Good morning and welcome to my January.  I’m not sure quite where to start so I’ll start with the thought that brought me back here today. ...