Thursday, October 22, 2009

Today didn't turn out quite as we planned but it was a good day nonetheless.  When I woke up this morning, I felt really out of sorts.  Just under the weather, not really sick but I was really crampy and headachy. 

So we decided to scrap the plan and just stay home and putz around.  It was a good choice.  Pk worked in the garage and I spun quite a bit of alpaca.  I enjoy spinning that more than anything.  I like the way it feels and it doesn't need a lot of concentration because the color is consistent so it's a contentment kinda thing.  I have another hank drying and two bobbins ready to be plied.  I'm going to work steadily on this so that when the weather gets really cold, I can knit the sweater at night while I sit under a blanket. 

I had a monkey sock about 2/3 done but was not happy with the fabric.  I used the needles specified (2.5) and the pattern looked ok but when I got to the heel, it just looked too loose.  Did I stop and rip then?  Of course not.  I kept going all the while saying, "I don't really like the fabric but maybe I'll like it better tomorrow". (yea, I know, that River in Egypt) Well, finally last night I came to my senses and ripped the entire thing out and restarted it on 2.25's.  I think it'll be better.

Here's a couple pictures from my hooky day.  These are the last of the mums out front of my house.  We need to put some more in to balance the bed out but these are some that have come back over and over.  I love the color.
This is my neighbor's tree.  I love watching the color change.  It's really two trees but when you see them from my front step, it looks like one perfect tree.  It usually puts on the most beautiful show.  It's just starting.  And look at that blue sky.  We really do have a beautiful planet.  Days like today make me really appreciate it.

One day left in the week and then the weekend!  I have to actually get the winter clothes out this weekend.  The last time we planned it, we lost interest and chose to put it off.  But we are running out of time.  Although the weather has been beautiful this week, the cold is hiding around the corner. 

Dinner is over. Pk is playing his computer game and yelling at the computer (and the other people playing).  I'm relaxing and enjoying the last of the day off.  Now, I'm going to browse the Dansko website for a new pair of shoes.  I love them and although they're expensive, they last 4 years of near every day wear.  They feel good on my feet.  My brown pair is looking really worn and as a birthday gift, I'm getting a new pair.  Hopefully, the store near me will have what I want in my size and I won't have to order them. 

Have a good evening!


Bells said...

Oh can you take progressive photos of the tree? You've shown it before and I remember it but it'd be lovely to watch it change with you!

Those red flowers! Gorgeous!

Olivia said...

yes I would love to watch the tree change with you, too. One of the things I love about Canberra is the deciduous trees & watching them change with the seasons.

Putzing around the house is, hands down, my favourite way to spend a day. Sorry you weren't feeling well but I hope you feel refreshed for work anyway.

DPUTiger said...

I was really enjoying my Danskos until I got a pair of Keen mary janes. Now I wear those at every opportunity. Gotta show off the socks!

Glad you got a mental health day. Those are always the best.

Galad said...

Beautiful tree - yes more pictures please!

Rose Red said...

I love those red flowers! And putzing around the house.

And new shoes are totally deserved for your birthday!

roxie said...

Burthday shooos! Squeee!

I think those of us who went through the HongKong flu are just getting a few days of lassitude in response to H1N1. Rest is good for the immune system, and I applaud you for getting it!

Spinning alpaca has to be one of the most meditative things in the world. And such a serene color, too. I bet your energy flow is as smooth and pliant as well-kneaded bread dough.

One more vote for successive tree photos.

Bezzie said...

Your mums are beautiful too!!! Yes do the tree thing--and I'll try to find that tree film I took years ago!


Good morning and welcome to my January.  I’m not sure quite where to start so I’ll start with the thought that brought me back here today. ...